UNEVENTFUL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNEVENTFUL?

Need another word that means the same as “uneventful”? Find 25 synonyms for “uneventful” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Uneventful” are: unexciting, uninteresting, monotonous, unchanging, boring, dull, tedious, slow, flat, humdrum, routine, bland, insipid, unvaried, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, commonplace, everyday, mundane, predictable, unexceptional, unremarkable, uninspiring, unmemorable

Uneventful as an Adjective

Definitions of "Uneventful" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uneventful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Marked by no noteworthy or significant events.
  • Not marked by interesting or exciting events.

Synonyms of "Uneventful" as an adjective (25 Words)

blandLacking taste or flavor or tang.
Bland mass produced pop music.
boringSo lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.
I ve got a boring job in an office.
commonplaceRepeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Unemployment was commonplace in his trade.
dull(of activity) sluggish or slow-moving.
Dull greens and blues.
everydayFound in the ordinary course of events- Anita Diamant.
Everyday clothes.
flatOf a key having a flat or flats in the signature.
The flat roof of a garage.
humdrumTediously repetitious or lacking in variety.
Humdrum routine work.
insipidLacking flavour; weak or tasteless.
Insipid hospital food.
monotonousTediously repetitious or lacking in variety.
Nothing is so monotonous as the sea.
mundaneConcerned with the world or worldly matters.
His mundane humdrum existence.
ordinaryNot exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree.
Ordinary decency.
pedestrianLacking inspiration or excitement; dull.
Disenchantment with their pedestrian lives.
predictableCapable of being foretold.
The characters are stereotyped and extremely predictable.
routinePerformed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason.
The Ministry insisted that this was just a routine annual drill.
run-of-the-millNot special in any way.
slowSlow to learn or understand lacking intellectual acuity Thackeray.
The slow lane.
tediousUsing or containing too many words.
A tedious journey.
unchangingNot changing; remaining the same.
The party stood for unchanging principles.
unexceptionalNot special in any way; lacking distinction.
An unexceptional movie.
unexcitingNot stimulating.
Many school prospectuses are dull and unexciting.
uninspiringNot producing excitement or interest.
An uninspiring game that United scarcely deserved to win.
uninterestingNot arousing curiosity or interest.
A very uninteresting account of her trip.
unmemorableNot memorable.
Characterless boring unmemorable buildings.
unremarkableFound in the ordinary course of events.
An unremarkable house.
unvariedLacking variety.
A plain unvaried diet.

Usage Examples of "Uneventful" as an adjective

  • A place where dull people lead uneventful lives.

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