Need another word that means the same as “browse”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “browse” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Browse” are: surf, shop, crop, graze, pasture, range, look around, look round, have a look, window-shop, peruse, scan, skim, glance, look, run one's eye over, have a look at, give something a once-over, give something the once-over, feed, eat, nibble, ruminate, browsing, read, leaf, flick through
Browse as a Noun
Definitions of "Browse" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “browse” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Vegetation (such as young shoots, twigs, and leaves) that is suitable for animals to eat.
- Vegetation, such as twigs and young shoots, eaten by animals.
- Reading superficially or at random.
- The act of feeding by continual nibbling.
- A book, magazine, or website to be casually looked through.
- An act of casual looking or reading.

Synonyms of "Browse" as a noun (8 Words)
browsing | Reading superficially or at random. |
flick through | A form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. |
glance | A flash or gleam of light. Fish sporting with quick glance Show to the Sun their wav d coats. |
leaf | A thing that resembles a leaf in being flat and thin. Leaf tea. |
look | An expression of a feeling or thought by looking. The bedraggled look of the village. |
read | Something that is read. Their read on the national situation may be correct. |
scan | An image obtained by scanning or with a scanner. A brain scan. |
skim | Reading or glancing through quickly. There was a thin skim of oil on the water. |

Usage Examples of "Browse" as a noun
- I was just having a quick browse around the antique stalls.
- This book is a useful browse for a new worker in the field.
- The brochure is well worth a browse.
- A browse through the sports pages.
- A deer needs to eat twenty pounds of browse every day.
- A moose needs to eat forty to fifty pounds of browse a day.

Browse as a Verb
Definitions of "Browse" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “browse” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular.
- Feed as in a meadow or pasture.
- Scan through a text, website, or collection of data to gain an impression of the contents.
- (of an animal) feed on leaves, twigs, or other high-growing vegetation.
- Survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way.
- Shop around; not necessarily buying.
- Eat lightly, try different dishes.

Synonyms of "Browse" as a verb (23 Words)
crop | Yield crops. She wanted her hair cropped short. |
eat | Eat a meal take a meal. She was eating a banana. |
feed | Feed into supply. He feeds on her insecurity. |
give something a once-over | Endure the loss of. |
give something the once-over | Convey or reveal information. |
glance | Throw a glance at take a brief look at. He glanced the ball into the corner of the net. |
graze | Scrape gently. Cattle graze on the open meadows. |
have a look | Go through (mental or physical states or experiences. |
have a look at | Cause to be born. |
look | Look forward to the probable occurrence of. People were looking at him. |
look around | Accord in appearance with. |
look round | Perceive with attention; direct one’s gaze towards. |
nibble | Eat frequently in small amounts. He nibbled a biscuit. |
pasture | Put animals to graze in a pasture. They pastured their cows in the water meadow. |
peruse | Examine or consider with attention and in detail. I perused several online reviews. |
range | Place or arrange in a row or rows or in a specified manner. The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals. |
ruminate | (of a ruminant) chew the cud. Cows ruminate. |
run one's eye over | Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point. |
scan | (of verse) conform to metrical principles. We scanned the beam over a sector of 120. |
shop | Visit one or more shops or websites to buy goods. Sometimes it s more convenient to shop online. |
skim | Remove from the surface. Bring the stock to the boil then skim it to remove any foam. |
surf | Ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard. Surf the internet or the world wide web. |
window-shop | Examine the shop windows; shop with the eyes only. |

Usage Examples of "Browse" as a verb
- He stopped to browse around a second-hand bookshop.
- She browsed through the newspaper.
- They reach upward to browse on bushes.
- Browse a computer directory.
- I decided to spend the night browsing the internet.

Associations of "Browse" (30 Words)
antelope | A swift-running deerlike ruminant with smooth hair and upward-pointing horns, of a group native to Africa and Asia that includes the gazelles, impala, gnus, and elands. |
ask | Require or ask for as a price or condition. Mary asked her father for money. |
curious | Eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others’ concerns. Curious about the neighbor s doings. |
deer | Distinguished from Bovidae by the male’s having solid deciduous antlers. |
eat | Eat a meal take a meal. If we had to we could probably eat the cost. |
feed | Feed into supply. I think he is feeding his old employer commercial secrets. |
find | Get or find back recover the use of. I can t find my keys. |
finger | Touch or feel with the fingers. The thin man fingered his moustache. |
fingertip | The end (tip) of a finger. Police made a fingertip search of the area. |
forage | The act of searching for food and provisions. The animals forage in the woods. |
forefinger | The finger next to the thumb. |
fox | The grey or reddish brown fur of a fox. The abbreviation foxed me completely. |
goat | A scapegoat. Just for once stop acting the goat. |
graze | Feed as in a meadow or pasture. Downland areas grazed by sheep. |
grazing | The act of grazing. Large areas of rough grazing. |
hitch | Obtain a lift by hitch hiking. She hitched up her skirt and ran. |
hunting | The activity of hunting wild animals or game. Whale hunting is unnecessary. |
inquiring | A request for information. An open inquiring mind. |
look | Look forward to the probable occurrence of. He just didn t look himself at all. |
mutton | The flesh of fully grown sheep used as food. A leg of mutton. |
pasture | Let feed in a field or pasture or meadow. They pastured their cows in the water meadow. |
pig | Live like a pig in squalor. I bet he s scoffed them all greedy pig. |
probing | Inquiring closely into something; searching. A probing inquiry. |
questioning | The raising of a doubt about or objection to something. Aaron shot her a questioning glance. |
searching | Thoroughly scrutinizing, especially in a disconcerting way. You have to ask yourselves some searching questions. |
sheep | A docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision. Party members should not follow their leader like sheep. |
sow | Place seeds in or on (the ground. Catch crops should be sown after minimal cultivation. |
thumb | Press move or touch something with one s thumb. As soon as she thumbed the button the door slid open. |
venison | Meat from a deer used as food. Venison steaks. |
wolf | Used in names of mammals similar or related to the wolf e g maned wolf Tasmanian wolf. The teenager wolfed down the pizza. |