OVERT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OVERT?

Need another word that means the same as “overt”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “overt” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Overt” are: open, undisguised, unconcealed, plain to see, plainly seen, plain, clear, apparent, conspicuous, unmistakable, obvious, noticeable, observable, visible, manifest, patent, public, above board

Overt as an Adjective

Definitions of "Overt" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “overt” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Open and observable; not secret or hidden.
  • Done or shown openly; plainly apparent.

Synonyms of "Overt" as an adjective (18 Words)

above boardAppearing earlier in the same text.
apparentClearly visible or understood; obvious.
For no apparent reason she laughed.
clearClear and distinct to the senses easily perceptible.
The letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather.
conspicuousWithout any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.
Made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening.
manifestClearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment.
Her manifest charm and proven ability.
noticeableUndesirably noticeable.
The church is noticeable for the fresco above the door.
observableCapable of being seen or noticed.
Observable differences.
obviousEasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
It was an obvious remark to make.
openFull of small openings or gaps.
Open to attack.
patentMade and marketed under a patent proprietary.
She was smiling with patent insincerity.
plainNot using concealment or deception; frank.
There were indrawn breaths at such plain speaking.
plain to seeLacking in physical beauty or proportion.
plainly seenNot elaborate or elaborated; simple.
publicOf or provided by the state rather than an independent, commercial company.
Public libraries.
unconcealedNot concealed or hidden.
Watched with unconcealed curiosity.
undisguised(of a feeling) not disguised or concealed; open.
Undisguised curiosity.
unmistakableNot able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive.
His opposition to slavery was unmistakable.
visibleAble to be seen.
A visible change of expression.

Usage Examples of "Overt" as an adjective

  • In untreated cases, overt psychosis may occur.
  • Overt hostility.
  • An overt act of aggression.
  • Overt intelligence gathering.
  • An overt lie.

Associations of "Overt" (30 Words)

apparentClearly visible or understood; obvious.
For no apparent reason she laughed.
barefacedWith no effort to conceal.
A barefaced hypocrite.
blatantWithout any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.
Despite their blatant attraction to each other they try to stay just friends.
brazenUnrestrained by convention or propriety.
Brazen it out.
certainlyDefinitely or positively (`sure’ is sometimes used informally for `surely.
The prestigious address certainly adds to the firm s appeal.
confirmingServing to support or corroborate.
conspicuousWithout any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.
A tower conspicuous at a great distance.
definiteClearly true or real; unambiguous.
Under the circumstances air conditioning is a definite asset.
evidentCapable of being seen or noticed.
She ate the biscuits with evident enjoyment.
explicitOf a person stating something in an explicit manner.
Explicit instructions.
flagrant(of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive.
Flagrant violation of human rights.
flauntDisplay proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously.
Newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity.
glaringGiving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light.
The glaring sun.
manifestRecord in a ship s manifest.
Bad industrial relations are often manifested in strikes.
obviousEasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
Obvious errors.
palpabilityThe quality of being perceivable by touch.
pellucidTransparently clear; easily understandable- Robert Burton.
A pellucid brook.
perspicuousAble to give an account or express an idea clearly.
A perspicuous argument.
plainExpress complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness.
Plain food.
presumptuous(of a person or their behaviour) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate.
The duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants.
pronouncedVery noticeable or marked; conspicuous.
A pronounced flavor of cinnamon.
proudlyWith pride; in a proud manner.
She proudly displayed her newest creations.
shameless(of a person or their conduct) characterized by or showing a lack of shame; barefaced or brazen.
His shameless hypocrisy.
statedDeclared as fact explicitly stated.
Do not exceed the stated dose.
unambiguousNot open to more than one interpretation.
As a horror apartheid is absolutely unambiguous.
unashamedExpressed or acting openly and without guilt or embarrassment.
An unashamed emotionalism.
undisguised(of a feeling) not disguised or concealed; open.
She looked at him with undisguised contempt.
unequivocalClearly defined or formulated.
Unequivocal evidence.
unmistakableNot able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive.
His opposition to slavery was unmistakable.

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