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CARELESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CARELESS?

Need another word that means the same as “careless”? Find 53 synonyms and 30 related words for “careless” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Careless” are: regardless, inattentive, incautious, negligent, remiss, shoddy, slapdash, slipshod, scrappy, slovenly, unconsidered, amateurish, lax, slack, wild, disorganized, thoughtless, unthinking, insensitive, indiscreet, unguarded, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-thought-out, unwise, misguided, inadvertent, rash, foolhardy, negligent in, heedless of, improvident about, unconcerned about, indifferent to, oblivious to, apathetic about, apathetic towards, uncaring about, casual about, nonchalant about, offhand about, uninterested in, uninvolved in, unstudied, artless, casual, effortless, unconcerned, nonchalant, insouciant, languid, leisurely, informal

Careless as an Adjective

Definitions of "Careless" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “careless” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Showing no interest or effort; casual.
  • Without due thought or consideration.
  • (of an action or its result) showing or caused by a lack of attention.
  • Not concerned or worried about.
  • Effortless and unstudied.
  • Marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful.
  • Marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful.
  • (usually followed by `of') without due thought or consideration.
  • Not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.

Synonyms of "Careless" as an adjective (53 Words)

amateurishLacking professional skill or expertise.
A very amateurish job.
apathetic aboutShowing little or no emotion or animation.
apathetic towardsMarked by a lack of interest.
artlessWithout guile or deception.
Artless sincerity.
casualHappening by chance; accidental.
A casual meeting.
casual aboutCharacterized by a feeling of irresponsibility.
disorganizedUnable to plan one’s activities efficiently.
A disorganized enterprise.
effortlessRequiring no physical or mental exertion.
I went up the steps in two effortless bounds.
foolhardyMarked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences.
Foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker.
heedless ofMarked by or paying little heed or attention–Franklin D. Roosevelt.
ill-advisedWithout careful prior deliberation or counsel.
ill-consideredNot given careful consideration.
ill-thought-outExcluded from use or mention.
improvident aboutNot provident; not providing for the future.
inadvertentNot resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
He was pardoned for inadvertent manslaughter.
inattentiveShowing a lack of attention or care.
I was disappointed by the food and the inattentive service.
incautiousCarelessly failing to exercise proper caution.
An incautious remark.
indifferent toNeither too great nor too little.
indiscreetLacking discretion; injudicious.
They have been embarrassed by indiscreet friends.
informalHaving or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere.
An informal free and easy manner.
insensitiveNot responsive to physical stimuli.
Insensitive to radiation.
insouciantMarked by blithe unconcern.
An utterly insouciant financial policy.
languid(of a person, manner, or gesture) having or showing a disinclination for physical exertion or effort.
A languid mood.
laxOf a speech sound especially a vowel pronounced with the vocal muscles relaxed.
Muscles have more potential energy when they are stretched than when they are lax.
leisurelyNot hurried or forced.
A leisurely breakfast at our hotel.
misguidedHaving or showing faulty judgement or reasoning.
Well meaning but misguided teachers.
negligentFailing to take proper care over something.
Negligent in his correspondence.
negligent inCharacterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.
nonchalantMarked by blithe unconcern.
Was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner.
nonchalant aboutMarked by blithe unconcern.
oblivious toFailing to keep in mind.
offhand aboutWith little or no preparation or forethought.
rashImprudently incurring risk.
It would be extremely rash to make such an assumption.
regardlessWithout due thought or consideration.
Crushing the blooms with regardless tread.
remissFailing in what duty requires.
It would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information.
scrappyDetermined, argumentative, or pugnacious.
A scrappy admiral.
shoddyCheap and shoddy Judith Crist.
A shoddy misuse of the honours system.
slackNot taut or held tightly in position; loose.
Slack tides.
slapdashMarked by great carelessness.
He gave a slapdash performance.
slipshodCharacterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization.
His slipshod heels.
slovenly(especially of a person or action) careless; excessively casual.
Slovenly appearance.
thoughtlessShowing lack of careful thought.
The debate turned into thoughtless bickering.
uncaring aboutOn the move.
unconcernedShowing a lack of worry or interest, especially when this is surprising or callous.
Scott seemed unconcerned by his companion s problem.
unconcerned aboutNot occupied or engaged with.
unconsideredWithout proper consideration or reflection.
I realize that my unconsidered remarks were dangerously indiscreet.
unguardedDisplaying or feeling no wariness.
The museum was unguarded at night.
uninterested inNot having or showing interest.
uninvolved inCurrently fashionable.
unstudiedNot laboured or artificial; natural.
Is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters.
unthinkingWithout care or thought for others.
She was at pains to correct unthinking prejudices.
unwiseNot appropriate to the purpose.
It is unwise to rely on hearsay evidence.
wildProduced from wild animals or plants without cultivation.
Wild shouts.

Usage Examples of "Careless" as an adjective

  • Danced with careless grace.
  • Careless of the consequences.
  • A careless error.
  • It was a careless mistake.
  • A careless housekeeper.
  • He admitted careless driving.
  • She had been careless and had left the window unlocked.
  • Hurt by a careless remark.
  • Careless about her clothes.
  • She gave a careless shrug.
  • An impression of careless elegance.
  • He was careless of his own safety.
  • Careless proofreading.
  • Forgotten by some careless person.

Associations of "Careless" (30 Words)

abandonmentThe action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned.
His abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless.
absentmindedLost in thought; showing preoccupation.
An absentminded professor.
carelessnessThe quality of not being careful or taking pains.
Most road accidents are caused by carelessness on the part of motorists.
cursoryHasty and without attention to detail; not thorough.
A casual or cursory inspection failed to reveal the house s structural flaws.
hasteExcessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
Working with feverish haste.
hastyDone with very great haste and without due deliberation- Shakespeare- Arthur Geddes.
Rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion.
headlongIn a rush; with reckless haste.
He fell headlong in love with his cousin.
heedlessMarked by or paying little heed or attention–Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Elaine she shouted heedless of attracting unwanted attention.
hurriedMoving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste.
A hurried job.
inadvertentNot resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
An inadvertent administrative error occurred that resulted in an overpayment.
inattentionLack of attention.
His inattention to duty.
inattentiveNot paying attention to something.
A particularly dull and inattentive pupil.
inconsiderateThoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others.
Slovenly inconsiderate reasoning.
It cannot be regarded as a matter of indifference.
laxOf a speech sound especially a vowel pronounced with the vocal muscles relaxed.
The merger of tense and lax vowels before l.
negligenceBreach of a duty of care which results in damage.
His injury was due to the negligence of his employers.
negligentFailing to take proper care over something.
Negligent of detail.
overhastyDone with very great haste and without due deliberation- Shakespeare- Arthur Geddes.
Rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion.
perfunctory(of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.
Perfunctory courtesy.
rashlyIn a hasty and foolhardy manner.
He rashly promised crime would fall sharply by September.
recklessCharacterized by careless unconcern.
A reckless driver.
remissFailing in what duty requires.
It would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information.
rushCause to move fast or to rush or race.
Shoppers rushed to buy computers.
rushedDone under pressure.
A rushed job.
Slapdash work.
slipshodMarked by great carelessness.
Slipshod spelling.
sloppy(of semi-fluid matter) containing too much liquid; watery.
Do not make the concrete too sloppy.
unconcernA lack of worry or interest, especially when surprising or callous.
He is famed for his laid back attitude his apparent unconcern about his actions.
unconcernedLacking in interest or care or feeling.
Readers unconcerned with style.
unwaryNot alert to danger or deception.
The shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise.

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