Need another word that means the same as “brewery”? Find 30 related words for “brewery” in this overview.
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Associations of "Brewery" (30 Words)
alcohol | Drink containing alcohol. The use of petrol containing alcohol. |
alcoholic | Caused by the excessive consumption of alcohol. His alcoholic daughter was the cause of his anxiety. |
alkalinity | PH values above 7. |
anvil | The horizontally extended upper part of a cumulonimbus cloud. Anvil clouds. |
bar | The profession of barrister. He was barred from membership in the club. |
beer | A general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops. A pint of beer. |
blacksmith | A farrier. |
cannery | A factory where food is canned. |
carouse | Drink alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way. They danced and caroused until the drink ran out. |
cocktail | A mixture of substances or factors, especially when dangerous or unpleasant. We began with prawn and avocado cocktail. |
distiller | A person or company that manufactures spirits. A family owned whisky distiller. |
distillery | A place where spirits are manufactured. Scotland s southernmost malt distillery. |
drink | Any liquid suitable for drinking. This wine is really drinking beautifully. |
drinking | The act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess. He was ordered to cut down his drinking. |
factory | A person or organization that continually produces a great quantity of something specified. Factory workers. |
foundry | A workshop or factory for casting metal. |
gin | Separate the seeds from cotton with a cotton gin. Gin game. |
hammer | Hit or beat something repeatedly with a hammer or similar object. Hammer the metal flat. |
industry | Hard work. New investment incentives for British industry. |
liqueur | A chocolate with a liqueur filling. Fruit cocktail laced with liqueur. |
liquor | The liquid in which vegetables or meat have be cooked. Waste liquors. |
mead | Made of fermented honey and water. The tavern stocks beer cider perry and mead. |
sawmill | A factory in which logs are sawn into planks or boards by machine. |
scotch | Decisively put an end to. Scotch is used only informally. |
sip | Drink in sips. She was sipping her tea. |
tanner | A craftsman who tans skins and hides. Skincare companies are coming to the rescue of consumers with sunless tanners. |
tannery | Workplace where skins and hides are tanned. |
tassel | Decorate with a tassel or tassels. The banner was tasselled with silk and golden cords. |
tonic | The first note of a diatonic scale. Being needed is a tonic for someone at my age. |