Need another word that means the same as “brainwashed”? Find 30 related words for “brainwashed” in this overview.
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Associations of "Brainwashed" (30 Words)
bath | A bathroom. There was no hot water to bath in. |
bathe | Suffuse with or as if with light. They bathed the baby. |
clean | Make clean remove dirt marks or stains from. A spotlessly clean house. |
cleaner | A device for cleaning such as a vacuum cleaner. She s one of the office cleaners. |
cleanse | Rid of something unpleasant or defiling. This preparation will cleanse and tighten the skin. |
coercive | Serving or intended to coerce. Authority is directional instead of coercive. |
detoxify | Remove poison from. If they are not able to detoxify in their normal environment then they will never come off drugs. |
effervescence | Bubbles in a liquid; fizz. He was filled with such effervescence. |
indoctrinate | Teach or instruct (someone. The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples. |
laundress | A working woman who takes in washing. |
laundry | Workplace where clothes are washed and ironed. Lots of people send their sheets to a laundry these days. |
locomotive | (of a machine, vehicle, or animal) having the power of progressive motion. A diesel locomotive. |
maneuver | A plan for attaining a particular goal. He made a great maneuver. |
manipulate | Manipulate in a fraudulent manner. He manipulated public opinion in his favor. |
napkin | A baby’s nappy. She unfolded her napkin and put it on her lap. |
persuasion | The act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action. The village had two chapels for those of the Primitive Methodist persuasion. |
purge | Physically remove or expel (something) completely. Sufferers eat normally in summer but overeat and purge during winter. |
purify | Become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin. Purify the water. |
sanctify | Make legitimate or binding by a religious ceremony. A small shrine was built to sanctify the site. |
scheme | Devise a system or form a scheme for. Sheila and me were in that gang on the scheme. |
shampoo | An act of washing or cleaning something especially the hair with shampoo. An anti dandruff shampoo. |
shower | Cause a mass of small things to fall in a shower. She had a nice refreshing shower. |
steer | The type of steering of a vehicle. The ship steered into port. |
tactic | The art of disposing armed forces in order of battle and of organizing operations, especially during contact with an enemy. Basic infantry tactics were taught by guest instructors. |
tactics | The branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy. |
tub | Plant in a tub. A soak in the tub. |
turbine | A machine for producing continuous power in which a wheel or rotor, typically fitted with vanes, is made to revolve by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, air, or other fluid. |
vacuum | Clean with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the carpets. |
wash | An act of washing something or an instance of being washed. He reached for the soap and began to wash. |
weaken | Lessen in force or effect. Fault lines had weakened and shattered the rocks. |