Need another word that means the same as “boredom”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “boredom” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Boredom” are: ennui, tedium, weariness, lack of enthusiasm, lack of interest, lack of concern, apathy, unconcern, languor, sluggishness, accidie, malaise, world-weariness
Boredom as a Noun
Definitions of "Boredom" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “boredom” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The feeling of being bored by something tedious.
- The state of feeling bored.

Synonyms of "Boredom" as a noun (13 Words)
accidie | Spiritual or mental sloth; apathy. |
apathy | Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Widespread apathy among students. |
ennui | The feeling of being bored by something tedious. He succumbed to ennui and despair. |
lack of concern | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
lack of enthusiasm | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
lack of interest | The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. |
languor | A feeling of lack of interest or energy. Summer shows all the languor of a hot breezeless day as the dancer lazily brushes her hand over her brow. |
malaise | A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify. A society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise. |
sluggishness | Inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy. The general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends. |
tedium | The feeling of being bored by something tedious. The tedium of car journeys. |
unconcern | The trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. He is famed for his laid back attitude his apparent unconcern about his actions. |
weariness | Reluctance to see or experience any more of something. Growing war weariness. |
world-weariness | Sadness on thinking about the evils of the world. |

Usage Examples of "Boredom" as a noun
- I'll die of boredom if I live that long.

Associations of "Boredom" (30 Words)
banal | So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. Songs with banal repeated words. |
benighted | Overtaken by night or darkness. They saw themselves as bringers of culture to poor benighted peoples. |
bored | Feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity. She s bored out of her mind. |
boring | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. A boring evening with uninteresting people. |
dull | Make or become dull or less intense. His face glowed in the dull lamplight. |
ennui | A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. He succumbed to ennui and despair. |
fatigue | Lose interest or become bored with something or somebody. Votes were showing signs of election fatigue. |
folly | Lack of good sense; foolishness. An act of sheer folly. |
humdrum | Lacking excitement or variety; boringly monotonous. A humdrum existence all work and no play. |
insensate | Without compunction or human feeling. A patient who was permanently unconscious and insensate. |
irksome | Irritating; annoying. An irksome journey. |
isolation | Denoting a hospital or ward for patients with infectious diseases. Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety. |
lackluster | Lacking luster or shine. Staring with lackluster eyes. |
loneliness | Sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned. Feelings of depression and loneliness. |
monotonous | Tediously repetitious or lacking in variety. The owl s faint monotonous hooting. |
monotony | Lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine. He had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work. |
numb | Make numb or insensitive. Too numb with fear to move. |
prosaic | Having or using the style or diction of prose as opposed to poetry; lacking imaginativeness or originality. A prosaic and unimaginative essay. |
solitude | A lonely or uninhabited place. The battle to preserve beloved solitudes flared up all over the country. |
tedious | Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous. Tedious days on the train. |
tedium | The state or quality of being tedious. The tedium of car journeys. |
tired | (especially of a statement or idea) boring or uninteresting because overfamiliar. She was tired out now that the strain was over. |
tiresome | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. Weeding is a tiresome but essential job. |
tiring | Causing one to need rest or sleep; fatiguing. It had been a tiring day. |
uninteresting | Arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement. The scenery is dull and uninteresting. |
unvaried | Lacking variety. A plain unvaried diet. |
wearing | The mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down as by particles washing over it. It would be a lot less wearing if we could work together amicably. |
wearisome | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. They have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for. |