CIVILLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CIVILLY?

Need another word that means the same as “civilly”? Find 30 related words for “civilly” in this overview.

Associations of "Civilly" (30 Words)

ascentThe act of changing location in an upward direction.
The first balloon ascent was in 1783.
bourgeoisA bourgeois person.
A self confessed and proud bourgeois.
burgessA member of the assembly of colonial Maryland or Virginia.
burgherA member of the middle class.
The poem is not the sort of thing the sturdy burghers of Manchester would wish to read.
citizenA legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.
The good citizens of Edinburgh.
citizenshipConduct as a citizen.
The refugees could be granted dual citizenship.
civilianRelating to civilians.
Civilian clothes.
commonerOne of the ordinary or common people, as opposed to the aristocracy or to royalty.
Cattle and ponies owned by the commoners.
commonsA pasture subject to common use.
The state was divided into clergy nobility and commons.
constituentBeing a voting member of an organization and having the power to appoint or elect.
A constituent assembly.
disfranchiseDeprive of voting rights.
disloyaltyThe quality of being disloyal.
An accusation of disloyalty and betrayal.
disunionThe termination or destruction of union.
His rejection of disunion was consistent with his nationalism.
ensignAn emblem flown as a symbol of nationality.
All the ensigns of our greatness.
ethnicityAn ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties.
The interrelationship between gender ethnicity and class.
firebrandSomeone who deliberately foments trouble.
A political firebrand.
instigatorA person who brings about or initiates something.
She was the instigator of their quarrel.
insubordinationDefiance of authority; refusal to obey orders.
He was dismissed for insubordination.
insurrectionOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
The insurrection was savagely put down.
magistrateA lay judge or civil authority who administers the law (especially one who conducts a court dealing with minor offenses.
mutinyEngage in a mutiny against an authority.
A mutiny by those manning the weapons could trigger a global war.
nationalityDistinctive national or ethnic character.
The change of a name does not discard nationality.
penaltyA disadvantage suffered as the result of an action or situation.
The charge carries a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment.
plebeianOf or associated with the great masses of people.
Two dancers one royal and one plebeian.
rebellionThe action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention.
The Bretons rose in rebellion against the King.
revoltCause aversion in; offend the moral sense of.
The people revolted when bread prices tripled again.
risingOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
Rising ground.
secessionThe withdrawal of eleven southern states from the US Union in 1860, leading to the Civil War.
The republics want secession from the union.
uphillRequiring great effort; difficult.
Follow the track uphill.
uprisingOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
An armed uprising.

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