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CALCULATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CALCULATE?

Need another word that means the same as “calculate”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “calculate” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Calculate” are: forecast, bank, bet, count, depend, look, reckon, rely, swear, aim, direct, count on, estimate, figure, account, cipher, compute, cypher, work out, enumerate, determine, evaluate, quantify, assess, cost, put a figure on, expect, anticipate, intend, mean, design, plan, suppose, presume, think it likely, think, believe, imagine, assume, conjecture, surmise, judge

Calculate as a Verb

Definitions of "Calculate" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “calculate” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make a mathematical calculation or computation.
  • Judge to be probable.
  • Keep an account of.
  • Include as an essential element in one's plans.
  • Have faith or confidence in.
  • Suppose or believe.
  • Determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically.
  • Determine by reasoning, experience, or common sense; reckon or judge.
  • Specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public.
  • Intend (an action) to have a particular effect.
  • Predict in advance.

Synonyms of "Calculate" as a verb (42 Words)

accountPrepare or present a record an account of money given or received.
After 1292 he accounted to the Westminster exchequer.
aimSpecifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public.
I aim to arrive at noon.
anticipateBe excited or anxious about.
This is to anticipate the argument.
assessEstimate the value of (property) for taxation.
The damage was assessed at 5 billion.
assumeTake on or adopt (a manner or identity), sometimes falsely.
She assumed strange manners.
bankAct as the banker in a game or in gambling.
Where do you bank in this town.
believeFollow a credo have a faith be a believer.
We didn t believe his stories from the War.
betMaintain with or as if with a bet.
Most people would bet their life savings on the prospect.
cipherDo arithmetic.
He left two as yet uncracked ciphered messages for posthumous decoding.
computeReckon or calculate (a figure or amount.
The idea just doesn t compute.
conjectureForm an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.
Many conjectured that the jury could not agree.
costBe priced at.
Driving at more than double the speed limit cost the woman her driving licence.
countTake account of.
It did not matter what the audience thought it was the critics that counted.
count onName or recite the numbers in ascending order.
cypherMake a mathematical calculation or computation.
dependBe grammatically dependent on.
His tongue depended from open jaws.
designCreate designs.
This room is not designed for work.
determineFind out learn or determine with certainty usually by making an inquiry or other effort.
It will be her mental attitude that determines her future.
directAim something in a particular direction or at a particular person.
His smile was directed at Lois.
enumerateDetermine the number or amount of.
6 079 residents were enumerated in 241 establishments.
estimateJudge tentatively or form an estimate of quantities or time.
It is estimated that smoking causes 100 000 premature deaths every year.
evaluateEvaluate or estimate the nature quality ability extent or significance of.
How do you evaluate this grant proposal.
expectConsider obligatory request and expect.
The are expecting another child in January.
figureHave a significant part or role in a situation or process.
A clock with a figured mahogany case.
forecastIndicate, as with a sign or an omen.
Coal consumption in Europe is forecast to increase.
imagineSuppose or assume.
I couldn t imagine what she expected to tell them.
intendMean or intend to express or convey.
A series of questions intended as a checklist.
judgePut on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of.
She was there to judge the contest.
lookLook forward to the probable occurrence of.
People finishing work don t look where they re going.
meanMean or intend to express or convey.
Heavy rain meant that the pitch was waterlogged.
planMake plans for something.
They were planning a trip to Egypt.
presumeSuppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.
Two of the journalists went missing and are presumed dead.
put a figure onAdapt.
quantifyDefine the application of (a term or proposition) by the use of all, some, etc., e.g. ‘for all x if x is A then x is B’.
It is impossible to quantify the extent of the black economy.
reckonTake account of.
The Byzantine year was reckoned from 1 September.
relyDepend on with full trust or confidence.
I know I can rely on your discretion.
supposeExpect believe or suppose.
The theory supposes a predisposition to interpret utterances.
surmiseImagine to be the case or true or probable.
I don t think they re locals she surmised.
swearHave faith or confidence in.
He forced them to swear an oath of loyalty to him.
thinkExpect, believe, or suppose.
Think of being paid a salary to hunt big game.
think it likelyBring into a given condition by mental preoccupation.
work outFind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of.

Usage Examples of "Calculate" as a verb

  • I was bright enough to calculate that she had been on vacation.
  • The program can calculate the number of words that will fit in the space available.
  • His last words were calculated to wound her.
  • I calculate it's pretty difficult to git edication down there.
  • Local authorities have calculated that full training would cost around £5,000 per teacher.

Associations of "Calculate" (30 Words)

ammeterA meter that measures the flow of electrical current in amperes.
amountBe tantamount or equivalent to.
The substance is harmless if taken in small amounts.
appraiseConsider in a comprehensive way.
There is a need to appraise existing techniques.
assessSet or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine.
Our house hasn t been assessed in years.
calculableAble to be measured or assessed.
A calculable risk.
computeReckon or calculate (a figure or amount.
The idea just doesn t compute.
countThe act of counting reciting numbers in ascending order.
I started to count the stars I could see.
deductReason by deduction establish by deduction.
Tax has been deducted from the payments.
denominatorThe number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor.
digitThe length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure.
0 and 1 are digits.
estimateJudge tentatively or form an estimate of quantities or time.
It is estimated that smoking causes 100 000 premature deaths every year.
gaugeMeasure the dimensions of an object with a gauge.
Gauge the wine barrels.
She teaches math and science.
mathematicsThe abstract science of number quantity and space either as abstract concepts pure mathematics or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering applied mathematics.
A taste for mathematics.
measurementA unit or system of measuring.
His inside leg measurement.
multiplicationThe act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production.
The multiplication of four by three gives twelve.
multiplyCombine by multiplication.
Listeria and other bacteria were able to multiply in very low temperatures.
numberThe grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved singular or dual or plural.
We must number the names of the great mathematicians.
numerableThat can be counted.
Numerable assets.
numerateAble to understand and use numbers.
Teachers should ensure that their pupils are literate and numerate.
numericalRelating to or having ability to think in or work with numbers.
The lists are in numerical order.
pricingThe evaluation of something in terms of its price.
quantifiableCapable of being quantified.
The benefits are not easily quantifiable.
quantifyExpress as a number or measure or quantity.
Can you quantify your results.
quantityThe figure or symbol representing a quantity.
A small quantity of food.
subtractMake a subtraction.
This prefix was subtracted when the word was borrowed from French.
sumBe a summary of.
The sum of two prime numbers.
tachometerMeasuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation.
timesA more or less definite period of time now or previously present.
Four times three equals twelve.
yardstickA ruler or tape that is three feet long.
League tables are not the only yardstick of schools performance.

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