SUSTENANCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUSTENANCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Sustenance” are: bread and butter, keep, livelihood, living, support, maintenance, sustainment, sustentation, upkeep, aliment, alimentation, nourishment, nutriment, nutrition, victuals, food, fare, diet, daily bread, provisions, rations, means of keeping body and soul together, means of support, means, subsistence, income, source of income, nourish, intake, dietary, nutritional, commissariat, nutritious, nutrient, provender, dietitian, feed, wholesome, nutritive, vitamin and 10 more.

SUPPOSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUPPOSE?

The synonyms and related words of “Suppose” are: say, presuppose, conjecture, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, speculate, theorise, theorize, guess, imagine, opine, reckon, think, assume, dare say, take for granted, take as read, presume, expect, take it, claimed, purported, postulate, posit, let's say, require, imply, meant, supposition, speculation, surmise, inference, hypothesis, guesswork, infer, inductive, predict, assumption, anticipatory and 10 more.

SUNNY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUNNY?

The synonyms and related words of “Sunny” are: cheery, gay, bright, sunlit, brilliant, clear, fine, fair, cheerful, happy, light-hearted, glad, merry, joyful, bubbly, blithe, jolly, jovial, animated, buoyant, ebullient, upbeat, vivacious, sparky, perky, rosy, daylight, noon, daytime, morning, weekday, o'clock, sun, midnight, midday, illuminant, dawn, lunchtime, summer, lunch and 15 more.

SUBJUGATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUBJUGATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Subjugate” are: subject, keep down, quash, reduce, repress, subdue, conquer, vanquish, defeat, crush, quell, gain mastery over, gain ascendancy over, gain control of, bring under the yoke, bring to heel, bring someone to their knees, overcome, overpower, hegemonize, suppress, predominance, inhibit, enslave, curb, tyranny, chasten, restrain, oppress, subjection, tyrannize, limit, conquest, chastise, restrict, subjugation, inhibition, surmount, oppression, suppression and 4 more.

STROLL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STROLL?

The synonyms and related words of “Stroll” are: saunter, amble, wander, meander, ramble, dawdle, promenade, walk, go for a walk, take a walk, potter, roam, traipse, stretch one's legs, get some exercise, get some air, take the air, perambulation, turn, airing, breather, gait, walker, ambulate, canter, stride, walking, jog, lope, stroller, hike, jogger, gad, rove, pace, gallivant, plod, mincing, trudge, jogging and 4 more.

STILLNESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STILLNESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Stillness” are: windlessness, hush, still, lifelessness, motionlessness, quietness, quietude, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility, reticence, silence, quiet, calmness, pacific, peaceful, calm, peace, restful, placid, tranquil, equanimity, quiescent, repose, meditation, serene, composure, calming, acquiescence, nonviolence, tranquilize, secretiveness, acquiesce, halcyon

STATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Station” are: place, post, stopping place, stop, halt, station stop, stage, establishment, base, base camp, camp, ranch, range, channel, broadcasting organization, area of duty, situation, location, rank, status, position in society, social class, level, grade, standing, send, put on duty, position, set, locate, site, wagon, subway, bus, railroad, train, platform, terminal, terminus, railway and 21 more.

STANDARDIZED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STANDARDIZED?

The synonyms and related words of “Standardized” are: standardised, exchangeable, interchangeable, similar, institutionalize, commit, formalize, sanatorium, prevention, patricide, mentally, suicide, perjury, offence, matricide, perpetrate, consign, indiscretion, data, attempted, adultery, malpractice, detection, homicide, devotee, felony, genocide, attempt, regret, criminology, devote, consecrate, treatment, regicide