Need another word that means the same as “border”? Find 77 synonyms and 30 related words for “border” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Border” are: molding, moulding, borderline, boundary line, delimitation, mete, edge, margin, perimeter, frontier, boundary, partition, dividing line, bounding line, surroundings, vicinity, decoration, trim, ornamentation, adornment, passementerie, embroidery, plot, area, piece, strip, row, lot, tract, parcel, bound, abut, adjoin, butt, butt against, butt on, march, environ, ring, skirt, surround, frame, frame in, enclose, encircle, circle, fringe, hem, line, flank, abut on, bound on, butt up against, be adjacent to, lie next to, neighbour, be contiguous with, touch, join, connect, meet, reach, extend as far as, verge on, approach, come close to, come near to, be near to, be comparable to, approximate to, be tantamount to, be not dissimilar to, be not unlike, be similar to, resemble, look like
Border as a Noun
Definitions of "Border" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “border” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge.
- A district near the border between two areas.
- The boundary and adjoining districts between Scotland and England.
- The edge or boundary of something, or the part near it.
- A decorative strip around the edge of something.
- A strip of ground along the edge of a lawn or path for planting flowers or shrubs.
- The boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary.
- A strip forming the outer edge of something.
- The boundary and adjoining districts between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
- A line that indicates a boundary.
- The boundary of a surface.
- A line separating two countries, administrative divisions, or other areas.

Synonyms of "Border" as a noun (30 Words)
adornment | The action of adorning something. The necktie is no longer a necessary male adornment. |
area | A sunken enclosure giving access to the basement of a building. It was a mountainous area. |
borderline | A division between two distinct or opposite things. The borderline between ritual and custom. |
boundary | The greatest possible degree of something. A boundary wall. |
boundary line | A line determining the limits of an area. |
bounding line | A line determining the limits of an area. |
decoration | Something used to beautify. A decoration won on the field of battle. |
delimitation | A line that indicates a boundary. The government is yet to pass legislation on delimitation of constituencies in the province. |
dividing line | A serious disagreement between two groups of people (typically producing tension or hostility. |
edge | The outside limit of an object, area, or surface. The water s edge. |
embroidery | Embellishment or exaggeration in the description of an event. The bazaars stock a wide variety of embroidery. |
frontier | An international boundary or the area (often fortified) immediately inside the boundary. He worked at the frontier of brain science. |
lot | The choice resulting from deciding something by lot. An inefficient lot our Council. |
margin | A profit margin. He jotted a note in the margin. |
mete | A line that indicates a boundary. |
molding | Sculpture produced by molding. |
moulding | A preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied. A decorative plaster moulding placed at the centre of a ceiling. |
ornamentation | Decorative elements added to something to enhance its appearance. The rhetorical ornamentation of text. |
parcel | A wrapped container. A parcel of rogues. |
partition | The act of dividing or partitioning separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart. Partition chromatography. |
passementerie | A decoration or adornment on a garment. |
perimeter | The outermost parts or boundary of an area or object. The perimeter of the garden. |
piece | An item that is an instance of some type. She bought a lovely piece of china. |
plot | A secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal. A bean plot. |
row | The act of rowing as a sport. Rows of barbed wire protected the trenches. |
surroundings | The environmental condition. I took up the time admiring my surroundings. |
tract | A bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain. It took courage to privatize vast tracts of nationalized industry. |
trim | The way in which a ship floats in the water, especially in relation to the fore-and-aft line. No one had been there for months everything was out of trim. |
vicinity | A surrounding or nearby region. The abundance and vicinity of country seats. |

Usage Examples of "Border" as a noun
- Geraniums are among the best of border perennials.
- Panama's western border with Costa Rica.
- Border controls.
- The unknown regions at the borders of physics and electronics.
- The rug had a wide blue border.
- A refugee camp on the border.
- She stitched a border on to one of the plain white saris.
- The northern border of their distribution area.

Border as a Verb
Definitions of "Border" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “border” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Form the boundary of; be contiguous to.
- Extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle.
- Come close to or be developing into (an extreme condition.
- Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary.
- (of a country or area) be adjacent to (another country or area.
- Form an edge along or beside (something.
- Provide with a border or edge.
- Enclose in or as if in a frame.
- Provide (something) with a decorative edge.

