Need another word that means the same as “monotonous”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “monotonous” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Monotonous” are: humdrum, flat, monotone, monotonic, tedious, boring, dull, uninteresting, unexciting, wearisome, tiresome, repetitive, repetitious, unvarying, unchanging, unvaried, lacking variety, ho-hum, routine, mechanical, soul-destroying, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, uneventful, unrelieved, dreary, plodding, colourless, featureless, dry as dust, uniform, monochrome, toneless, uninflected, soporific
Monotonous as an Adjective
Definitions of "Monotonous" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “monotonous” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Tediously repetitious or lacking in variety.
- Dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
- (of a sound or utterance) lacking in variation in tone or pitch.
- Sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch.

Synonyms of "Monotonous" as an adjective (35 Words)
boring | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. A boring evening with uninteresting people. |
colourless | Weak in color; not colorful. Colourless nail varnish. |
dreary | Causing dejection. A series of dreary dinner parties. |
dry as dust | Having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation. |
dull | Not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft. The dull thud. |
featureless | Lacking distinctive attributes or aspects. The featureless landscape of the steppe. |
flat | Relating to flat racing. I m sorry he said in a flat voice. |
ho-hum | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. |
humdrum | Not challenging; dull and lacking excitement. Humdrum routine work. |
lacking variety | Nonexistent. |
mechanical | Operated by a machine or machinery. Mechanical arts. |
monochrome | (of a photograph or picture, or a television screen) consisting of or displaying images in black and white or in varying tones of only one colour. |
monotone | (of a voice or other sound) unchanging in pitch; without intonation or expressiveness. The monotone housing estates of the big cities. |
monotonic | (of a function or quantity) varying in such a way that it either never decreases or never increases. Her dour monotonic husband. |
plodding | (of movement) slow and laborious. Plodding methodical Ralph Bellamy. |
prosaic | Commonplace; unromantic. The masses were too preoccupied by prosaic day to day concerns. |
repetitious | Characterized by repetition. Many hours of repetitious labour. |
repetitive | Repetitive and persistent. A repetitive task. |
routine | Performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason. It was a routine day. |
run-of-the-mill | Not special in any way. |
soporific | Sleep inducing. The motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect. |
soul-destroying | Destructive to the spirit or soul. |
tedious | Using or containing too many words. Tedious days on the train. |
tiresome | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. The tiresome chirping of a cricket. |
toneless | (of a voice or musical sound) lacking expression or interest. He began to sing in a toneless voice. |
unchanging | Showing little if any change. The party stood for unchanging principles. |
uneventful | Not marked by interesting or exciting events. A place where dull people lead uneventful lives. |
unexciting | Not exciting; dull. Lived an unexciting life. |
uniform | Denoting a garment forming part of a person s uniform. Black uniform jackets. |
uninflected | Not inflected. Her voice was flat and uninflected. |
uninteresting | Not arousing curiosity or interest. The scenery is dull and uninteresting. |
unrelieved | Not provided with relief; not aided or assisted. Flowing gowns of unrelieved black. |
unvaried | Not involving change. A plain unvaried diet. |
unvarying | Unvarying in nature. Principles of unvarying validity. |
wearisome | Causing one to feel tired or bored. They insisted on his presence at wearisome musical soir es. |

Usage Examples of "Monotonous" as an adjective
- Nothing is so monotonous as the sea.
- The statistics that he quotes with monotonous regularity.
- Her slurred monotonous speech.
- The owl's faint monotonous hooting.

Associations of "Monotonous" (30 Words)
banal | So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. Songs with banal repeated words. |
banality | A trite or obvious remark. There is an essential banality to the story he tells. |
benighted | In a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance. A storm developed and we were forced to wait benighted near the summit. |
bored | Feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity. Bored with life. |
boredom | The feeling of being bored by something tedious. I ll die of boredom if I live that long. |
boring | The act of drilling. I ve got a boring job in an office. |
bromide | A reproduction or piece of typesetting on bromide paper. Feel good bromides create the illusion of problem solving. |
dull | Make dull or blunt. A dull gaze. |
ennui | A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. He succumbed to ennui and despair. |
exhausting | Having a debilitating effect. A long and exhausting journey. |
featureless | Lacking distinguishing characteristics or features. The featureless landscape of the steppe. |
humdrum | Tediously repetitious or lacking in variety. An escape from the humdrum of his life. |
irksome | Irritating; annoying. What an irksome task the writing of long letters is. |
lackluster | Lacking brilliance or vitality. A dull lackluster life. |
leaden | Made heavy or weighted down with weariness. A leaden sky. |
monotony | Sameness of pitch or tone in a sound or utterance. Depression flattens the voice almost to monotony. |
nondescript | A nondescript person or thing. She lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block. |
prolixity | Boring verbosity. |
prosaic | Lacking wit or imagination. The masses were too preoccupied by prosaic day to day concerns. |
tedious | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. A tedious journey. |
tedium | Dullness owing to length or slowness. The tedium of car journeys. |
tired | (especially of a statement or idea) boring or uninteresting because overfamiliar. Tired clich s like the information revolution. |
tiresome | Causing one to feel bored or annoyed. The tiresome chirping of a cricket. |
tiring | Producing exhaustion. It had been a tiring day. |
uninteresting | Characteristic or suggestive of an institution especially in being uniform or dull or unimaginative. The scenery is dull and uninteresting. |
unvaried | Lacking variety. A plain unvaried diet. |
vapid | Lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest. A bunch of vapid schoolgirls. |
verbose | Using or containing too many words. Much academic language is obscure and verbose. |
wearing | Geology the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down as by particles washing over it. The visit was especially wearing. |
wearisome | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. They have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for. |