BURDENING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BURDENING?

Need another word that means the same as “burdening”? Find 30 related words for “burdening” in this overview.

Associations of "Burdening" (30 Words)

burdensomeUndesirably restrictive.
The burdensome responsibilities of professional life.
cargoGoods carried by a large vehicle.
A cargo of oil.
demanding(of a person) making others work hard or meet high standards; not easily satisfied.
He was a demanding baby and rarely slept through the night.
difficultHard to control.
A difficult task.
encumberRestrict (someone or something) so as to make free movement difficult.
She was encumbered by her heavy skirts.
encumbranceAn onerous or difficult concern.
Details of encumbrances on property.
exactingMaking great demands on one’s skill, attention, or other resources.
An exacting job.
expeditionaryOf or forming an expedition, especially a military expedition.
The French expeditionary force in Indochina.
gruelingCharacterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort.
A grueling campaign.
heavyA thing such as a vehicle that is large or heavy of its kind.
A heavy grade.
inequitableNot equitable or fair.
Inequitable taxation.
laborious(of speech or writing style) showing obvious signs of effort and lacking in fluency.
Spent many laborious hours on the project.
ladePut cargo on board (a ship).
Vessels lade there.
ladenFill or place a load on.
A tree laden with apples.
ladingThe action of loading a ship with cargo.
loadOf a ship or vehicle take on a load.
Load the truck with hay.
loadedCharged with ammunition.
A heavily loaded freight train.
luggagePast experiences or long-held ideas and opinions perceived as burdensome encumbrances.
Carrying emotional luggage from the past.
onerousNot easily borne; wearing.
My duties weren t onerous I only had to greet the guests.
onusAn onerous or difficult concern.
The onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss.
oppressKeep (someone) in subjection and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.
The government oppresses political activists.
packingA charge made when delivering goods to cover the cost of packing them.
Gun packing drug dealers have turned the area into a war zone.
shipmentThe act of sending off something.
Logs waiting for shipment.
taxingPhysically or mentally demanding.
They find the work too taxing.
trickyNot to be trusted.
Tricky Dick.
troublesomeDifficult to deal with.
A troublesome situation.
uncomfortableCausing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort.
An uncomfortable chair.
unloadLeave or unload.
He had unloaded his depreciating stock on his unsuspecting wife.
wearingGeology the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down as by particles washing over it.
It would be a lot less wearing if we could work together amicably.
weightAssign a handicap weight to a horse.
Bowed down by the weight of responsibility.

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