Need another word that means the same as “pursue”? Find 85 synonyms and 30 related words for “pursue” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Pursue” are: engage, prosecute, follow, go after, quest after, quest for, act on, follow up on, run after, chase, give chase to, woo, court, pay court to, pay suit to, chase after, strive for, push towards, work towards, try for, seek, search for, quest, be intent on, aim at, aim for, have as a goal, have as an objective, aspire to, trouble, bother, burden, distress, cause trouble to, cause suffering to, beset, harass, worry, oppress, annoy, vex, irritate, exasperate, strain, stress, tax, engage in, be engaged in, be occupied in, participate in, take part in, work at, practise, conduct, ply, apply oneself to, go in for, take up, undertake, carry on, devote oneself to, go on with, proceed with, go ahead with, carry on with, keep on with, continue with, continue, take further, persist in, stick at, stick with, investigate, research, inquire into, look into, examine, study, review, check, scrutinize, analyse, delve into, dig into, probe
Pursue as a Verb
Definitions of "Pursue" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pursue” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Go in search of or hunt for.
- Follow in or as if in pursuit.
- Carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in.
- Engage in (an activity or course of action.
- Continue or proceed along (a path or route.
- Seek to attain or accomplish (a goal) over a long period.
- (of something unpleasant) persistently afflict (someone.
- Carry further or advance.
- Follow or chase (someone or something.
- Persistently seek to form a sexual relationship with (someone.
- Continue to investigate or explore (an idea or argument.

Synonyms of "Pursue" as a verb (85 Words)
act on | Perform an action, or work out or perform (an action. |
aim at | Point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards. |
aim for | Have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal. |
analyse | Psychoanalyse someone. This DNA can be analysed by various methods including full base sequencing. |
annoy | Cause annoyance in disturb especially by minor irritations. Your damned cheerfulness has always annoyed me. |
apply oneself to | Apply oneself to. |
aspire to | Have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal. |
be engaged in | Spend or use time. |
be intent on | Spend or use time. |
be occupied in | Spend or use time. |
beset | Decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems. She was beset with self doubt. |
bother | Take the trouble to do something. Secrecy is an issue which bothers journalists. |
burden | Load heavily. She walked forwards burdened with a wooden box. |
carry on | Have a certain range. |
carry on with | Be necessarily associated with or result in or involve. |
cause suffering to | Cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. |
cause trouble to | Give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally. |
chase | Pursue in order to catch or catch up with. The cost of the police time needed to chase up every new offence. |
chase after | Go after with the intent to catch. |
check | Write out a check on a bank account. Efforts were made to check the disease. |
conduct | Transmit a form of energy such as heat or electricity by conduction. Many metals conduct heat. |
continue | Continue talking. The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles. |
continue with | Do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop. |
court | Be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying. John is courting Mary. |
delve into | Turn up, loosen, or remove earth. |
devote oneself to | Dedicate. |
dig into | Create by digging. |
distress | Bring into difficulties or distress especially financial hardship. The news of her child s illness distressed the mother. |
engage | Keep engaged. Engage aid help services or support. |
engage in | Give to in marriage. |
examine | Question or examine thoroughly and closely. The customs agent examined the baggage. |
exasperate | Exasperate or irritate. This futile process exasperates prison officers. |
follow | Follow in or as if in pursuit. She followed dinner with a brandy. |
follow up on | To be the product or result. |
give chase to | Give or convey physically. |
go after | Continue to live through hardship or adversity. |
go ahead with | Continue to live through hardship or adversity. |
go in for | Be or continue to be in a certain condition. |
go on with | Follow a certain course. |
harass | Annoy continually or chronically. Being harassed at work can leave you feeling confused and helpless. |
have as a goal | Organize or be responsible for. |
have as an objective | Undergo. |
inquire into | Conduct an inquiry or investigation of. |
investigate | Investigate scientifically. The district attorney s office investigated reports of possible irregularities. |
irritate | Make (someone) annoyed or a little angry. It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves. |
keep on with | Retain rights to. |
look into | Perceive with attention; direct one’s gaze towards. |
oppress | Keep (someone) in subjection and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority. The government oppresses political activists. |
participate in | Become a participant; be involved in. |
pay court to | Discharge or settle. |
pay suit to | Do or give something to somebody in return. |
persist in | Continue to exist. |
ply | Apply oneself diligently. Ply fabric. |
practise | Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it. He practised as a barrister. |
probe | Examine physically with or as if with a probe. Hands probed his body from top to bottom. |
proceed with | Move ahead; travel onward in time or space. |
prosecute | Bring a criminal action against (in a trial. The company didn t prosecute because of his age. |
push towards | Sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs. |
quest | Seek alms, as for religious purposes. Things that die with their eyes open and questing. |
quest after | Search the trail of (game. |
quest for | Bark with prolonged noises, of dogs. |
research | Discover or verify information for use in (a book, programme, etc. The team have been researching into flora and fauna. |
review | Hold a review of troops. I reviewed his first novel. |
run after | Continue to exist. |
scrutinize | Examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification. He scrutinized his likeness in the mirror. |
search for | Inquire into. |
seek | Try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of. Seek an education. |
stick at | Stay put (in a certain place. |
stick with | Endure. |
strain | Rub through a strainer or process in an electric blender. The rope strained when the weight was attached. |
stress | Put stress on utter with an accent. Don t stress there s plenty of time to get a grip on the situation. |
strive for | To exert much effort or energy. |
study | Apply oneself to study. Schoolchildren studying up on their forebears games and chores. |
take further | Require as useful, just, or proper. |
take part in | Carry out. |
take up | Take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs. |
tax | Pay tax on something especially a vehicle. They taxed him failure to appear in court. |
trouble | Take the trouble to do something concern oneself. Sorry to trouble you. |
try for | Give pain or trouble to. |
undertake | Accept as a charge. A lorry driver implicitly undertakes that he is reasonably skilled as a driver. |
vex | Cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations. I wouldn t vex it will be just great if whoever borrow the pump just bring it back. |
woo | Try to gain the love of (someone), especially with a view to marriage. He wooed her with quotes from Shakespeare. |
work at | Gratify and charm, usually in order to influence. |
work towards | Give a workout to. |
worry | Be on the mind of. I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift. |

