Need another word that means the same as “quest”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “quest” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Quest” are: seeking, pursuance, pursuit, search, hunt, expedition, adventure, journey, voyage, trek, travels, odyssey, wandering, journeying, exploration, venture, undertaking, ask for, bespeak, call for, request, bay, seek, look, pursue, investigate, explore, probe, inspect
Quest as a Noun
Definitions of "Quest" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “quest” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The act of searching for something.
- (in medieval romance) an expedition made by a knight to accomplish a prescribed task.
- A long or arduous search for something.
- A search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria.

Synonyms of "Quest" as a noun (17 Words)
adventure | A commercial venture. I sold my East India adventure of 250 principal for 750. |
expedition | The people involved in an expedition. A shopping expedition. |
exploration | To travel for the purpose of discovery. An exploration of the African interior. |
hunt | An area where hunting takes place. Police launched a hunt for the killer. |
journey | The act of traveling from one place to another. I was excited with my character s journey in the film. |
journeying | The act of traveling from one place to another. |
odyssey | A Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy. His odyssey from military man to politician. |
pursuance | The continuance of something begun with a view to its completion. Staff took industrial action in pursuance of a better deal. |
pursuit | The action of the eye in following a moving object. The pursuit of love. |
search | An act or instance of searching a database or the World Wide Web. I did a search for creative writing courses at UK universities and came up with 422. |
seeking | The movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk. |
travels | A movement through space that changes the location of something. He enjoyed selling but he hated the travel. |
trek | A haul of fish caught using a trek net. I was at the new flat waiting for my trek to arrive. |
undertaking | The action of undertaking to do something. National transport undertakings. |
venture | Any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome. A joint venture between two aircraft manufacturers. |
voyage | A journey to some distant place. Writing a biography is a voyage of discovery. |
wandering | Travelling about without any clear destination. She followed him in his wanderings and looked after him. |

Usage Examples of "Quest" as a noun
- A quest for diamonds.
- The quest for a reliable vaccine has intensified.
- A quest for wealth.

Quest as a Verb
Definitions of "Quest" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “quest” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Bark with prolonged noises, of dogs.
- Make a search (for.
- Search the trail of (game.
- Seek alms, as for religious purposes.
- Search for; seek out.
- Express the need or desire for.
- Search for something.
- Express the need or desire for; ask for.

Synonyms of "Quest" as a verb (14 Words)
ask for | Require or ask for as a price or condition. |
bay | Bark with prolonged noises, of dogs. |
bespeak | Be a signal for or a symptom of. The defendant s insurers took steps to bespeak his medical records. |
call for | Assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to. |
explore | Examine minutely. Her fingers explored his hair. |
hunt | Use a hound or a horse for hunting. Mice are hunted by weasels and foxes. |
inspect | Look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings. Customs officers came aboard to inspect our documents. |
investigate | Investigate scientifically. Future studies will investigate whether long term use of the drugs could prevent cancer. |
look | Look forward to the probable occurrence of. He thought she wasn t looking. |
probe | Examine physically with or as if with a probe. Hands probed his body from top to bottom. |
pursue | Continue to investigate or explore (an idea or argument. Mercy lasts as long as sin pursues man. |
request | Express the need or desire for; ask for. The letter requested him to report to London. |
search | Search or seek. The students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project. |
seek | Try to get or reach. Seek directions from a local. |

Usage Examples of "Quest" as a verb
- The dog went off and quested.
- Things that die with their eyes open and questing.
- They quest wisdom.
- He was a real scientist, questing after truth.
- She requested an extra bed in her room.
- The animal came questing through the forest.

Associations of "Quest" (30 Words)
along | With a forward motion. He continued to plod along. |
chase | Hunting as a sport. The council recently appointed its own team of bailiffs to chase non payers. |
corollary | A proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved. The huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of expenditure cuts. |
dungeon | Imprison someone in a dungeon. |
ensue | Happen or occur afterwards or as a result. The difficulties which ensued from their commitment to Cuba. |
find | Come upon after searching find the location of something that was missed or lost. Find the product of two numbers. |
flowchart | A diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program or an accounting system. |
follow | Accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of. The road follows the track of the railway line. |
following | Immediately following in time or order. He attracted a worldwide following. |
hound | Used in names of dogfishes e g nurse hound smooth hound. She was hounded by the Italian press. |
interest | Excite the curiosity of engage the interest of. How much interest do you pay on your mortgage. |
jail | Put someone in jail. A jail sentence. |
listing | A selvedge of a piece of fabric. |
map | Depict as if on a map. The direct sum of two rings A and B may be mapped homomorphically on the summand. |
nick | Cut a nick into. Banks will be nicked for an extra 40 million. |
path | A course of action or way of achieving a specified result. Genius usually follows a revolutionary path. |
pursuit | A diversion that occupies one’s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly. The culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit. |
racetrack | A racecourse. |
railroad | Transport by railroad. His uncle works on the railroad. |
railway | A network of tracks with the trains, organization, and personnel required for its working. The carriage of freight on the railways. |
retrace | To go back over again. I ve tried to retrace some of her movements. |
search | An act of searching for someone or something. Search our online archive for stories dating back to February 1996. |
speeder | A driver who exceeds the safe speed limit. |
station | The frequency assigned to a broadcasting station. A sentry station. |
succeed | Achieve the desired aim or result. The enterprise succeeded. |
trace | Discover traces of. Trace a map of the world on to a large piece of paper. |
track | The soundtrack of a film or video. Secondary radars that track the aircraft in flight. |
trail | A trailer for a film or broadcast. Alex trailed a hand through the clear water. |
traverse | An area of land surveyed with a traverse. Ski patrol workers traverse the slope. |
vestige | A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists. He waited patiently but without a vestige of sympathy. |