Need another word that means the same as “multitude”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “multitude” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Multitude” are: hoi polloi, mass, masses, people, the great unwashed, concourse, throng, battalion, large number, pack, plurality, a lot, a great number, a large number, a great quantity, a large quantity, host, horde, mountain, droves, swarm, army, legion, sea, abundance, profusion, crowd, gathering, assembly, group, assemblage, congregation, flock, mob, the common people, the populace, the public, the people, the masses, the rank and file, the crowd, the third estate
Multitude as a Noun
Definitions of "Multitude" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “multitude” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The state of being numerous.
- The mass of ordinary people without power or influence.
- A large number of people or things.
- A large indefinite number.
- The common people generally.
- A large gathering of people.

Synonyms of "Multitude" as a noun (42 Words)
a great number | A person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field. |
a great quantity | A person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field. |
a large number | A garment size for a large person. |
a large quantity | A garment size for a large person. |
a lot | An unofficial association of people or groups. |
abundance | The state or condition of having a copious quantity of something; plentifulness. She was blessed with talent and charm in abundance. |
army | The army of the United States of America the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare. Army officers. |
assemblage | The social act of assembling. The assemblage of electronic image and text databases. |
assembly | A signal for troops to assemble, given by drum or bugle. The tail assembly of the aircraft. |
battalion | A large indefinite number. A battalion of ants. |
concourse | A large gathering of people. The concourse of bodies. |
congregation | A group of people regularly attending a particular place of worship. A great congregation of birds flew over. |
crowd | A large number of things or people considered together. He still hangs out with the same crowd. |
droves | A stonemason’s chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone. |
flock | A number of birds of one kind feeding, resting, or travelling together. A flock of gulls. |
gathering | The act of gathering something. A family gathering. |
group | (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule. The bulbs should be planted in groups. |
hoi polloi | The common people generally. |
horde | A moving crowd. A horde of beery rugby fans. |
host | A person who acts as host at formal occasions makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers. Innsbruck once played host to the Winter Olympics. |
large number | A garment size for a large person. |
legion | A vast multitude. Legions of photographers and TV cameras. |
mass | The property of something that is great in magnitude. A huge ice mass. |
masses | The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field. |
mob | A group of people in the same place or with something in common. A mob of cattle. |
mountain | A large natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill. They sought refuge in the mountains. |
pack | A convenient package or parcel as of cigarettes or film. We picked up our packs and trudged off. |
people | The common people generally. Old people. |
plurality | The number by which plurality exceeds the number of votes cast for the candidate placed second. A plurality of critical approaches. |
profusion | An abundance or large quantity of something. The profusion of detail. |
sea | Used to refer to waves as opposed to calm sea. Heavy seas. |
swarm | A series of similar-sized earthquakes occurring together, typically near a volcano. A swarm of journalists. |
the common people | A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area. |
the crowd | A large number of things or people considered together. |
the great unwashed | A person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field. |
the masses | The common people generally. |
the people | The body of citizens of a state or country. |
the populace | People in general considered as a whole. |
the public | People in general considered as a whole. |
the rank and file | The ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army. |
the third estate | The base that must be touched third by a base runner in baseball. |
throng | A large gathering of people. A throng of birds. |

Usage Examples of "Multitude" as a noun
- A multitude of TV antennas.
- Placing ultimate political power in the hands of the multitude.
- A multitude of medical conditions are due to being overweight.
- They would swarm over the river in their multitude.
- Father Peter addressed the multitude.

Associations of "Multitude" (30 Words)
assorted | Of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity. An arrangement of assorted spring flowers. |
assortment | The act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type. A great assortment of cars was on display. |
batch | Batch together assemble or process as a batch. I had nothing to do but batch the reports. |
battalion | An army unit usually consisting of a headquarters and three or more companies. A battalion of ants. |
cohort | A group of people with a shared characteristic. Young Jack arrived with three of his cohorts. |
cram | Prepare (students) hastily for an impending exam. Cram books into the suitcase. |
crowd | Cause to herd drive or crowd together. As demands crowd in on you it becomes difficult to keep things in perspective. |
diversity | Noticeable heterogeneity. Newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed. |
horde | A large group of people. A horde of beery rugby fans. |
innumerable | Too numerous to be counted. Innumerable difficulties. |
jam | A hold obtained by jamming a part of the body such as a hand or foot into a crack in the rock. They were jamming broadcasts by the pirate radio ships. |
legion | A division of 3,000–6,000 men, including a complement of cavalry, in the ancient Roman army. Palomar s fans are legion. |
lot | Divide into lots as of land for example. A vacant lot. |
many | A quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as’ or `too’ or `so’ or `that’; amounting to a large but indefinite number. Music for the many. |
mass | Formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole. A mass of cyclists. |
miscellany | A collection containing a variety of sorts of things. A miscellany of houses. |
mob | The ordinary people. A cuckoo flew over to be mobbed at once by two reed warblers. |
multiplicity | The property of being multiple. The demand for higher education depends on a multiplicity of factors. |
numerous | Amounting to a large indefinite number. The orchestra and chorus were numerous. |
onlooker | Someone who looks on. A crowd of fascinated onlookers. |
pile | Place or lay as if in a pile. For uniform color and texture tailors cut velvet with the pile running the same direction. |
plenty | Used to emphasize the degree of something. It must have cost plenty. |
pluralism | A theory or system that recognizes more than one ultimate principle. |
plurality | The number by which plurality exceeds the number of votes cast for the candidate placed second. Some languages add an extra syllable to mark plurality. |
rally | Drive in a rally. After a short rally Connors won the point. |
simultaneously | At the same instant. The telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks. |
swarm | Of flying insects move in or form a swarm. A plague of locusts swarmed across the countryside. |
throng | Flock or be present in great numbers. He pushed his way through the throng. |
variety | A collection containing a variety of sorts of things. It s the variety that makes my job so enjoyable. |
various | Considered individually. Dresses of various colours. |