Need another word that means the same as “proclaim”? Find 40 synonyms and 30 related words for “proclaim” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Proclaim” are: exclaim, promulgate, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, predicate, publicize, make public, make known, give publicity to, bill, post, announce, broadcast, trumpet, shout from the rooftops, give notice of, call attention to, declare, pronounce, state, give out, advertise, publish, blazon, blaze, shout something from the rooftops, speak, utter, say, voice, demonstrate, indicate, show, signify, reveal, testify to, manifest, betray
Proclaim as a Verb
Definitions of "Proclaim" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “proclaim” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of.
- Declare officially or publicly to be.
- Declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles.
- Say something emphatically; declare.
- Praise, glorify, or honor.
- Announce officially or publicly.
- Indicate clearly.
- State or announce.

Synonyms of "Proclaim" as a verb (40 Words)
advertise | Publicize information about (a vacancy. Some prisoners advertised the French of this terrible danger. |
announce | Announce publicly or officially. I have a confession to make she announced. |
betray | Deliver to an enemy by treachery. Many of those employed by diplomats betrayed secrets. |
bill | Send a bill to someone. We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel although we stayed only 3 nights. |
blaze | Indicate by marking trees with blazes. He blazed a drive into the rough. |
blazon | Display prominently or vividly. They saw their company name blazoned all over the media. |
broadcast | Broadcast over the airwaves as in radio or television. They regularly broadcast on Radio 2. |
call attention to | Greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name. |
declare | Declare to be. A number of interested parties who can t declare themselves openly. |
demonstrate | Give an exhibition of to an interested audience. Computerized design methods will be demonstrated. |
exalt | Heighten or intensify. This naturally exalts the peasant above his brethren in the same rank of society. |
exclaim | Cry out suddenly in surprise, strong emotion, or pain. I am not a Communist he exclaimed. |
extol | Praise, glorify, or honor. Extol the virtues of one s children. |
give notice of | Execute and deliver. |
give out | Inflict as a punishment. |
give publicity to | Dedicate. |
glorify | Praise glorify or honor. Glorify one s spouse s cooking. |
indicate | Indicate a place direction person or thing either spatially or figuratively. Tetracycline is indicated in such cases. |
laud | Praise, glorify, or honor. The obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier. |
make known | Act in a certain way so as to acquire. |
make public | Prepare for eating by applying heat. |
manifest | Record in a ship s manifest. The ghost manifests each year on the same day. |
post | Assign to a post put into a post. The company posted the news on its blog yesterday. |
predicate | Make the grammatical predicate in a proposition. Aggression is predicated of those who act aggressively. |
promulgate | Put a law into effect by formal declaration. In January 1852 the new Constitution was promulgated. |
pronounce | Speak pronounce or utter in a certain way. The Secretary of State will shortly pronounce on alternative measures. |
publicize | Call attention to. Use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses. |
publish | Prepare and issue the work of (a particular writer. We publish practical reference books. |
reveal | Make (something) known to humans by divine or supernatural means. The truth revealed at the Incarnation. |
say | Utter the whole of (a speech or other set of words, typically one learned in advance. The padre finished saying the Nunc Dimittis. |
shout from the rooftops | Utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy. |
shout something from the rooftops | Utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking. |
show | Show in or as in a picture. Showing a large dog is not always easy. |
signify | Be a symbol of; have as meaning. What does his strange behavior signify. |
speak | (of a musical instrument or other object) make a sound when functioning. They speak a strange dialect. |
state | Express in words. Money hasn t changed me she stated firmly. |
testify to | Give testimony in a court of law. |
trumpet | Make a loud penetrating sound resembling that of a trumpet. A jazz band trumpeted on the stage behind and the kids danced until dark. |
utter | Express audibly utter sounds not necessarily words. He uttered a curse. |
voice | Give voice to. Get teachers to voice their opinions on important subjects. |

Usage Examples of "Proclaim" as a verb
- Army commanders proclaimed a state of emergency.
- He was proclaimed King.
- The King will proclaim an amnesty.
- The government's chief scientific adviser proclaimed that the epidemic was under control.
- He proclaimed the car to be in sound condition.
- He proclaimed King James II as King of England.
- His high, intelligent forehead proclaimed a strength of mind that was almost tangible.
- He had a rolling gait that proclaimed him a man of the sea.
- She proclaimed that what I had said was untrue.

Associations of "Proclaim" (30 Words)
affirm | To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true. He refused to take the oath but chose simply to affirm on being admitted to the Privy Council. |
announce | Make known make an announcement. The President s office announced that the siege would be lifted. |
announcement | The action of making an announcement. The announcement appeared in the local newspaper. |
annunciation | A festival commemorating the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland. The annunciation of a set of rules applying to the relationships between states. |
asserting | Relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration. |
assertion | A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary. The assertion of his legal rights. |
clamor | Compel someone to do something by insistent clamoring. He ignored the clamor of the crowd. |
communique | An official report (usually sent in haste. |
declamation | Vehement oratory. Lines written for a school declamation. |
declaration | An affirmation made in place of an oath. His declaration of innocence. |
declarative | Relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple in declarative statements. Declarative statements. |
declaratory | Having the function of declaring or explaining something. A declaratory ruling in favour of the applicants. |
declare | Declare to be. He declared that he was innocent. |
emancipation | The fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation. The early struggle for emancipation from slavery. |
exclaim | Utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy. I am not a Communist he exclaimed. |
herald | Acclaim. The band have been heralded as the great hope for the nineties. |
manifesto | A public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate. He may fudge key issues in the Labour manifesto. |
news | Information reported in a newspaper or news magazine. He was back in the news again. |
notification | A request for payment. We have yet to receive formal notification of the announcement. |
outcry | Utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy. An outcry of spontaneous passion. |
predicate | What is predicated of the subject of a proposition the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula. The Pleistocene colonization of Tasmania has long been predicated. |
proclamation | The public or official announcement of an important matter. The government restricted the use of water by proclamation. |
profess | Practice as a profession teach or claim to be knowledgeable about. I don t profess to be an expert. |
promulgate | Put a law into effect by formal declaration. In January 1852 the new Constitution was promulgated. |
promulgation | A public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen. His promulgation of the policy proved to be premature. |
pronouncement | An authoritative declaration. Distrust of the pronouncements of politicians was endemic. |
statement | An official account of facts, views, or plans, especially one for release to the media. She made a statement to the police. |
verb | Use a word that is not conventionally used as a verb typically a noun as a verb. Any English noun can be verbed but some are more resistant than others. |
wow | A sensational success. They wowed audiences on their recent British tour. |
yeah | Not only so, but. |