Need another word that means the same as “undertake”? Find 43 synonyms for “undertake” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Undertake” are: contract, guarantee, take in charge, attempt, set about, tackle, take on, take on oneself, take up, accept, shoulder, handle, assume, manage, deal with, take responsibility for, take forward, be responsible for, give one's word, swear, pledge, vow, assure, engage, give an undertaking, give an assurance, commit oneself, bind oneself, cross one's heart, cross one's heart and hope to die, swear an oath, take an oath, covenant, affirm, promise, state, assert, declare, aver, proclaim, pronounce, profess, attest
Undertake as a Verb
Definitions of "Undertake" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “undertake” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Promise to do a particular thing.
- Enter into a contractual arrangement.
- Guarantee or affirm something; give as a formal pledge.
- Accept as a challenge.
- Commit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
- Enter upon an activity or enterprise.
- Accept as a charge.
- Promise to do or accomplish.

Synonyms of "Undertake" as a verb (43 Words)
accept | Make use of or accept for some purpose. They accepted the need to cut overheads. |
affirm | To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true. There are five common ways parents fail to affirm their children. |
assert | Postulate positively and assertively. Women should assert themselves more. |
assume | Take or begin to have (power or responsibility. It is reasonable to assume that such changes have significant social effects. |
assure | Assure somebody of the truth of something with the intention of giving the listener confidence. I quite understand Mrs Lewis assured her. |
attempt | Make an effort or attempt. The police attempted to stop the thief. |
attest | Declare that something exists or is the case. Unfortunately for him he attested. |
aver | Allege as a fact in support of a plea. The defendant does not aver any performance by himself. |
be responsible for | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
bind oneself | Wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose. |
commit oneself | Engage in or perform. |
contract | Enter into a contractual arrangement. He contracted a debt of 3 300. |
covenant | Undertake to give a sum of money regularly to charity by means of a covenant. The company have covenanted 1 000 a year to the Law Library. |
cross one's heart | Travel across or pass over. |
cross one's heart and hope to die | Travel across or pass over. |
deal with | Give out as one’s portion or share. |
declare | Declare to be. The President declared war. |
engage | Keep engaged. I told him I was otherwise engaged. |
give an assurance | Endure the loss of. |
give an undertaking | Convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture. |
give one's word | Place into the hands or custody of. |
guarantee | Stand behind and guarantee the quality accuracy or condition of. The cooker is guaranteed for five years. |
handle | Handle effectively. This blender can t handle nuts. |
manage | Be the manager of a sports team or a performer. He could not manage 24 March after all. |
pledge | Bind or secure by a pledge. The creditor to whom the land is pledged. |
proclaim | Praise, glorify, or honor. He proclaimed the car to be in sound condition. |
profess | Teach a subject as a professor. Though knowing little of the arts I professed he proved a natural adept. |
promise | Make a promise or commitment. She made him promise that he wouldn t do it again. |
pronounce | Pronounce judgment on. Gerry pronounced the hero s name Cahoolin. |
set about | Give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor. |
shoulder | Put something heavy over one s shoulder or shoulders to carry. She shouldered him brusquely aside. |
state | Indicate through a symbol, formula, etc. People will be invited to state their views. |
swear | To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true. Before God I swear I am innocent. |
swear an oath | Promise solemnly; take an oath. |
tackle | Make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task. I ll tackle this difficult task. |
take an oath | Interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression. |
take forward | Lay claim to; as of an idea. |
take in charge | Occupy or take on. |
take on | Take on a certain form attribute or aspect. |
take on oneself | Receive willingly something given or offered. |
take responsibility for | To get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort. |
take up | Accept or undergo, often unwillingly. |
vow | Dedicate to a deity by a vow. He vowed never to drink alcohol again. |

Usage Examples of "Undertake" as a verb
- A firm of builders undertook the construction work.
- A lorry driver implicitly undertakes that he is reasonably skilled as a driver.
- The firm undertook to keep price increases to a minimum.