CONK OUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONK OUT?

Need another word that means the same as “conk out”? Find 30 related words for “conk out” in this overview.

Associations of "Conk out" (30 Words)

abovegroundOn or above the surface of the ground.
Aboveground nuclear testing.
absenteeOne that is absent or not in residence.
An absentee from the match.
awayOut of the way especially away from one s thoughts.
The boat was 5 miles off or away.
barringThe act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto.
besidesUsed to introduce an additional idea or explanation.
I m capable of doing the work and a lot more besides.
byIn reserve; not for immediate use.
A car flashed by on the other side of the road.
decriminalizeStop treating (something) as illegal or as a criminal offence.
A battle to decriminalize cannabis.
departGo away or leave.
They departed for Germany.
dispelForce to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings.
The brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine s dejection.
dwellingA house, flat, or other place of residence.
The proposed dwelling is out of keeping with those nearby.
eliminationThe act of removing an unknown mathematical quantity by combining equations.
The elimination of extreme poverty is a key objective.
exceptTake exception to.
Five classes of advertisement are excepted from control.
excludeRemove from consideration.
The bad results were excluded from the report.
exemptionThe action of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
Additional exemptions are allowed for each dependent.
exhaleGive off (vapour or fumes.
She sat back and exhaled deeply.
habitableSuitable or good enough to live in.
The house should be habitable by Christmas.
habitationThe fact of living in a particular place.
He built his habitation close to the river.
hallThe principal living room of a medieval house.
The village hall.
homeReturn home accurately from a long distance.
A home computer.
leaveLeave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking.
We were almost the last to leave.
obviateAvoid or prevent (something undesirable.
A parachute can be used to obviate disaster.
offstage(in a theatre) away from the stage and so not visible to the audience.
Screams were heard offstage.
omitFail or neglect to do.
He modestly omits to mention that he was a pole vault champion.
outdoorsAny area outside buildings or shelter, typically that far away from human habitation.
It was warm enough to eat outdoors.
outsideOutside a building.
The outside lane.
porchA structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance.
Daniel and Lydia sat out on the porch for many hours.
redefineGive a new or different definition to.
The role of the Emperor was redefined.
Lichens respire at lower levels of temperature and moisture.
tentA web that resembles a tent or carpet.
He pitched his tent near the creek.
unsharedNot shared.
Most of those placed in hostels would prefer unshared independent accommodation.

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