BROUGHT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BROUGHT?

Need another word that means the same as “brought”? Find 30 related words for “brought” in this overview.

Associations of "Brought" (30 Words)

annuitantThe recipient of an annuity.
attractBe attractive to.
Her good looks attract the stares of many men.
basketThe quantity contained in a basket.
A basket of ten currencies.
broachOpen and start using the contents of (a bottle or other container.
The salmon broach then fall to slap the water.
bullockYoung bull.
People have dropped dead bullocking their guts out.
cartConvey or put in a cart or similar vehicle.
Weary of carting instruments around they converted an industrial space into a studio.
comeCome from be connected by a relationship of blood for example.
Come down here.
conveyTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere.
No application for registration is required when the property is conveyed following a court order.
dragThe act of dragging pulling with force.
I couldn t drag my eyes away.
elicitCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses.
The work elicited enormous public interest.
engageEngage or hire for work.
She had offered to engage a room in the house of the woman.
entailA property bequeathed under an entail.
Her father s estate was entailed on a cousin.
extortObtain through intimidation.
He attempted to extort money from the company.
extractExtract by the process of distillation.
The table is extracted from the report.
fetchThe action of fetching.
The old print fetched a high price at the auction.
getTake vengeance on or get even.
Did you get it.
gravitationalDenoting a forceful attraction or movement towards something.
For many international companies Russia s gravitational pull is simply too strong to resist.
handledHaving a usually specified type of handle.
A two handled cup.
haulThe act of drawing or hauling something.
The thirty mile haul to Boston.
haveHave sex with archaic use.
How many cars does she have.
imposeImpose and collect.
The director was unable to impose himself on the production.
lendBestow a quality on.
Stewart asked me to lend him my car.
oxUsed in names of wild animals related to or resembling a domesticated ox e g musk ox.
Laden wagons pulled by lowing oxen travel down to the coast.
pullCause to move by pulling.
Pull a horse.
takeOf a plant or seed take root or begin to grow germinate.
We take the Times every day.
towA rope or line used to tow a vehicle or boat.
A pickup van towing a trailer.
trailA trailer for a film or broadcast.
A recent television trail for The Bill.
truckConvey by truck.
Private contractors were trucking for Denali.
tumbrelA farm dumpcart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution.
wreakCause to happen or to occur as a consequence.
They would soon have a chance to wreak their revenge on the enemy.

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