Need another word that means the same as “standardized”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “standardized” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Standardized” are: standardised, exchangeable, interchangeable, similar
Standardized as an Adjective
Definitions of "Standardized" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “standardized” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Brought into conformity with a standard.
- Capable of replacing or changing places with something else; permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability.

Synonyms of "Standardized" as an adjective (4 Words)
exchangeable | Capable of replacing or changing places with something else. |
interchangeable | Capable of replacing or changing places with something else. Interchangeable electric outlets. |
similar | Resembling or similar having the same or some of the same characteristics often used in combination. Similar food at similar prices. |
standardised | Brought into conformity with a standard. |

Usage Examples of "Standardized" as an adjective
- Standardized education.

Associations of "Standardized" (30 Words)
adultery | Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse. Adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce. |
attempt | Make an effort or attempt. An attempt on the unclimbed north east ridge. |
attempted | Tried unsuccessfully. Attempted murder. |
commit | Refer a parliamentary or legislative bill to a committee. She loved a man who was committed to another woman. |
consecrate | Solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high or sacred purpose. A life consecrated to science. |
consign | Deliver (something) to a person’s keeping. Consign your baggage. |
criminology | The scientific study of crime and criminals. |
data | Things known or assumed as facts, making the basis of reasoning or calculation. Statistical data. |
detection | The detection that a signal is being received. The early detection of fetal abnormalities. |
devote | Set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use. I wanted to devote more time to my family. |
devotee | A strong believer in a particular religion or god. Devotees of Krishna. |
felony | A crime regarded in the US and many other judicial systems as more serious than a misdemeanour. An accusation of felony. |
formalize | Make formal or official. We became able to formalize our thoughts. |
genocide | The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. A campaign of genocide. |
homicide | A murderer. Knives account for a third of all homicides. |
indiscretion | A petty misdeed. He knew himself all too prone to indiscretion. |
institutionalize | Cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution. He was institutionalized in a school for the destitute. |
malpractice | Professional wrongdoing that results in injury or damage. Investigations into malpractices and abuses of power. |
matricide | The murder of your mother. A man suspected of matricide. |
mentally | In your mind. Soldiers become physically and mentally exhausted. |
offence | The action of attacking someone or something. He made it clear he d taken offence. |
patricide | A person who kills their father. |
perjury | Criminal offense of making false statements under oath. He claimed two witnesses at his trial had committed perjury. |
perpetrate | Carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action. Perpetrate a crime. |
prevention | The action of stopping something from happening or arising. Money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza. |
regicide | Someone who commits regicide the killer of a king. |
regret | Express with regret. Please give your grandmother my regrets. |
sanatorium | Pejorative terms for an insane asylum. |
suicide | A person who commits suicide. She suicided in a very ugly manner. |
treatment | Used to indicate that something is done enthusiastically, vigorously, or to an extreme degree. Anti cancer treatments. |