Need another word that means the same as “employ”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “employ” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Employ” are: engage, hire, apply, use, utilise, utilize, recruit, take on, take into employment, secure the services of, sign up, sign, put on the payroll, enrol, appoint, commission, enlist, occupy, involve, keep busy, tie up, make use of, avail oneself of, put into service, employment, job, post, position, situation, day job, occupation, profession, trade, livelihood, career, business, line, line of work, calling, vocation, craft, pursuit
Employ as a Noun
Definitions of "Employ" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “employ” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The state of being employed for wages or a salary.
- Employment.
- The state of being employed or having a job.

Synonyms of "Employ" as a noun (18 Words)
business | Business concerns collectively. Gossip was the main business of the evening. |
calling | The action or sound of calling. Those who have a special calling to minister to others needs. |
career | The time spent by a person in a career. The end of a distinguished career in the Royal Navy. |
craft | An aircraft or spaceship. A craft baker. |
day job | A day assigned to a particular purpose or observance. |
employment | The action of giving work to someone. He is looking for employment. |
job | A workplace as in the expression on the job. The job of repairing the engine took several hours. |
line | A contour or outline considered as a feature of design or composition. Television blurs the line between news and entertainment. |
line of work | A mark that is long relative to its width. |
livelihood | The financial means whereby one lives. People whose livelihoods depend on the rainforest. |
occupation | A job or profession. During the German occupation of Paris. |
position | A condition or position in which you find yourself. Be familiar with the first six positions across the four strings. |
post | A goalpost. It came by the first post. |
profession | A body of people engaged in a particular profession. The legal profession has become increasingly business conscious. |
pursuit | An activity of a specified kind, especially a recreational or sporting one. The Olympic pursuit champion. |
situation | A set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. The situation between her and Jake had come to a head. |
trade | A trade wind. A significant increase in foreign trade. |
vocation | The particular occupation for which you are trained. Not all of us have a vocation to be nurses or doctors. |

Usage Examples of "Employ" as a noun
- They are looking for employment.
- Her place of employ.
- I started work in the employ of a grocer.
- He was in the employ of the city.

Employ as a Verb
Definitions of "Employ" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “employ” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Engage or hire for work.
- Give work to (someone) and pay them for it.
- Keep occupied.
- Put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose.
- Make use of.

Synonyms of "Employ" as a verb (24 Words)
apply | Apply oneself to. The oil industry has failed to apply appropriate standards of care. |
appoint | Determine or decide on (a time or a place. They appointed a day in May for the meeting. |
avail oneself of | Be of use to, be useful to. |
commission | Put into commission equip for service of ships. The aircraft carrier was commissioned in 1945. |
engage | Keep engaged. They engaged in a discussion. |
enlist | Engage (a person or their help or support. He enlisted in the Royal Naval Air Service. |
enrol | Recruit (someone) to perform a service. All entrants will be enrolled on new style courses. |
hire | Engage or hire for work. Management hired and fired labour in line with demand. |
involve | Be or become occupied or engrossed in something. Angela told me she was involved with someone else. |
keep busy | Continue a certain state, condition, or activity. |
make use of | Add up to. |
occupy | Occupy the whole of. The young prince will soon occupy the throne. |
put into service | Estimate. |
put on the payroll | Put into a certain place or abstract location. |
recruit | Enlist (someone) in the armed forces. The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants. |
secure the services of | Make certain of. |
sign | Authorize a document or other written or printed material by attaching a signature. She signed to her husband to leave the room. |
sign up | Communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs. |
take into employment | Accept or undergo, often unwillingly. |
take on | Take on a certain form attribute or aspect. |
tie up | Finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc. |
use | Habitually do something use only in the past tense. I could use another cup of coffee. |
utilise | Put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose. |
utilize | Convert (from an investment trust to a unit trust. How do you utilize this tool. |

Usage Examples of "Employ" as a verb
- How many people has she employed?
- The newcomers are employed in developing the technology into a product.
- The methods they have employed to collect the data.
- The firm employs 150 people.
- Temporary staff can be employed to undertake the work.

Associations of "Employ" (30 Words)
applicant | A person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission. Applicants for the degree course. |
application | A verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school. This principle has no application to the present case. |
apply | Apply to a surface. The same laws apply to you. |
clerk | Work as a clerk. A bank clerk. |
contracted | Reduced in size or pulled together. The contracted pupils of her eyes. |
coordinator | A word used to connect clauses, sentences, or words of equal syntactic importance (e.g. and, or, for. Subordinate clauses can be connected with a coordinator. |
employed | Put to use. Up to 40 per cent of employed people are in part time jobs. |
employee | A person employed for wages or salary, especially at non-executive level. |
employment | The state of having paid work. He is looking for employment. |
headhunter | A person who identifies and approaches suitable candidates employed elsewhere to fill business positions. A headhunter offering you a wonderful new position at a higher salary. |
hire | Engage or hire for work. They hired two new secretaries in the department. |
indenture | The state of being bound to service by an indenture. Indentures recording the number of 1377 taxpayers. |
interview | Go for an interview in the hope of being hired. Police are keen to interview two men seen nearby. |
lackey | Behave in a servile way towards (someone. He denied that he was the lackey of the Chief Secretary to the Treasury. |
mercenary | Serving for wages in a foreign army. She s nothing but a mercenary little gold digger. |
occupation | The act of occupying or taking possession of a building. A game of cards is a pretty harmless occupation. |
profession | A body of people engaged in a particular profession. His chosen profession of teaching. |
proletarian | A member of the working class (not necessarily employed. A proletarian ideology. |
recruiter | Someone who supplies members or employees. A recruiter will schedule you for an interview. |
recruitment | The incorporation of cells from elsewhere in the body into a tissue or region. Inflammatory cell recruitment. |
secretarial | Relating to the work or position of a secretary. Secretarial staff. |
semiskilled | Possessing or requiring limited skills. Semiskilled dockworkers. |
staff | Provide with staff. A staff of 600. |
subcontract | Work under a subcontract engage in a subcontract. Subcontract work. |
subcontractor | A firm or person that carries out work for a company as part of a larger project. |
vocation | A person’s employment or main occupation, especially regarded as worthy and requiring dedication. GNVQs in Leisure and Tourism will be the introduction to a wide span of vocations. |
workaholic | Person with a compulsive need to work. |
worker | Used in Marxist or leftist contexts to refer to the working class. I got a reputation for being a worker. |
workforce | The force of workers available. A quarter of Galway s manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job. |
working | A mine or quarry that is being or has been worked. In running or working order. |