Need another word that means the same as “skinny”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “skinny” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Skinny” are: boney, bony, scraggly, scraggy, scrawny, underweight, weedy, tight-fitting, tight fitting, tightfitting, cheeseparing, close, near, penny-pinching, thin, angular, gaunt, skin-and-bones, emaciated, skeletal, pinched, undernourished, underfed
Skinny as an Adjective
Definitions of "Skinny" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “skinny” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Of or relating to or resembling skin.
- (of a pair of jeans or trousers) tight-fitting and with very narrow legs.
- (of a person or part of their body) unattractively thin.
- Fitting snugly.
- (of a garment) tight-fitting.
- Being very thin.
- Giving or spending with reluctance.
- (of coffee) made with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk.

Synonyms of "Skinny" as an adjective (23 Words)
angular | Having angles or an angular shape. Adam s angular black handwriting. |
boney | Having bones especially many or prominent bones. |
bony | Being very thin. A bony shad fillet. |
cheeseparing | Giving or spending with reluctance. Our cheeseparing administration. |
close | Fitting closely but comfortably. You re very close about your work aren t you. |
emaciated | Abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food. She was so emaciated she could hardly stand. |
gaunt | Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold. A tall gaunt woman in black. |
near | Located on the nearside of a vehicle. A very near thing. |
penny-pinching | Giving or spending with reluctance. |
pinched | Sounding as if the nose were pinched. Her pinched toes in her pointed shoes were killing her. |
scraggly | Lacking neatness or order. A scraggly little path to the door. |
scraggy | Being very thin. An old man with a scraggy beard. |
scrawny | (of a person or animal) unattractively thin and bony. A long scrawny neck. |
skeletal | Of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton. A nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys. |
skin-and-bones | Consisting of or made up of bone. |
thin | Relatively thin in consistency or low in density not viscous. A thin layer of paint. |
tight fitting | Securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid. |
tight-fitting | Fitting snugly. |
tightfitting | Fitting snugly. |
underfed | Not getting adequate food. A horse that is underfed is likely to be dull and lethargic. |
undernourished | Having insufficient food or other substances for good health and condition. Badly undernourished. |
underweight | Below a weight considered normal or desirable. The company is still underweight in Japan. |
weedy | Being very thin. A weedy path led to the gate. |

Usage Examples of "Skinny" as an adjective
- I love jeans—either bootcut or skinny.
- A pair of skinny cords.
- A child with skinny freckled legs.
- A skinny jumper.
- One skinny latte to go, please.
- In the winter I live in skinny jeans and boots.
- His skinny arms.

Associations of "Skinny" (30 Words)
angular | Having angles or an angular shape. Her angular face. |
bone | Remove the bones from. Ask your butcher to bone the turkey for you. |
bony | Of or like bone. He held up his bony fingers. |
confined | Not free to move about. Her fear of confined spaces. |
constricted | Inhibited; restricted. A constricted view of life. |
desperate | Desperately determined. A desperate cry for help. |
elongated | Having notably more length than width; being long and slender. Picasso s elongated Don Quixote. |
gangling | Tall and thin. A gangling youth with a trace of down on his cheeks. |
gangly | Tall and thin. |
lanky | (of a person) ungracefully thin and tall. A lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man. |
lean | Cause to lean to the side. She leaned over the banister. |
lissom | Gracefully thin and bending and moving with ease. The kind of outfit that should be left to lissom teenagers. |
malnourished | Suffering from malnutrition. |
narrow | A narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water. The selection was narrowed. |
orphan | Make a child an orphan. He was left an orphan as a small boy. |
pointed | Having a sharpened or tapered tip or end. His face tapers to a pointed chin. |
poverty | The state of being extremely poor. Thousands of families are living in abject poverty. |
rod | A fishing rod. The largest carp ever caught on rod and line in Britain. |
slim | A course or period of slimming. Companies will extract all possible productivity gains from their slimmer workforces before adding people. |
square | A thing that is square or approximately square in shape. Saturn squares the Sun on the 17th. |
starving | Suffering from lack of food. The world s starving children. |
stiff | In a stiff manner. Ordinary working stiffs in respectable offices. |
tall | A garment size for a tall person. A tall glass of iced tea. |
thin | Make thin or thinner. Tall thin lettering. |
tight | Of a community or other group of people having close relations tight knit. Tight skirts. |
underweight | Apply too little weight to. The company is still underweight in Japan. |
unhealthy | Detrimental to health. His skin looked pale and unhealthy. |
width | Wide range or extent. The width of experience required for these positions. |
wiry | Of or relating to wire. His wiry black hair. |
withered | Lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness. A girl with a withered arm. |