Need another word that means the same as “consistent”? Find 34 synonyms and 30 related words for “consistent” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Consistent” are: uniform, reproducible, coherent, logical, ordered, steady, stable, constant, regular, even, orderly, unchanging, unvarying, unswerving, undeviating, unwavering, unfluctuating, homogeneous, reasoned, well reasoned, rational, sound, cogent, well thought out, valid, compatible, congruous, accordant, consonant, in harmony, harmonious, in tune, in line, reconcilable
Consistent as an Adjective
Definitions of "Consistent" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “consistent” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.
- Capable of being reproduced.
- Unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time.
- (of an argument or set of ideas) not containing any logical contradictions.
- Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
- The same throughout in structure or composition.
- (sometimes followed by `with') in agreement or consistent or reliable.
- In agreement or consistent or reliable.
- Compatible or in agreement with something.

Synonyms of "Consistent" as an adjective (34 Words)
accordant | Being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with. I found the music accordant with the words of the service. |
cogent | Powerfully persuasive. They put forward cogent arguments for British membership. |
coherent | Sticking together. She was more coherent than she had been just after the accident. |
compatible | Capable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification. Her deeds were compatible with her ideology. |
congruous | In agreement or harmony. This explanation is congruous with earlier observations. |
consonant | Denoting or relating to a consonant. A consonant phoneme. |
constant | Occurring continuously over a period of time. A constant lover. |
even | Being level or straight or regular and without variation as e g in shape or texture or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else i e even with. She was known to have an even temper and to be difficult to rile. |
harmonious | Free from disagreement or dissent. The tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing. |
homogeneous | All of the same or similar kind or nature. Homogeneous catalysis. |
in harmony | Currently fashionable. |
in line | Holding office. |
in tune | Holding office. |
logical | Marked by an orderly logical and aesthetically consistent relation of parts. Her logical mind. |
ordered | Disposed or placed in a particular kind of order. An ordered sequence. |
orderly | (of a person or group) well behaved. An orderly arrangement of objects. |
rational | Consistent with or based on or using reason. Rational thought. |
reasoned | Based on logic or good sense. A reasoned judgement. |
reconcilable | Capable of being reconciled. The theory was quite reconcilable with industrialization. |
regular | Relating to a person who does something regularly. The regular army. |
reproducible | Capable of being reproduced. Astonishingly reproducible results can be obtained. |
sound | In good condition; free from defect or damage or decay. Sound advice. |
stable | Firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation. The officer concerned is mentally and emotionally stable. |
steady | (of a person) sensible, reliable, and self-restrained. I thought I d better get a steady job. |
unchanging | Not changing; remaining the same. The party stood for unchanging principles. |
undeviating | Showing no deviation; constant and steady. The undeviating loyalty of his wife. |
unfluctuating | Not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall. |
uniform | Denoting a garment forming part of a person s uniform. Black uniform jackets. |
unswerving | Going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside. A straight and narrow tree lined road unswerving across the lowlands. |
unvarying | Unvarying in nature. Principles of unvarying validity. |
unwavering | Not showing abrupt variations- Louis Auchincloss. She fixed him with an unwavering stare. |
valid | Well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force. The visas are valid for thirty days. |
well reasoned | In good health especially after having suffered illness or injury. |
well thought out | In good health especially after having suffered illness or injury. |

Usage Examples of "Consistent" as an adjective
- Bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product.
- The mixtures are of consistent quality.
- I have decided that the course of conduct which I am following is consistent with my sense of responsibility as president in time of war.
- A consistent worldwide application of its policies.
- The injuries are consistent with falling from a great height.
- The parents are being consistent and firm in their reactions.
- A consistent explanation.
- Testimony consistent with the known facts.
- He is their most consistent player this season.

Associations of "Consistent" (30 Words)
ceaseless | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. The ceaseless thunder of surf. |
changeless | Remaining the same. Changeless truths. |
coherent | (of a person) able to speak clearly and logically. Two coherent sheets. |
confirmed | (of a person) firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to change their ways. A confirmed teetotaller. |
constant | A number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context. A constant lover. |
constantly | Without variation or change, in every case. The world is constantly changing. |
continual | Continual meaning seemingly uninterrupted is often used interchangeably with continuous meaning without interruption. Some patients need continual safeguarding. |
continually | Repeated frequently in the same way; regularly. This information is continually updated. |
continued | Without stop or interruption. To insure the continued success of the war. |
endless | Having no known beginning and presumably no end. Endless ocean wastes. |
equable | Not easily irritated. He could look sterner than his equable temperament would suggest. |
immutable | Unchanging over time or unable to be changed. The view of that time was that all species were immutable created by God. |
incessant | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. Night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city. |
incessantly | With unflagging resolve. She talked about him incessantly. |
indestructible | Not able to be destroyed. Indestructible plastic containers. |
invariable | (of a noun in an inflected language) having the same form in both the singular and the plural, as does relais in French. An invariable rule. |
invariant | Unvarying in nature. The pattern of cell divisions was found to be invariant. |
lasting | Lasting a long time without change. A long lasting friendship. |
nonstop | A flight made without intermediate stops between source and destination. A nonstop flight to Atlanta. |
perpetual | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. He grows perpetual flowering carnations. |
persistent | Continuing to exist or occur over a prolonged period. One of the government s most persistent critics. |
relentless | Never-ceasing. The relentless beat of the drums. |
stable | Shelter in a stable. The officer concerned is mentally and emotionally stable. |
steadily | At a steady rate or pace. The mountain got steadily steeper. |
steady | Make steady. A steady increase. |
sustained | Continuing for an extended period or without interruption. Sustained flight. |
unceasing | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. Man s unceasing warfare with drought and isolation. |
unchangeable | Not changeable or subject to change-Ashley Montagu. A fixed and unchangeable part of the germ plasm. |
unchanging | Conforming to the same principles or course of action over time. The party stood for unchanging principles. |
unrelenting | Never-ceasing. The heat was unrelenting. |