Need another word that means the same as “engage”? Find 87 synonyms and 30 related words for “engage” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Engage” are: absorb, engross, occupy, prosecute, pursue, employ, hire, affiance, betroth, plight, wage, charter, lease, rent, take, lock, mesh, operate, enlist, capture, catch, arrest, grab, seize, draw, attract, gain, win, captivate, hold, grip, participate in, take part in, join in, become involved in, go in for, partake in, partake of, occupy oneself with, throw oneself into, recruit, take on, take into employment, secure the services of, put on the payroll, enrol, appoint, commission, contract, promise, agree, pledge, vow, covenant, commit oneself, bind oneself, undertake, enter into an agreement, reach an agreement, negotiate a deal, pay for the use of, book, reserve, interlock, interconnect, intermesh, fit together, join together, join, unite, connect, yoke, mate, couple, do battle with, fight with, enter into combat with, wage war on, wage war against, take up arms against, attack, mount an attack on, set upon, clash with, skirmish with, grapple with, wrest with
Engage as a Verb
Definitions of "Engage" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “engage” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Enter into combat with (an enemy.
- Pledge or enter into a contract to do something.
- (with reference to a part of a machine or engine) move into position so as to come into operation.
- Get caught.
- Ask to represent; of legal counsel.
- Engage or hire for work.
- Carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in.
- Consume all of one's attention or time.
- Establish a meaningful contact or connection with.
- Give to in marriage.
- Involve someone in (a conversation or discussion.
- Keep engaged.
- Engage for service under a term of contract.
- Reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.) in advance.
- Participate or become involved in.
- Carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns.
- Hire for work or assistance.
- Occupy or attract (someone's interest or attention.
- Arrange to employ or hire (someone.
- (of fencers or swordsmen) bring (weapons) together preparatory to fighting.

Synonyms of "Engage" as a verb (87 Words)
absorb | Become imbued. The work absorbed him and continued to make him happy. |
affiance | Be engaged to marry. Edward was affianced to Lady Eleanor Butler. |
agree | Show grammatical agreement. If they had agreed a price the deal would have gone through. |
appoint | Furnish. A beautifully appointed house. |
arrest | Suffer a heart attack. The spread of the disease can be arrested. |
attack | Attack someone physically or emotionally. Rust is attacking the metal. |
attract | Be attractive to. I did not want to attract attention. |
become involved in | Undergo a change or development. |
betroth | Give to in marriage. In no time I shall be betrothed to Isabel. |
bind oneself | Fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord. |
book | Register in a hotel booker. I have booked a table at the Swan. |
captivate | Attract; cause to be enamored. He was captivated by her beauty. |
capture | Capture as if by hunting snaring or trapping. The star captured a comet. |
catch | Catch up with and possibly overtake. Don t catch your meaning. |
charter | Grant a charter to a city company university or other body. The company was chartered in 1864. |
clash with | Disagree violently. |
commission | Put into commission equip for service of ships. The portrait was commissioned by his widow in 1792. |
commit oneself | Confer a trust upon. |
connect | Connect fasten or put together two or more pieces. All the buildings are connected by underground passages. |
contract | Enter into a contractual arrangement. Politically committed members contract into paying the levy. |
couple | Form a pair or pairs. This fact is coupled to the other one. |
covenant | Undertake to give a sum of money regularly to charity by means of a covenant. The company have covenanted 1 000 a year to the Law Library. |
do battle with | Give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally. |
draw | Represent by making a drawing of as with a pencil chalk etc on a surface. Do you want me to draw the curtains. |
employ | Put into service make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose. Temporary staff can be employed to undertake the work. |
engross | Absorb all the attention or interest of. The solicitors will submit a draft conveyance and engross the same after approval. |
enlist | Enrol or be enrolled in the armed services. He enlisted in the Royal Naval Air Service. |
enrol | Recruit (someone) to perform a service. He enrolled in drama school. |
enter into an agreement | Be or play a part of or in. |
enter into combat with | Register formally as a participant or member. |
fight with | Make a strenuous or labored effort. |
fit together | Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics. |
gain | Obtain advantages, such as points, etc. The process has gained the confidence of the industry. |
go in for | Be abolished or discarded. |
grab | Take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of. I ll grab another drink while there s still time. |
grapple with | To grip or seize, as in a wrestling match. |
grip | To grip or seize as in a wrestling match. She was gripped by a feeling of excitement. |
hire | Engage or hire for work. We flew to San Diego hired a car and headed for Las Vegas. |
hold | Have or hold in one s hands or grip. I hold to these ideas. |
interconnect | Be interwoven or interconnected. The lakes are interconnected by trails filled with joggers. |
interlock | Lock or join (things) together. Their fingers interlocked. |
intermesh | (of two or more things) mesh with one another. Neatly intermeshing and well oiled cogs. |
join | Cause to become joined or linked. She joined the department last year. |
join in | Make contact or come together. |
join together | Make contact or come together. |
lease | Hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services. Land was leased from the Duchy of Cornwall. |
lock | Build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels. We locked through at Moore Haven. |
mate | Engage in sexual intercourse. Birds mate in the Spring. |
mesh | Entangle or catch in or as if in a mesh. Their fingers meshed. |
mount an attack on | Get up on the back of. |
negotiate a deal | Discuss the terms of an arrangement. |
occupy | Fill or preoccupy the mind. The young prince will soon occupy the throne. |
occupy oneself with | Consume all of one’s attention or time. |
operate | Perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense. Neither company had operated within the terms of its constitution. |
partake in | Have some of the qualities or attributes of something. |
partake of | Consume. |
participate in | Share in something. |
pay for the use of | Bring in. |
pledge | Bind or secure by a pledge. The Prime Minister pledged that there would be no increase in VAT. |
plight | Give to in marriage. |
promise | Make a promise or commitment. I ve been promised to him for years. |
prosecute | Institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a person or organization. The company didn t prosecute because of his age. |
pursue | Engage in (an activity or course of action. The council decided not to pursue an appeal. |
put on the payroll | Cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation. |
reach an agreement | To exert much effort or energy. |
recruit | Enrol (someone) as a member or worker in an organization or as a supporter of a cause. The weakness of feudal service as a basis for recruiting an army. |
rent | Hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services. They rented a house together in Sussex. |
reserve | Arrange for and reserve something for someone else in advance. Japanese food has been presented as expensive and reserved for special occasions. |
secure the services of | Assure payment of. |
seize | Seize and take control without authority and possibly with force take as one s right or possession. The current President seized power in a coup. |
set upon | Bear fruit. |
skirmish with | Engage in a skirmish. |
take | Be designed to hold or take. Teaching methods will take various forms. |
take into employment | Have with oneself; have on one’s person. |
take on | Take on a certain form attribute or aspect. |
take part in | Experience or feel or submit to. |
take up arms against | Take into consideration for exemplifying purposes. |
throw oneself into | Organize or be responsible for. |
undertake | Accept as a challenge. A lorry driver implicitly undertakes that he is reasonably skilled as a driver. |
unite | Act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief. The two Germanys officially united. |
vow | Make a vow promise. I vowed myself to this enterprise. |
wage | Carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns. Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe. |
wage war against | Carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns. |
wage war on | Carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns. |
win | Be the winner in a contest or competition be victorious. The government is winning the battle against inflation. |
wrest with | Obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically. |
yoke | Link with or as with a yoke. Hong Kong s dollar has been yoked to America s. |

