CLOUDS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CLOUDS?

Need another word that means the same as “clouds”? Find 30 related words for “clouds” in this overview.

Associations of "Clouds" (30 Words)

aerosolA container holding an aerosol.
The organisms are spread in the aerosols generated by showers.
atmosphericRelating to the atmosphere of the earth.
Atmospheric pollution.
blurMake unclear indistinct or blurred.
The fog blurs my vision.
blurryIndistinct or hazy in outline.
Vision may be hazy or blurry for a few days after surgery.
churnProduce butter by churning milk or cream.
A milk churn.
cloudyLacking definite form or limits.
The pond water is slightly cloudy.
dropletA tiny drop.
Droplets of water.
faintLose consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.
A faint hissing sound.
fogMake less visible or unclear.
Hot steam drifted about her fogging up the window.
foggyIndistinct or hazy in outline.
She was foggy with sleep.
hazeObscure with a haze.
An alcoholic haze.
hazyIndistinct or hazy in outline.
The picture we have of him is extremely hazy.
humidMarked by a relatively high level of water vapour in the atmosphere.
Humid weather.
indistinctNot clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand.
An indistinct memory.
mistSpray finely or cover with mist.
The peaks were shrouded in mist.
misty(of a person’s eyes) full of tears so as to blur the vision.
The misty air above the frozen river.
moistenMoisten with fine drops.
The dew moistened the meadows.
murky(of liquids) clouded as with sediment.
Murky waters.
nebulousLacking definition or definite content- Jane Austen.
Nebulous reasons.
opaqueAn opaque thing.
Opaque windows of the jail.
overcastSew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next.
Fall weather often overcasts our beaches.
precipitationThe process of forming a chemical precipitate.
The storm brought several inches of precipitation.
roilMake turbid by stirring up the sediments of.
The sea roiled below her.
skyThe atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth.
Dorcas had never seen so much sky.
smogFog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants.
Exhaust emissions are mainly responsible for the smog.
smokeTreat fumigate or cleanse by exposure to smoke.
I got smoked in that fight.
snowSnow falls.
All that they could pick up on their screens was snow.
steamApply steam to something fixed with adhesive so as to open or loosen it.
You can learn the intricacies of steaming a locomotive for the first time.
turbidConfused or obscure in meaning or effect.
The turbid estuary.
weatherChange under the action or influence of the weather.
This year has tested industry s ability to weather recession.

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