CARRIED OUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CARRIED OUT?

Need another word that means the same as “carried out”? Find 30 related words for “carried out” in this overview.

Associations of "Carried out" (30 Words)

abroadIn different directions; over a wide area.
Few people ventured abroad from their warm houses.
addresseeThe person to whom something is addressed.
The need to state clearly the addressees of reports.
comportAccord or agree with.
They do all that nature and art can do to comport with his will.
concomitantA phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.
She loved travel with all its concomitant worries.
consistBe consistent with.
To turn an entire consist requires a wye.
containInclude or contain have as a component.
This can contains water.
conveyTransfer the title to (property.
Mr Harvey and his daughter have asked me to convey their very kind regards.
conveyanceThe action or process of transporting or carrying someone or something from one place to another.
A role that demands much more than the conveyance of simple emotions.
entailA property bequeathed under an entail.
Her father s estate was entailed on a cousin.
entangleInvolve (someone) in difficulties or complicated circumstances from which it is difficult to escape.
The child entangled the cord.
exceptTake exception to.
Five classes of advertisement are excepted from control.
excludeLack or fail to include.
One cannot exclude the possibility of a fall in house prices.
exhaleGive out (breath or an odor.
The chimney exhales a thick smoke.
ferryTravel by ferry.
Ambulances ferried the injured to hospital.
ferryboatA boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule.
fetchThe action of fetching.
The dog fetched the hat.
implicateConvey (a meaning) indirectly through what one says, rather than stating it explicitly.
By saying that coffee would keep her awake Mary implicated that she didn t want any.
includeAllow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of.
I include you in the list of culprits.
includedContained as part of a whole being considered.
Service tax included.
involveOccupy or engage the interest of.
Don t involve me in your family affairs.
I ll mail you the paper when it s written.
mailingThe transmission of a letter.
The postmark indicates the time of mailing.
outriggerA projecting support similar to an outrigger in another structure or vehicle.
redefineGive a new or different definition to.
She redefined his duties.
removeRemove from a position or an office.
An explanation that is far removed from the truth.
sendSend a message or letter.
Send me your latest results.
stockpileA storage pile accumulated for future use.
A stockpile of nuclear weapons.
transferTransfer somebody to a different position or location of work.
He transferred to the Brooklyn Dodgers.
transmitTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission.
Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil.
transportTransport commercially.
Art can send people into transports of delight.

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