Need another word that means the same as “hall”? Find 36 synonyms and 30 related words for “hall” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Hall” are: charles martin hall, antechamber, anteroom, entrance hall, foyer, lobby, vestibule, dorm, dormitory, residence hall, student residence, g. stanley hall, granville stanley hall, manse, mansion, mansion house, residence, hallway, marguerite radclyffe hall, radclyffe hall, manor hall, asaph hall, charles francis hall, entrance, entry, porch, portico, reception area, atrium, concourse, waiting room, assembly hall, assembly room, meeting room, large public room, chamber
Hall as a Noun
Definitions of "Hall" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “hall” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A large building used by a college or university for teaching or research.
- The room used for meals in a college, university, or school.
- A large building for meetings or entertainment.
- English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943.
- United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914.
- A large room in a mansion or palace used for receptions and banquets.
- A large entrance or reception room or area.
- The principal living room of a medieval house.
- A large room for gatherings or entertainment.
- An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open.
- A large country house, especially one with a landed estate.
- A university building containing rooms for students to live in.
- A building or large room used for meetings, concerts, or other events.
- The room or space just inside the front entrance of a house or flat.
- The building in which a guild was housed.
- The large room of a manor or castle.
- A large and imposing house.
- A college or university building containing living quarters for students.
- A corridor or area on to which rooms open.
- United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871.
- United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924.
- United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907.

Synonyms of "Hall" as a noun (36 Words)
antechamber | A small room leading to a main one. The antechamber to an interview room. |
anteroom | A large entrance or reception room or area. |
asaph hall | A college or university building containing living quarters for students. |
assembly hall | The social act of assembling. |
assembly room | The act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery. |
atrium | Each of the two upper cavities of the heart from which blood is passed to the ventricles The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the veins of the body the left atrium oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein. |
chamber | Rooms used by a barrister or barristers, especially in the Inns of Court. A burial chamber. |
charles francis hall | A large entrance or reception room or area. |
charles martin hall | Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas. |
concourse | The action of coming together or meeting. A station concourse. |
dorm | A dormitory. |
dormitory | A college or university building containing living quarters for students. A dormitory town. |
entrance | The coming of an actor or performer on to a stage. The entrance to a tunnel. |
entrance hall | A movement into or inward. |
entry | A written record of a commercial transaction. Sophisticated features to help ensure accurate data entry. |
foyer | An entrance hall in a house or flat. The foyer of the concert hall. |
g. stanley hall | United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871. |
granville stanley hall | The large room of a manor or castle. |
hallway | An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open. |
large public room | A garment size for a large person. |
lobby | In the UK lobby correspondents collectively. Members of the anti abortion lobby. |
manor hall | The mansion of a lord or wealthy person. |
manse | A large and imposing house. She has just returned to her mother and the family manse after being expelled from convent school. |
mansion | A terrace or mansion block. Carlyle Mansions. |
mansion house | One of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided. |
marguerite radclyffe hall | United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924. |
meeting room | The social act of assembling for some common purpose. |
porch | A structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance. Daniel and Lydia sat out on the porch for many hours. |
portico | A structure consisting of a roof supported by columns at regular intervals, typically attached as a porch to a building. |
radclyffe hall | A large room for gatherings or entertainment. |
reception area | The act of receiving. |
residence | A large and imposing house. She took up residence in Paris. |
residence hall | A large and imposing house. |
student residence | A learner who is enrolled in an educational institution. |
vestibule | The central cavity of the labyrinth of the inner ear. |
waiting room | The act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something. |

Usage Examples of "Hall" as a noun
- Pool hall.
- For a brief time they had shared a room in hall.
- Darlington Hall.
- Halls of learning.
- Lecture hall.
- The elevators were at the end of the hall.
- He dined in hall.
- The village hall.

Associations of "Hall" (30 Words)
aisle | A passage between cabinets and shelves of goods in a supermarket or other building. The musical had the audience dancing in the aisles. |
antechamber | A large entrance or reception room or area. The antechamber to an interview room. |
anteroom | A large entrance or reception room or area. |
arcade | A structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns. A shopping arcade. |
concourse | A crowd or assembly of people. A vast concourse of onlookers. |
corridor | A long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms. Even on long journeys early trains had no corridors. |
door | A room that is entered via a door. We closed the door to Haitian immigrants. |
doorway | An entrance to a room or building through a door. The doorway to success. |
dwelling | Housing that someone is living in. He built a modest dwelling near the pond. |
expo | A collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display. |
foyer | A large entrance or reception room or area. The foyer of the concert hall. |
gangway | A passage between rows of seats, especially in a theatre or aircraft. |
hallway | An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open. |
home | Provide an animal with a home as a pet. Home fans. |
hotel | A restaurant or cafe. A hotel room. |
house | The people living in a house a household. The sixty member National Council the country s upper house. |
lobby | An interest group that tries to influence legislators or bureaucrats to act in their favor typically through lobbying. The organization was formed to lobby for student concerns. |
mansion | A terrace or mansion block. Carlyle Mansions. |
multitude | A large indefinite number. A multitude of medical conditions are due to being overweight. |
narrow | A narrow strait connecting two bodies of water. A narrow scrutiny. |
nave | The central part of a church building, intended to accommodate most of the congregation. In traditional Western churches it is rectangular, separated from the chancel by a step or rail, and from adjacent aisles by pillars. |
passage | Subject a strain of microorganisms or cells to a passage. The outward passage took 10 days. |
passageway | A passage between rooms or between buildings. The palace was full of secret passageways. |
porch | A veranda. Daniel and Lydia sat out on the porch for many hours. |
residence | The official home of a government minister or other public or official figure. The youth hostel has been adapted from a private residence. |
theater | A building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented. He served in the Vietnam theater for three years. |
threshold | The starting point for a new state or experience. The inheritance tax threshold. |
throng | (of a crowd) fill or be present in (a place or area. He pushed his way through the throng. |
vent | A flue of a chimney. The plant was isolated and the gas vented. |
walkway | A path set aside for walking. |