Need another word that means the same as “unrelenting”? Find 39 synonyms and 30 related words for “unrelenting” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Unrelenting” are: persistent, relentless, grim, inexorable, stern, unappeasable, unforgiving, brutal, implacable, inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding, unbending, resolute, determined, unstoppable, dogged, tireless, unflagging, unshakeable, unswerving, unwavering, assiduous, sedulous, continual, constant, continuous, unremitting, unabating, unrelieved, sustained, incessant, unceasing, ceaseless, steady, unbroken, endless, unending, perpetual
Unrelenting as an Adjective
Definitions of "Unrelenting" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unrelenting” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Harsh.
- Not giving way to kindness or compassion.
- Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty.
- Never-ceasing.
- Not yielding in strength, severity, or determination.
- Punishingly harsh.

Synonyms of "Unrelenting" as an adjective (39 Words)
assiduous | Showing great care and perseverance. Assiduous research. |
brutal | (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering. The brutal summer sun. |
ceaseless | Constant and unending. The fort was subjected to ceaseless bombardment. |
constant | Unvarying in nature. Constant as the northern star. |
continual | Continual meaning seemingly uninterrupted is often used interchangeably with continuous meaning without interruption. The continual banging of the shutters. |
continuous | Continuing in time or space without interruption. A continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it. |
determined | Determined or decided upon as by an authority. Alina was determined to be heard. |
dogged | Stubbornly unyielding. Success required dogged determination. |
endless | Tiresomely long; seemingly without end. An endless conversation. |
grim | Filled with melancholy and despondency. A grim man loving duty more than humanity. |
implacable | Unable to be stopped; relentless. He was an implacable enemy of Ted s. |
incessant | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. The incessant beat of the music. |
inexorable | Impossible to stop or prevent. The seemingly inexorable march of new technology. |
inflexible | Not able to be bent; stiff. An inflexible law. |
perpetual | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. A perpetual secretary of the society. |
persistent | Never-ceasing. Persistent leaves remain attached past maturity. |
relentless | Unceasingly intense. A patient but relentless taskmaster. |
resolute | Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. He was resolute in his fight to uphold liberal values. |
sedulous | Marked by care and persistent effort. Sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles. |
steady | (of a person) sensible, reliable, and self-restrained. He refilled her glass with a steady hand. |
stern | Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor forbidding in aspect. A smile transformed his stern face. |
sustained | Continuous. Several years of sustained economic growth. |
tireless | Characterized by hard work and perseverance. A tireless campaigner. |
unabating | Not weakening or losing intensity. Unabating enthusiasm. |
unappeasable | Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty. What began as an aspiration turned soon to an unappeasable hunger. |
unbending | Reserved, formal, or strict in one’s behaviour or attitudes; austere and inflexible. An unbending will to dominate. |
unbroken | Not subdued or trained for service or use. Fortunately the other lens is unbroken. |
unceasing | Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. Man s unceasing warfare with drought and isolation. |
uncompromising | Showing an unwillingness to make concessions to others, especially by changing one’s ways or opinions. The uncompromising ugliness of the era s buildings. |
unending | Having or seeming to have no end. The unending bliss of heaven. |
unflagging | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. Unflagging courtesy. |
unforgiving | (of a place or situation) harsh or hostile. He was always a proud and unforgiving man. |
unrelieved | Lacking variation or change; monotonous. Flowing gowns of unrelieved black. |
unremitting | Never relaxing or slackening; incessant. Unremitting demands of hunger. |
unshakeable | Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable. My unshakeable faith in the goodness of mankind. |
unstoppable | Impossible to stop or prevent. As unstoppable as the wind. |
unswerving | Not changing or becoming weaker; steady or constant. Unswerving loyalty. |
unwavering | Not showing abrupt variations- Louis Auchincloss. She fixed him with an unwavering stare. |
unyielding | Stubbornly unyielding T S Eliot. The Atlantic hurled its waves at the unyielding rocks. |

Usage Examples of "Unrelenting" as an adjective
- Unrelenting opponents.
- The heat was unrelenting.
Associations of "Unrelenting" (30 Words)
consistent | In agreement or consistent or reliable. A consistent worldwide application of its policies. |
constant | Occurring continuously over a period of time. These discs rotate at a constant speed. |
continual | Continual meaning seemingly uninterrupted is often used interchangeably with continuous meaning without interruption. The continual banging of the shutters. |
continually | Seemingly without interruption. This information is continually updated. |
crowding | A situation in which people or things are crowded together. He didn t like the crowding on the beach. |
determined | Determined or decided upon as by an authority. A struggle against a determined enemy. |
dogged | Stubbornly unyielding. Success required dogged determination. |
grinding | A harsh and strident sound as of the grinding of gears. The grinding roar of the lorries. |
harsh | Unkind or cruel or uncivil. Wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus. |
headstrong | Habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition. The headstrong impulsiveness of youth. |
implacable | Unable to be appeased or placated. An implacable enemy. |
incessant | (of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or interruption. The incessant beat of the music. |
incessantly | Without interruption. She talked about him incessantly. |
inexorable | (of a person) impossible to persuade; unrelenting. The seemingly inexorable march of new technology. |
merciless | Having or showing no mercy. A merciless critic. |
obduracy | Resoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible. |
obdurate | Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action. The child s misery would move even the most obdurate heart. |
obsessive | Characterized by or constituting an obsession. People dogged by obsessive jealousy. |
persistent | Continuing to exist or occur over a prolonged period. Persistent leaves remain attached past maturity. |
pertinacious | Stubbornly unyielding. He worked with a pertinacious resistance to interruptions. |
relentless | Never-ceasing. A patient but relentless taskmaster. |
steadfast | Firm and dependable especially in loyalty. Steadfast resolve. |
steady | Make or become steady. Held the ladder steady. |
stubborn | Having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. A stubborn infection. |
stubbornly | In a way that is difficult to move, remove, or improve. She remained stubbornly in the same position. |
tenacious | Sticking together. Tenacious memory. |
termagant | A harsh-tempered or overbearing woman. |
unceasingly | With unflagging resolve. |
unwavering | Not showing abrupt variations- Louis Auchincloss. Unwavering loyalty. |
unyielding | Stubbornly unyielding T S Eliot. An unyielding head support. |