Usage Examples of "Pursue" as a verb
- A heavily indebted businessman was being pursued by creditors.
- The police car pursued the suspected attacker.
- Pursue a hobby.
- The officer pursued the van.
- We shall not pursue the matter any further.
- Andrew was determined to pursue a computer career.
- Mercy lasts as long as sin pursues man.
- Should people pursue their own happiness at the expense of others?
- She pursued many activities.
- Sophie was being pursued by a number of men.
- The road pursued a straight course over the scrubland.
- The council decided not to pursue an appeal.

Associations of "Pursue" (30 Words)
actively | In an energetic or vigorous way. Actively growing weeds. |
aggressively | In an aggressive manner. He resisted violently and continued to behave aggressively in the police car. |
ambition | Have as one s ambition. Young men and women with ambition. |
aspiration | A manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath. The needs and aspirations of the people. |
aspire | Have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal. Above the domes of loftiest mosques these pinnacles aspire. |
briskly | In an active, quick, or energetic way. He replied briskly that no one at his school had ever gone truant. |
busy | Of facilities such as telephones or lavatories unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability engaged is a British term for a busy telephone line. A busy painting. |
career | The time spent by a person in a career. The end of a distinguished career in the Royal Navy. |
desire | Express a desire for. There had been a time years ago when he had desired her. |
diligently | In a way that shows care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. He spends his nights diligently working on his dissertation. |
dream | Indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired. I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe. |
driven | Urged or forced to action through moral pressure. A chauffeur driven limousine. |
energetically | In a manner showing or involving great activity or vitality. The royal pair were dancing energetically. |
enforced | Forced or compelled or put in force. Enforced obedience. |
engage | Engage for service under a term of contract. Tank and infantry units engaged the enemy. |
engaged | Having ones attention or mind or energy engaged. Receptionists telephones are always engaged. |
enterprising | Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness. An enterprising young man likely to go far. |
fruition | The condition of bearing fruit. The plans have come to fruition rather sooner than expected. |
inquisitive | Showing curiosity. I didn t like to seem inquisitive. |
interested | Having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern. I had always been interested in history. |
longing | A yearning desire. Her longing eyes. |
obsess | Be constantly talking or worrying about something. He was obsessed with the idea of revenge. |
passion | A thing arousing great enthusiasm. Modern furniture is a particular passion of Bill s. |
practise | Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it. He practised as a barrister. |
prosecute | Carry on (a trade or pursuit. A serious threat to the government s ability to prosecute the war. |
seek | Go to or towards. A liquid seeks its own level. |
vigorously | With vigor; in a vigorous manner. He defended his ideas vigorously. |
want | Feel or have a desire for want strongly. The wheel wants greasing. |
wish | Order politely express a wish for. They wish to become involved. |
wishing | A specific feeling of desire. He was above all wishing and desire. |