Need another word that means the same as “traverse”? Find 34 synonyms and 30 related words for “traverse” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Traverse as a Noun
- Definitions of "Traverse" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Traverse" as a noun (8 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Traverse" as a noun
- Traverse as a Verb
- Definitions of "Traverse" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Traverse" as a verb (26 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Traverse" as a verb
- Associations of "Traverse" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Traverse” are: cross, span, sweep, cover, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, pass over, track, deny, travel across, travel over, journey across, journey over, make one's way across, go across, negotiate, extend across, lie across, stretch across, foil, frustrate, balk, stand in the way of, forestall, traversal, crossbeam, crosspiece, trave, transom, passage, voyage, journey
Traverse as a Noun
Definitions of "Traverse" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “traverse” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- An act of traversing something.
- A gallery extending from side to side of a church or other building.
- A horizontal beam that extends across something.
- A mechanism enabling a large gun to be turned to face a different direction.
- A zigzag course taken by a ship because winds or currents prevent it from sailing directly towards its destination.
- A horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it.
- Taking a zigzag path on skis.
- A part of a structure that extends or is fixed across something.
- The sideways movement of a part in a machine.
- A rock face where traversing is necessary.
- An area of land surveyed with a traverse.
- Travel across.
- A pair of right-angled bends incorporated in a trench to avoid enfilading fire.
- A movement following a diagonal course made by a skier descending a slope.
- A single line of survey, usually plotted from compass bearings and measured distances between successive points.

Synonyms of "Traverse" as a noun (8 Words)
crossbeam | A horizontal beam that extends across something. |
crosspiece | A horizontal beam that extends across something. Tall pillars of brick with wooden crosspieces. |
journey | A long and often difficult process of personal change and development. Her spiritual journey towards Roman Catholicism. |
passage | A narrow way allowing access between buildings or to different rooms within a building a passageway. The species occurs regularly on passage. |
transom | A horizontal beam reinforcing the stern of a boat. |
trave | A quadrangular frame or enclosure of bars in which a horse is confined in order to limit its movement during shoeing, veterinary treatment, etc.; = trevis. Now rare and only in historical contexts. |
traversal | Taking a zigzag path on skis. |
voyage | A long journey involving travel by sea or in space. Writing a biography is a voyage of discovery. |

Usage Examples of "Traverse" as a noun
- I make long gentle traverses down the steepest sections.
- High-level walks in the Dolomites often involve steep, exposed climbs, traverses, and descents.
- There were three jewels in the traverse of the cross and four in the body.
- A narrow traverse made lethal by snow and ice.
- They had been practising firing at multiple targets, using the power traverse.
- He crept up and threw a grenade over the traverse.

Traverse as a Verb
Definitions of "Traverse" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “traverse” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Travel across or pass over.
- Consider the whole extent of (a subject.
- Turn (a large gun or other device on a pivot) to face a different direction.
- Deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit.
- Oppose or thwart (a plan).
- To cover or extend over an area or time period.
- To cover or extend over an area or time period.
- Travel across or through.
- Move back and forth or sideways.
- Ski diagonally across (a slope), losing only a little height.
- Extend across or through.
- Deny (an allegation) in pleading.
- Cross a rock face by means of a series of sideways movements from one practicable line of ascent or descent to another.

Synonyms of "Traverse" as a verb (26 Words)
balk | Thwart or hinder (a plan or person. It s got to be done so why balk it. |
cover | Cover as if with a shroud. The offence covers a wide spectrum of culpability. |
cross | Trace a line through or across. No one dared cross him. |
cut across | Form by probing, penetrating, or digging. |
cut through | Make an incision or separation. |
deny | Deny formally an allegation of fact by the opposing party in a legal suit. There was no way that I was going to deny myself ice cream. |
extend across | Prolong the time allowed for payment of. |
foil | Cover or back with foil. Foil your opponent. |
forestall | Buy up (goods) in order to profit by an enhanced price. He would have spoken but David forestalled him. |
frustrate | Prevent (a plan or attempted action) from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled. The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather. |
get across | Be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness. |
get over | Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes. |
go across | Follow a procedure or take a course. |
journey across | Undertake a journey or trip. |
journey over | Travel upon or across. |
lie across | Be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position. |
make one's way across | Change from one form into another. |
negotiate | Obtain or bring about by discussion. He negotiated a new contract with the sellers. |
pass over | Pass over across or through. |
span | (of a bridge, arch, etc.) extend from side to side of. The stream was spanned by a narrow bridge. |
stand in the way of | Occupy a place or location, also metaphorically. |
stretch across | Corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones. |
sweep | Clean by sweeping. They were trying to get the Lewis gun up behind some trees from where they would sweep the trench. |
track | Of wheels run so that the back ones are exactly in the track of the front ones. Secondary radars that track the aircraft in flight. |
travel across | Make a trip for pleasure. |
travel over | Undertake a journey or trip. |

Usage Examples of "Traverse" as a verb
- He traversed the forest.
- A probe is traversed along the tunnel.
- Ski patrol workers traverse the slope.
- A moving catwalk that traversed a vast cavernous space.
- I often use this route, eventually traversing around the headwall.
- The plaintiff must assert certain facts which, if traversed, he would be put to prove.
- He would traverse a number of subjects and disciplines.
- Rivers traverse the valley floor.

Associations of "Traverse" (30 Words)
across | From one side to the other of a place, area, etc. He had swum across. |
along | In line with a length or direction (often followed by `by’ or `beside. Move along. |
antipodal | Relating to or situated on the opposite side of the earth. Antipodal regions of the earth. |
athwart | So as to be perverse or contradictory. One table running athwart was all the room would hold. |
bridge | A bridge passage or middle eight. He pushed his spectacles further up the bridge of his nose. |
chase | Make further investigation of an unresolved matter. The cost of the police time needed to chase up every new offence. |
crisscross | Marked with crossing lines. Wrinkles crisscrossed her face. |
cross | Extending or lying across in a crosswise direction at right angles to the long axis. Place a cross against the preferred choice. |
crossover | Relating to or denoting trials of medical treatment in which experimental subjects and control groups are exchanged after a set period. A jazz classical crossover album. |
ensue | Issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end. The difficulties which ensued from their commitment to Cuba. |
go | Vigorous activity. 11 500 jobs are due to go by next year. |
intersect | (of two or more things) pass or lie across each other. Lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles. |
intersection | A point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations. The set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things. |
intertwine | Twist or twine together. Intertwine the ribbons. |
pass | Pass by. They passed the amendment. |
path | A line or route along which something travels or moves. The hurricane demolished houses in its path. |
pedestrian | A person who travels by foot. A pedestrian bridge. |
racetrack | A track for motor racing. |
railroad | Supply with railroad lines. She hesitated unwilling to be railroaded into a decision. |
railway | A network of tracks with the trains, organization, and personnel required for its working. The carriage of freight on the railways. |
road | The part of a road intended for vehicles especially in contrast to a verge or pavement. The road to fame. |
rood | A crucifix especially one positioned above the rood screen of a church or on a beam over the entrance to the chancel. |
route | Send via a specific route. All lines of communication were routed through London. |
sidewalk | A paved path for pedestrians at the side of a road; a pavement. |
skyway | A recognized route followed by aircraft. Skyways from 18 000 to 40 000 feet resemble a highway system. |
station | Assign to a station. He started looking for a gas station. |
through | Throughout the entire extent. Swindon Town are through to the third round. |
track | The soundtrack of a film or video. The pickup s stylus must faithfully track undulations. |
trail | A trailer for a film or broadcast. This steep trail is as firm as off piste spring snow. |
transverse | Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis. From the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully. |