Usage Examples of "Engage" as a verb
- Engaged the gears.
- She had offered to engage a room in the house of the woman.
- Tank and infantry units engaged the enemy.
- Some are actively engaged in crime.
- The driver engaged the gears and pulled out into the road.
- He was engaged as a trainee copywriter.
- Make sure the gear is engaged.
- He ploughed on, trying to outline his plans and engage Sutton's attention.
- They engaged in a discussion.
- He engaged to pay them £10,000 against a bond.
- The teams needed to engage with local communities.
- Organizations engage in a variety of activities.
- The clutch will not engage.
- I told him I was otherwise engaged.
- Engage aid, help, services, or support.
- They attempted to engage Anthony in conversation.

Associations of "Engage" (30 Words)
allure | The power to entice or attract through personal charm. People for whom gold holds no allure. |
attract | Be attractive to. Her good looks attract the stares of many men. |
bait | Lure entice or entrap with bait. The other boys revelled in baiting him about his love of literature. |
capture | A person or thing that has been captured. Capture the essence of Spring. |
catch | Discover or come upon accidentally suddenly or unexpectedly catch somebody doing something or in a certain state. Did you catch a cold. |
clasp | Fasten (something) with a small brooch or similar device. We embraced a tight clasp with cheeks touching. |
clench | Squeeze together tightly. Her heart clenched in fear. |
clutch | The pedal operating the clutch in a vehicle. He stood clutching a microphone. |
decoy | Lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy. They would try to decoy the enemy towards the hidden group. |
delusive | Giving a false or misleading impression. Delusive expectations. |
entice | Attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage. A show which should entice a new audience into the theatre. |
fiancee | A woman who is engaged to be married. |
glamorize | Interpret romantically. The lyrics glamorize drugs. |
grab | An act of obtaining something opportunistically or unscrupulously. He made a grab for the ball before it landed. |
hijack | An incident or act of hijacking. He argues that pressure groups have hijacked the environmental debate. |
hijacker | A holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it. A hijacker of arms shipments. |
hire | Engage or hire for work. Car hire is recommended. |
hook | Bend into the shape of a hook so as to fasten around or to an object. He hooked a 24 lb pike. |
inviting | Attractive and tempting. An inviting offer. |
kidnap | The action of kidnapping someone. Militants kidnapped the daughter of a minister. |
lure | Something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed. The child was lured into a car but managed to escape. |
occupy | Occupy the whole of. The young prince will soon occupy the throne. |
pursue | Carry further or advance. The officer pursued the van. |
seduction | An act of winning the love or sexual favor of someone. The seductions of the mainland. |
seize | Seize and take control without authority and possibly with force take as one s right or possession. The army seized the town. |
snare | Catch a bird or mammal in a snare. The foxes were humanely snared. |
take | Of a plant or seed take root or begin to grow germinate. Take the gun from your pocket. |
tempt | Give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting. How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord. |
tongs | Any of various devices for taking hold of objects; usually have two hinged legs with handles above and pointed hooks below. Sugar tongs. |