Need another word that means the same as “sloppy”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “sloppy” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Sloppy” are: baggy, loose-fitting, haphazard, slapdash, slipshod, boggy, marshy, miry, mucky, muddy, quaggy, sloughy, soggy, squashy, swampy, waterlogged, overemotional, careless, lackadaisical, disorganized, unmethodical, unsystematic, untidy, messy, thoughtless, inattentive, heedless, hasty, hurried, loose, not tight, roomy, runny, watery, thin, liquid, mushy, soupy, sentimental, mawkish, cloying, sickly, saccharine, sugary, sugar-coated, syrupy
Sloppy as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sloppy" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sloppy” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Soft and watery.
- Marked by great carelessness.
- Careless and unsystematic; excessively casual.
- (of semi-fluid matter) containing too much liquid; watery.
- (of a garment) casual and loose-fitting.
- Not fitting closely; hanging loosely.
- Wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material.
- Excessively or abnormally emotional.
- (of soil) soft and watery.
- Lacking neatness or order.
- (of literature or behaviour) weakly or foolishly sentimental.

Synonyms of "Sloppy" as an adjective (46 Words)
baggy | Not fitting closely; hanging loosely. Baggy trousers. |
boggy | (of soil) soft and watery. The shrub grows naturally in boggy ground. |
careless | Marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful. Careless proofreading. |
cloying | Excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental, especially to a disgusting or sickening degree. A romantic rather cloying story. |
disorganized | Unable to plan one’s activities efficiently. A disorganized enterprise. |
haphazard | Dependent upon or characterized by chance. The music business works in a haphazard fashion. |
hasty | Excessively quick. Hasty makeshifts take the place of planning. |
heedless | Characterized by careless unconcern. Heedless of the child s crying. |
hurried | Done in a hurry; rushed. I ate a hurried breakfast. |
inattentive | Not showing due care or attention. I was disappointed by the food and the inattentive service. |
lackadaisical | Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy. She was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical. |
liquid | Having the consistency of a liquid. Liquid refreshments. |
loose | Not held or tied together or contained within something. The stamp came loose. |
loose-fitting | Not fitting closely; hanging loosely. |
marshy | Soft and watery. A marshy coastline. |
mawkish | Sentimental in an exaggerated or false way. The mawkish smell of warm beer. |
messy | (of a situation) confused and difficult to deal with. A child s messy eating habits. |
miry | (of soil) soft and watery. The roads were miry in winter. |
mucky | Corrupt or sordid. Mucky books. |
muddy | Discolored by impurities; not bright and clear is often used in combination. Muddy barnyard. |
mushy | Effusively or insincerely emotional. Mushy effusiveness. |
not tight | Closely constrained or constricted or constricting. |
overemotional | Excessively or abnormally emotional. We re not an overemotional family. |
quaggy | Soft and watery. Quaggy terrain. |
roomy | (especially of accommodation) having plenty of room; spacious. Roomy trousers. |
runny | (of a person’s nose) producing or discharging mucus. The souffl was hard on top and quite runny underneath. |
saccharine | Relating to or containing sugar; sugary. Saccharine music. |
sentimental | Given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality. I m a sentimental old fool. |
sickly | Somewhat ill or prone to illness. His usual sickly pallor. |
slapdash | Marked by great carelessness. He gave a slapdash performance. |
slipshod | Marked by great carelessness. His slipshod heels. |
sloughy | (of soil) soft and watery. The sloughy edge of the pond. |
soggy | (of soil) soft and watery. The chorus sings powerfully but the interpretation is ultimately soggy. |
soupy | Mawkishly sentimental. A soupy July morning. |
squashy | Easily crushed or squeezed into a different shape; having a soft consistency. A big squashy leather chair. |
sugar-coated | Encrusted with sugar or syrup. |
sugary | Resembling or coated in sugar. Sugary romance. |
swampy | Soft and watery. Swampy bayous. |
syrupy | Overly sweet. A particularly syrupy moment from a corny film. |
thin | Relatively thin in consistency or low in density not viscous. A thin reedy little voice. |
thoughtless | (of a person or their behaviour) not showing consideration for the needs of other people. It was thoughtless of her to have rushed out and not said where she would be going. |
unmethodical | Not orderly and systematic. The project failed through unmethodical planning. |
unsystematic | Not done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; unmethodical. They were relatively unsystematic in their use of the data. |
untidy | Not neat and tidy. She was chronically untidy and her clothes lay where she had dropped them. |
waterlogged | (of soil) soft and watery. The game was called off because of a waterlogged pitch. |
watery | Overly diluted; thin and insipid. A watery fluid. |

Usage Examples of "Sloppy" as an adjective
- A sloppy floor.
- A sloppy room.
- Do not make the concrete too sloppy.
- Sloppy workmanship.
- Sloppy habits.
- She wore a sloppy sweater and jeans.
- A sloppy saucer.
- Lovers of sloppy romance.
- We gave away a goal through sloppy defending.

Associations of "Sloppy" (30 Words)
adequacy | The quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily. He questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the Golden Rule. |
arbitrarily | Without restraint in the use of authority; autocratically. Recurrent infection is arbitrarily defined as three or more infections a year. |
arbitrary | Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice. An arbitrary decision. |
baggy | Not fitting closely; hanging loosely. Baggy trousers. |
careless | Without due thought or consideration. An impression of careless elegance. |
deficient | Not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient. The documentary evidence is deficient. |
disheveled | In disarray; extremely disorderly- Al Spiers. Her clothing was disheveled. |
disorderly | Completely unordered and unpredictable and confusing. Disorderly youths. |
haphazard | Dependent upon or characterized by chance. A most haphazard system of record keeping. |
inattentive | Failing to attend to the comfort or wishes of others. A particularly dull and inattentive pupil. |
inconsiderate | Without proper consideration or reflection. It s inconsiderate of her to go away without telling us. |
lazy | Showing a lack of care. A lazy lowland river. |
loose | Make something loose untie or undo. The old man s skin hung loose and grey. |
meager | Deficient in amount or quality or extent. Meager fare. |
messy | (of a situation) confused and difficult to deal with. Stripping wallpaper can be a messy time consuming job. |
neglectful | Failing in what duty requires. Neglectful parents. |
random | Odd, unusual, or unexpected. A random choice. |
randomize | Make (a set of items, people, etc.) unpredictable, unsystematic, or random in order or arrangement. You can randomize the ingredients with the tap of a button. |
remiss | Lacking care or attention to duty; negligent. Remiss of you not to pay your bills. |
sag | A shape that sags. She let her head sag lower and lower. |
scanty | Lacking in amplitude or quantity. A scanty harvest. |
scarce | Scarcely. He was scarce sixteen years old. |
slapdash | Directly. Slapdash work. |
slipshod | Characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization. He d caused many problems with his slipshod management. |
slovenly | Negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt. Slovenly appearance. |
sometimes | Occasionally, rather than all of the time. Sometimes I want to do things on my own. |
sparse | Not dense. Information on earnings is sparse. |
sweatshirt | A loose, warm sweater, typically made of cotton, worn when exercising or as leisurewear. |
unkempt | Not neatly combed. They were unwashed and unkempt. |
untidy | Not arranged neatly and in order. Untidy and casual about money. |