BOUGHT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BOUGHT?

Need another word that means the same as “bought”? Find 30 related words for “bought” in this overview.

Associations of "Bought" (30 Words)

acquireLearn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality.
Children acquire language at an amazing rate.
acquirementSomething acquired, typically a skill.
The acquirement of self control.
acquisitionThe cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge.
The acquisition of management skills.
auctionSell at an auction.
The painting was auctioned at Christie s.
bargainAn agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each.
She got a bargain at the auction.
biddingThe prices offered during the course of bidding for something.
Women came running at his bidding.
buyerA person who buys.
chafferHaggle about the terms of an agreement or price of something.
I chaffered in the bazaars for objects I wanted.
cheapTastelessly showy.
Local buses were reliable and cheap.
couponOf a consumer collect and use coupons or vouchers offering discounts on goods or services.
She couponed and budgeted to feed her family of six.
dealThe set of hands dealt to the players.
He rose to prominence through a series of shady deals.
discountGive a reduction in price on.
I d heard rumours but discounted them.
granteeSomeone to whom the title of property is transferred.
haggleWrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.
Let s not haggle over a few dollars.
inexpensiveNot costing a great deal; cheap.
Inexpensive family restaurants.
mallAn alley used for pall mall.
They spent their weekends at the local malls.
priceDiscover or establish the price of something for sale.
The price of gasoline.
purchaseObtain by purchase acquire by means of a financial transaction.
The large number of videos currently available for purchase.
purchaserA person who buys.
One of the club s prospective purchasers.
rebatePay back a sum of money as a rebate.
You will be entitled to a 20 per cent rebate off each standard fare.
sellSell all of one s stock of something.
The store sells hi fis TVs videos and other electrical goods.
sellerSomeone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money.
The book became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing.
sellingThe exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money.
shoppingThe commodities purchased from storeswomen carrying home shopping didn t give me a second glance.
Women carrying home shopping didn t give me a second glance.
supermarketA large self-service grocery store selling groceries and dairy products and household goods.
taxImpose a tax on someone or something.
Why are you taxing me with these preposterous allegations.
transactConduct business.
The dealer must know the price at which he is prepared to transact.
transferee(law) someone to whom a title or property is conveyed.
voucherA small printed piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that may be exchanged for goods or services.
wholesaleAt a wholesale price.
The safety clauses seem to have been taken wholesale from union documents.

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