Synonyms of "Border" as a verb (47 Words)
abut | (of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with. Gardens abutting Great Prescott Street. |
abut on | Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary. |
adjoin | Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary. I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer s letter. |
approach | Come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character. Winter was approaching. |
approximate to | Be close or similar. |
be adjacent to | Happen, occur, take place. |
be comparable to | Be identical or equivalent to. |
be contiguous with | Have an existence, be extant. |
be near to | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
be not dissimilar to | Spend or use time. |
be not unlike | Be priced at. |
be similar to | Represent, as of a character on stage. |
be tantamount to | Be priced at. |
bound | Of an object rebound from a surface. The horse bounded across the meadow. |
bound on | Spring back; spring away from an impact. |
butt against | Place end to end without overlapping. |
butt on | Place end to end without overlapping. |
butt up against | Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary. |
circle | Form or draw a circle around. He paced away from her then circled back. |
come close to | Come forth. |
come near to | Come to pass; arrive, as in due course. |
connect | Connect fasten or put together two or more pieces. Can you connect the two loudspeakers. |
edge | Ski with one s weight on the edges of one s skis. Haynes edged to slip. |
encircle | Form or draw a circle around. The town is encircled by fortified walls. |
enclose | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. Darkness enclosed him. |
environ | Surround; enclose. The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil. |
extend as far as | Extend one’s limbs or muscles, or the entire body. |
flank | Be on each or on one side of. A flanking attack from the north east. |
frame | Place a picture or photograph in a frame. What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry. |
frame in | Take or catch as if in a snare or trap. |
fringe | Adorn with a fringe. The weaver fringed the scarf. |
hem | Fold over and sew together to provide with a hem. Hem my skirt. |
join | Cause to become joined or linked. Her brothers joined up in 1914. |
lie next to | Be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position. |
line | Be in line with form a line along. Draw a line. |
look like | Accord in appearance with. |
march | March in protest take part in a demonstration. She gripped Rachel s arm and marched her through the door. |
meet | Meet by design be present at the arrival of. Meet a violent death. |
neighbour | Be located near or adjacent to. The square neighbours the old quarter of the town. |
reach | Reach a goal. The conference reached agreement on the draft treaty. |
resemble | Appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to. Some people resemble their dogs. |
ring | Ring or echo with sound. An area of Soho had been ringed in red. |
skirt | Go along or around (something) rather than directly through or across it. The river valley skirts along the northern slopes of the hills. |
surround | Surround with a wall in order to fortify. Troops surrounded the parliament building. |
touch | Be relevant to. Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her. |
verge on | Border on; come close to. |

Usage Examples of "Border" as a verb
- The walls were bordered with carved scrolls and cornices.
- A pool bordered by palm trees.
- Regions bordering Azerbaijan.
- The states bordering on the Black Sea.
- Sam arrived in a state of excitement bordering on hysteria.

Associations of "Border" (30 Words)
abut | (of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with. A park abutting on an area of waste land. |
adjoin | Be in direct physical contact with; make contact. Canada adjoins the U S. |
boundary | The greatest possible degree of something. The river marks the boundary between the two regions. |
brink | The limit beyond which something happens or changes. At the brink of the pond I hesitated. |
circumference | The enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle. A rope two inches in circumference. |
circumscribe | Draw (a figure) round another, touching it at points but not cutting it. If a hexagon is circumscribed about a circle the lines joining opposite vertices meet in one point. |
confine | Restrict or confine. The narrow confines of political life. |
delimit | Determine the limits or boundaries of. Agreements delimiting fishing zones. |
demarcate | Separate clearly, as if by boundaries. Plots of land demarcated by barbed wire. |
edge | Ski with one s weight on the edges of one s skis. The cliff edge. |
frontier | A line or border separating two countries. International crime knows no frontiers. |
geographic | Determined by geography. The north and south geographic poles. |
hoop | Bind or fasten with a hoop. A pair of plain gold hoops. |
limit | Final or latest limiting point. The upper limit of the tidal reaches. |
limitation | A principle that limits the extent of something. The limitation of local authorities powers. |
limiting | Strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase. A limiting factor. |
margin | A profit margin. Launching these new products helped increase margins and market share. |
nearby | Close by. He slung his jacket over a nearby chair. |
outskirts | The outer parts of a town or city. They lived on the outskirts of Houston. |
parameter | A constant in the equation of a curve that can be varied to yield a family of similar curves. There are three parameters by which a speaker is able to modify the meaning of the utterance pitch volume and tempo. |
perimeter | An instrument for measuring the extent and characteristics of a person’s field of vision. The perimeter of a rectangle. |
periphery | The outside boundary or surface of something. A shift in power from the centre to the periphery. |
precinct | The police station situated in a precinct. At the precinct a desk sergeant ran through her ID. |
restrictive | Serving to restrict. Teenagers eager to escape restrictive home environments. |
rim | Roll around the rim of. A thick rim of suds. |
seacoast | The shore of a sea or ocean. |
skirt | An animal’s diaphragm and other membranes as food. She skirted the problem. |
surrounding | All round a particular place or thing. The surrounding countryside. |
verge | The limit beyond which something happens or changes. I was on the verge of tears. |