Need another word that means the same as “bow out”? Find 30 related words for “bow out” in this overview.
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Associations of "Bow out" (30 Words)
aloha | An utterance of aloha. The aloha spirit. |
aquiline | (of a person’s nose) hooked or curved like an eagle’s beak. |
arc | Form an electric arc. The outage was caused by a bad switch that arced. |
archer | (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Sagittarius. |
archery | Shooting with a bow and arrows, especially at a target as a sport. |
badminton | A game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a net. |
bend | Bend one s back forward from the waist on down. They want to bend me to their will. |
bent | Homosexual (typically used of a man). A piece of bent wire. |
bowstring | Strangle with a bowstring a former Turkish method of execution. |
bye | A farewell remark. He had a bye in the first round. |
condescend | Treat condescendingly. Take care not to condescend to your reader. |
crouch | A crouching stance or posture. He crouched down. |
cudgel | Strike with a cudgel. They would lie in wait and cudgel her to death. |
curve | Curved segment of a road or river or railroad track etc. Her dress twisted tightly round her generous curves. |
ductile | Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. Ductile copper. |
exhale | Breathe out. The jungle exhaled mists of early morning. |
fencing | The erection of fences. The horse makes his fencing debut today. |
flex | The action or state of flexing. She saw him flex his ankle and wince. |
flexibly | In a way that bends easily without breaking. The ability of governments to respond flexibly to changing economic circumstances. |
fold | Become folded or folded up. Fold up the newspaper. |
goodbye | An instance of saying goodbye a parting. We said our goodbyes and set off. |
greeting | A polite word or sign of welcome or recognition. Mandy shouted a greeting. |
hi | A state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands. |
hooked | Curved down like an eagle’s beak. A girl who got hooked on cocaine. |
pucker | Draw together into folds or puckers. The baby stirred puckering up its face. |
refract | Subject to refraction. When refracting patients an ophthalmologist relies on verbal reports. |
salutation | (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting. He raised his glass in salutation. |
shield | A sporting trophy shaped like a shield consisting of an engraved metal plate mounted on a piece of wood. A face shield is sometimes an integral part of a safety helmet. |
stoop | Bend one’s back forward from the waist on down. I won t stoop to reading other people s mail. |
winding | The act of winding or twisting. The windings of the stream. |