Need another word that means the same as “tireless”? Find 24 synonyms and 30 related words for “tireless” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Tireless” are: hardworking, industrious, untiring, indefatigable, unflagging, unwearying, vigorous, energetic, determined, resolute, enthusiastic, keen, zealous, forceful, strong, herculean, spirited, dynamic, intense, dogged, tenacious, persevering, stout, pertinacious
Tireless as an Adjective
Definitions of "Tireless" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tireless” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having or showing great effort or energy.
- Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality.
- Characterized by hard work and perseverance.

Synonyms of "Tireless" as an adjective (24 Words)
determined | Having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation. Helen was a determined little girl. |
dogged | Stubbornly unyielding- T.S.Eliot. Dogged persistence. |
dynamic | Of or relating to dynamics. A dynamic economy. |
energetic | Working hard to promote an enterprise. An energetic group of hikers. |
enthusiastic | Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. He could be wildly enthusiastic about a project. |
forceful | Forceful and definite in expression or action. She was a forceful personality. |
hardworking | Characterized by hard work and perseverance. |
herculean | Displaying superhuman strength or power. Herculean exertions. |
indefatigable | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. An indefatigable advocate of equal rights. |
industrious | Working hard to promote an enterprise. An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous. |
intense | Extremely sharp or intense. Intense emotion. |
keen | (of a smell, light, or sound) penetrating; clear. A keen gardener. |
persevering | Quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness. With persevering or patient industry she revived the failing business. |
pertinacious | Holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action. He worked with a pertinacious resistance to interruptions. |
resolute | Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. A resolute and unshakeable faith. |
spirited | Made lively or spirited. A spirited campaigner for women s rights. |
stout | Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships. Stout middle aged men. |
strong | Having a strong physiological or chemical effect. There is a strong argument for decentralization. |
tenacious | Good at remembering. You re tenacious and you get at the truth. |
unflagging | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. Unflagging pursuit of excellence. |
untiring | Characterized by hard work and perseverance. His untiring efforts in commissioning ecological reports. |
unwearying | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. We recognize the unwearying efforts the government has made. |
vigorous | Characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity. A vigorous foreign policy. |
zealous | Marked by active interest and enthusiasm. The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. |
Usage Examples of "Tireless" as an adjective
- A tireless campaigner.
- A tireless worker.
Associations of "Tireless" (30 Words)
ambitious | (of a plan or piece of work) intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve. Ambitious schedule. |
ardent | Very enthusiastic or passionate. An ardent supporter of the conservative cause. |
arduous | Characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort. Worked their arduous way up the mining valley. |
assiduity | Constant or close attention to what one is doing. The assiduity with which he could wear down his opponents. |
cheerily | In a cheerful manner. The children were waving cheerily. |
diligence | Careful and persistent work or effort. His diligence won him quick promotions. |
diligent | Quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness. After diligent searching he found a parcel. |
eager | Strongly wanting to do or have something. The man was eager to please. |
effort | A notable achievement. Contributed to the war effort. |
endeavor | Attempt by employing effort. We endeavor to make our customers happy. |
energetic | Showing or involving great activity or vitality. An energetic fund raiser for the college. |
enterprising | Marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects. An enterprising young man likely to go far. |
enthusiasm | Something that arouses enthusiasm. Few expressed enthusiasm about the current leaders. |
exertion | Physical or mental effort. She was panting with the exertion. |
fervent | Having or displaying a passionate intensity. A fervent supporter of the revolution. |
hard | Causing great damage or hardship. Rub the varnish down when it s hard. |
indefatigable | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. An indefatigable defender of human rights. |
industrious | Working hard to promote an enterprise. An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous. |
inexhaustible | That cannot be entirely consumed or used up. His inexhaustible energy. |
pains | An effortful attempt to attain a goal. |
painstaking | Characterized by extreme care and great effort. He is a gentle painstaking man. |
steady | In a steady manner. A steady breeze. |
strenuous | Taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance. The government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching profession. |
striving | An effortful attempt to attain a goal. |
submerse | Put under water. Pellets were then submersed in agar. |
torrid | Full of difficulty. He d been given a pretty torrid time by the nation s voters. |
try | An act of trying something new or different to see if it is suitable effective or pleasant. They decided to try for another baby. |
unflagging | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. Unflagging courtesy. |
vigorous | Characterized by or involving physical strength, effort, or energy. A vigorous denial. |
zealotry | Excessive intolerance of opposing views. He expressed concern about religious zealotry playing an increasing role in politics. |