CLEARER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CLEARER?

Need another word that means the same as “clearer”? Find 30 related words for “clearer” in this overview.

Associations of "Clearer" (30 Words)

apparentClearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment.
The effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields.
assuredlyUsed to express the speaker’s certainty that something is true.
Potted roses will most assuredly not survive winter without protection.
candorThe quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech.
certainlyUsed to emphasize the speaker’s belief that what is said is true.
The prestigious address certainly adds to the firm s appeal.
clarityThe quality of transparency or purity.
It was clarity of purpose that he needed.
clearlyWithout doubt; obviously.
Her ability to write clearly.
crystallineDistinctly or sharply outlined- John Buchan.
Granite is crystalline.
decidedlyIn a decisive and confident way.
He looked decidedly uncomfortable.
definitelyIn a definite manner; clearly.
I shall definitely be at the airport to meet you.
doubtlessCertainly; without doubt.
The company would doubtless find the reduced competition to their liking.
explicitOf a person stating something in an explicit manner.
She made her wishes explicit.
expresslyExplicitly; clearly.
She was expressly forbidden to use the stove.
indubitableImpossible to doubt; unquestionable.
An indubitable truth.
indubitablyIn a manner or to a degree that could not be doubted.
Indubitably liberalism parades under many guises.
limpid(of a person’s eyes) unclouded; clear.
Could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool.
lucid(of language) transparently clear; easily understandable.
Lucid air.
obviousPredictable and lacking in subtlety.
It was obvious a storm was coming in.
overtDone or shown openly; plainly apparent.
In untreated cases overt psychosis may occur.
pellucidEasily understood; lucid.
A pellucid brook.
perspicuityClarity as a consequence of being perspicuous.
perspicuousAble to give an account or express an idea clearly.
A perspicuous argument.
plainUnmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly.
Made his meaning plain.
simpleHaving few parts; not complex or complicated or involved.
A quiet unassuming man with simple tastes.
straightforwardWithout evasion or compromise.
A straightforward gaze.
surelyDefinitely or positively sure is sometimes used informally for surely.
If he did not heed the warning he would surely die.
transparentTransmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity.
If you had transparent government procurement corruption would go away.
unambiguousNot open to more than one interpretation.
As a horror apartheid is absolutely unambiguous.
undoubtedlyWithout doubt; certainly.
It s undoubtedly very beautiful.
unequivocalAdmitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion.
An unequivocal success.
unquestionablyIn a way that cannot be disputed or doubted; without question.
The awards were unquestionably deserved.

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