PLEBEIAN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PLEBEIAN?

Need another word that means the same as “plebeian”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “plebeian” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Plebeian” are: pleb, proletarian, commoner, common person, man in the street, person in the street, woman in the street, working-class person, worker, working person, common, unwashed, vulgar, lower-class, low-class, working-class, mean, humble, lowly, low, of low birth, ignoble, undistinguished, uncultured, uncultivated, unrefined, lowbrow, philistine, uneducated, unpolished, provincial, rustic

Plebeian as a Noun

Definitions of "Plebeian" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “plebeian” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • (in ancient Rome) a commoner.
  • A member of the lower social classes.
  • One of the common people.

Synonyms of "Plebeian" as a noun (10 Words)

common personA piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area.
commonerA person who has a right over another’s land, e.g. for pasturage or mineral extraction.
A commoner s gown.
man in the streetAny living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage.
person in the streetA human body (usually including the clothing.
plebOne of the common people.
proletarianA member of the working class (not necessarily employed.
They are true proletarians.
woman in the streetA human female employed to do housework.
workerA member of the working class (not necessarily employed.
Workers of the world unite.
working personA mine or quarry that is being or has been worked.
working-class personA human body (usually including the clothing.

Usage Examples of "Plebeian" as a noun

  • The feeling was shared by plebeians, gentry, and clergy.

Plebeian as an Adjective

Definitions of "Plebeian" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “plebeian” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Of or associated with the great masses of people.
  • Of or belonging to the commoners of ancient Rome.
  • Lacking in refinement.
  • Of or belonging to the lower social classes.

Synonyms of "Plebeian" as an adjective (23 Words)

commonCommonly encountered.
The two republics common border.
humble(of a thing) of modest pretensions or dimensions.
A humble apology.
ignobleOf humble origin or social status.
Something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude.
lowVery low in volume.
A low bow.
low-classOccupying the lowest socioeconomic position in a society.
lowbrowCharacteristic of a person who is not cultivated or does not have intellectual tastes.
Lowbrow tastes.
lower-classOccupying the lowest socioeconomic position in a society.
lowlyOf low birth or station (`base’ is archaic in this sense.
A lowly corporal.
In a mean mood.
of low birthSubdued or brought low in condition or status.
philistineSmug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values.
There were displays to inspire even the most philistine of visitors.
proletarianBelonging to or characteristic of the proletariat.
A proletarian ideology.
provincialOf or concerning the regions outside the capital city of a country, especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded.
Provincial elections.
rusticHaving a simplicity and charm that is considered typical of the countryside.
Rustic pottery.
uncultivated(of land) not used for growing crops.
Uncultivated land.
unculturedNot characterized by good taste, manners, or education.
To my uncultured palate most of the wines were good.
undistinguishedNot worthy of notice.
An undistinguished career.
uneducatedNot having a good education.
Women from uneducated backgrounds.
unpolishedNot carefully reworked or perfected or made smooth by polishing.
His work is unpolished and sometimes incoherent.
unrefinedNot processed to remove impurities or unwanted elements.
Unrefined sugar.
unwashedNot having been washed.
The unwashed masses.
working-classWorking for hourly wages rather than fixed (e.g. annual) salaries.

Usage Examples of "Plebeian" as an adjective

  • He is a man of plebeian tastes.
  • His square plebeian nose.
  • Two dancers, one royal and one plebeian.

Associations of "Plebeian" (30 Words)

acceptationA particular sense or the generally recognized meaning common acceptation of a word or phrase.
accustomedIn the habit of or adapted to.
His accustomed thoroughness.
bourgeoisA bourgeois person.
Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property.
centurionThe commander of a century in the ancient Roman army.
citizenA legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.
A British citizen.
civilRelating to civil law.
They try to work out their differences in a civil manner.
civilianRelating to civilians.
Civilian clothing.
commonHaving no special distinction or quality widely known or commonly encountered average or ordinary or usual.
We spent the morning tramping over the common looking for flowers.
commonerA person who has a right over another’s land, e.g. for pasturage or mineral extraction.
Commoners centuries old grazing rights.
commonplaceA notable passage in a work copied into a commonplace book.
Unemployment was commonplace in his trade.
consularRelating to the ancient Roman consuls, two annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic.
Rome once again held consular elections.
customaryCommonly used or practiced; usual.
It is customary to mark an occasion like this with a toast.
inveterate(of a feeling or habit) long-established and unlikely to change.
An inveterate gambler.
leaderA person who rules or guides or inspires others.
A leader in the use of video conferencing.
legionA vast multitude.
Her fans are legion.
legionaryOf an ancient Roman legion.
The legionary fortress of Isca.
mundaneRelating to or denoting the branch of astrology that deals with the prediction of earthly events.
Not a fairy palace yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind.
A political nonentity.
normalConforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm not abnormal.
Her temperature was above normal.
ordinaryAny of several conventional figures used on shields.
Not out of the ordinary.
populousDensely populated.
The populous city of Shanghai.
prevailBe larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance.
He prevailed upon her to visit his parents.
prevalentPredominant; powerful.
The social ills prevalent in society today.
quotidianOf or occurring every day; daily.
His story is an achingly human one mired in quotidian details.
residentA person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.
An intangible computer program resident on a magnetic disk.
routineOrganize according to a routine.
I settled down into a routine of work and sleep.
tribuneThe apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop’s throne.
unexceptionalNot special in any way; lacking distinction.
An unexceptional movie.
usualCommonly encountered.
Their room was a shambles as usual.

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