Need another word that means the same as “humiliated”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “humiliated” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Humiliated” are: embarrassed, mortified, broken, crushed, humbled, low
Humiliated as an Adjective
Definitions of "Humiliated" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “humiliated” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride.
- Subdued or brought low in condition or status.

Synonyms of "Humiliated" as an adjective (6 Words)
broken | Out of working order busted is an informal substitute for broken. The coke machine is broken. |
crushed | Deformed, pulverized, or forced inwards by compression. I was crushed was I not good enough. |
embarrassed | Feeling or caused to feel ill at ease or self-conscious or ashamed. He had to sort out the embarrassed financial affairs of his brother. |
humbled | Low or inferior in station or quality. |
low | Very low in volume. A low cut black dress. |
mortified | Made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride. Felt mortified by the comparison with her sister. |

Usage Examples of "Humiliated" as an adjective
- Humiliated that his wife had to go out to work.

Associations of "Humiliated" (30 Words)
abase | Behave in a way that belittles or degrades (someone. I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees. |
belittle | Lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. She belittled Amy s riding skills whenever she could. |
chagrin | Feel distressed or humiliated. He was chagrined when his friend poured scorn on him. |
compromising | Vulnerable to danger especially of discredit or suspicion. She found herself in a compromising situation. |
criticism | A serious examination and judgment of something. The senator received severe criticism from his opponent. |
debase | Corrupt debase or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones. War debases people. |
decry | Publicly denounce. They decried human rights abuses. |
defame | Charge falsely or with malicious intent. The journalists have defamed me. |
degradation | A low or downcast state. A trail of human misery and degradation. |
degrade | Lower the grade of something; reduce its worth. He was degraded from his high estate. |
demean | Do something that is beneath one’s dignity. I had demeaned the profession. |
demote | Assign to a lower position; reduce in rank. The head of the army was demoted to deputy defence secretary. |
denigrate | Criticize unfairly; disparage. Doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country. |
deprecate | Express strong disapproval of; deplore. Avoid the deprecated blink element that causes text to flash on and off. |
deprecatory | Expressing disapproval; disapproving. Deprecatory remarks about the book. |
derogate | Detract from. This does not derogate from his duty to act honestly and faithfully. |
disappointment | A person or thing that causes disappointment. The job proved a disappointment. |
disdain | Look down on with disdain. He disdained to discuss the matter further. |
disgrace | Bring shame or dishonor upon. You have disgraced the family name. |
disparage | Express a negative opinion of. She disparaged her student s efforts. |
disrepute | The state of being held in low esteem. Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute. |
downgrade | Reduce to a lower grade, rank, or level of importance. Downgrades by debt rating agencies outnumber upgrades by five to one. |
infamy | An evil or wicked act. A day that will live in infamy. |
inhuman | Without compunction or human feeling. The inhuman scale of the dinosaurs. |
mortify | Hold within limits and control. Mortify the flesh. |
opprobrium | A state of extreme dishonor. The opprobrium of being closely associated with gangsters. |
permafrost | Ground that is permanently frozen. Hilly terrain underlain by permafrost. |
relegate | Refer to another person for decision or judgment. People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms. |
shame | Cause to be ashamed. She shames me with her eighty year old energy. |
stultify | Cause to appear foolish. Nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself. |