CONNOISSEUR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONNOISSEUR?

Need another word that means the same as “connoisseur”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “connoisseur” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Connoisseur” are: cognoscente, expert judge, expert judge of, authority, authority on, specialist, specialist in

Connoisseur as a Noun

Definitions of "Connoisseur" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “connoisseur” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • An expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts.
  • An expert judge in matters of taste.

Synonyms of "Connoisseur" as a noun (7 Words)

authorityAn authoritative written work.
He had absolute authority over his subordinates.
authority onPersons who exercise (administrative) control over others.
cognoscenteAn expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts.
The art historian as professional expert cognoscente and aficionado.
expert judgeA person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully.
expert judge ofA person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully.
specialistPractices one branch of medicine.
Her doctor thought her allergy was psychosomatic but he sent her to a specialist.
specialist inAn expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning.

Usage Examples of "Connoisseur" as a noun

  • A connoisseur of music.

Associations of "Connoisseur" (30 Words)

adeptVery skilled or proficient at something.
An adept negotiator.
adroitQuick or skillful or adept in action or thought.
He was adroit at tax avoidance.
analystA psychoanalyst.
consultantAn expert who gives advice.
A consultant paediatrician.
cuisineThe practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared.
Much Venetian cuisine is based on seafood.
deftDemonstrating skill and cleverness.
The script was both deft and literate.
economistAn expert in the science of economics.
epicureanOf Epicurus or epicureanism.
An epicurean banquet.
expertHaving or involving a great deal of knowledge or skill in a particular area.
An expert in healthcare.
gastronomeA person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink.
Gastronomes will be fascinated by this guide to French cooking.
gourmetOf a kind or standard suitable for a gourmet.
A gourmet meal.
grammarianA linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax.
guruAn influential teacher or popular expert.
A guru of genomics.
ingredientA component of a mixture or compound.
Mix all of the ingredients together.
luminaryA celebrity who is an inspiration to others.
One of the luminaries of child psychiatry.
mavenAn expert or connoisseur.
Fashion mavens call beige oatmeal.
miniaturistA painter of miniatures or an illuminator of manuscripts.
occupationalRelating to a job or profession.
An occupational pension scheme.
philanthropistA person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
The trust was founded by an American philanthropist.
pieceRepair by adding pieces.
A piece of cheese.
practicedSkillful after much practice.
A practiced marksman.
professionallyIn a professional manner.
They had their hair and make up done professionally.
retailerA person who relates the details of a story or incident to others.
The big supermarkets have forced many independent retailers out of business.
silversmithSomeone who makes or repairs articles of silver.
specialistA person highly trained in a particular branch of medicine.
He is a specialist in psychometric testing.
specializeAdapt or set apart (an organ or part) to serve a special function or to suit a particular way of life.
She specializes in honey bees.
sybariteA person who is self-indulgent in their fondness for sensuous luxury.
tannerA small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970.
Skincare companies are coming to the rescue of consumers with sunless tanners.
technical(in areas with guerrilla warfare) a small truck with a machine gun mounted on the back.
Technical language.
wrightUnited States writer whose work is concerned with the oppression of African Americans (1908-1960.

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