Need another word that means the same as “energetic”? Find 40 synonyms and 30 related words for “energetic” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Energetic” are: gumptious, industrious, up-and-coming, active, lively, dynamic, zestful, spirited, animated, vital, vibrant, sparkling, bouncy, bubbly, perky, bright and breezy, frisky, sprightly, tireless, indefatigable, enthusiastic, zealous, fiery, passionate, vigorous, strenuous, brisk, forceful, aggressive, high-powered, all-out, determined, impassioned, emphatic, bold, driving, effective, effectual, powerful, potent
Energetic as an Adjective
Definitions of "Energetic" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “energetic” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Working hard to promote an enterprise.
- Possessing or exerting or displaying energy.
- Relating to or characterized by energy (in the technical sense.
- Showing or involving great activity or vitality.

Synonyms of "Energetic" as an adjective (40 Words)
active | Characterized by energetic activity. Active colitis. |
aggressive | Behaving or done in a determined and forceful way. He was aggressive and imperious positive in his convictions. |
all-out | Using all available resources. |
animated | (of a film or image) made using animation techniques. An animated cartoon. |
bold | (of a person or their manner) so confident as to be impudent or presumptuous. There is a market for bold movies and bold stars. |
bouncy | Elastic; rebounds readily. Bouncy floorboards. |
bright and breezy | Full or promise. |
brisk | Imparting vitality and energy. Doing a brisk business. |
bubbly | Full of or showing high spirits. Bright bubbly children. |
determined | Determined or decided upon as by an authority. Helen was a determined little girl. |
driving | Having the power of driving or impelling. A driving ambition. |
dynamic | Of or relating to dynamics. The dynamic president of the firm. |
effective | Able to accomplish a purpose functioning effectively. Effective steps toward peace. |
effectual | Producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect-LewisMumford. His complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action. |
emphatic | Sudden and strong. An emphatic no. |
enthusiastic | Having or showing great excitement and interest. An enthusiastic response. |
fiery | Very intense. Fiery oratory. |
forceful | Forceful and definite in expression or action. A forceful speaker. |
frisky | Playful and full of energy. He bounds about like a frisky pup. |
gumptious | Working hard to promote an enterprise. |
high-powered | Vigorously energetic or forceful. |
impassioned | Characterized by intense emotion. An impassioned appeal. |
indefatigable | (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly. An indefatigable defender of human rights. |
industrious | Working hard to promote an enterprise. An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous. |
lively | Full of spirit. A lively party. |
passionate | Arising from intense feelings of sexual love. A passionate kiss. |
perky | Cheeky. Don t be perky miss. |
potent | Having great influence. Providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons. |
powerful | Possessing physical strength and weight rugged and powerful. A powerful bomb. |
sparkling | Shining with brilliant points of light like stars. Sparkling snow. |
spirited | Made lively or spirited. A spirited dance. |
sprightly | Full of spirit and vitality. A sprightly dance. |
strenuous | Requiring or using great effort or exertion. The government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the teaching profession. |
tireless | Characterized by hard work and perseverance. A tireless worker. |
up-and-coming | Of the relatively near future. |
vibrant | Quivering; pulsating. A vibrant group that challenged the system. |
vigorous | Characterized by or involving physical strength, effort, or energy. A tall vigorous and muscular man. |
vital | Performing an essential function in the living body. A vital and charismatic leader. |
zealous | Having or showing zeal. The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. |
zestful | Marked by spirited enjoyment. A zestful and exuberant player. |

Usage Examples of "Energetic" as an adjective
- An energetic fund raiser for the college.
- Energetic X-rays.
- Moderately energetic exercise.
- It caused an energetic chemical reaction.
- An energetic group of hikers.

Associations of "Energetic" (30 Words)
ambitious | Having a strong desire for success or achievement. An ambitious enterprise. |
ardent | Characterized by intense emotion. An ardent lover. |
arduous | Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. The arduous work of preparing a dictionary. |
argumentative | Given to arguing. An argumentative discourse. |
bustling | (of a place) full of activity. An absurd and bustling busybody. |
charged | Supplied with carbon dioxide. Charged particles. |
cheerily | In a cheerful manner. He chats cheerily about city living. |
diligence | A diligent effort. Few party members challenge his diligence as an MP. |
driven | Motivated or determined by a specified factor or feeling. A chauffeur driven limousine. |
eager | Having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy. An eager look. |
effervescent | Used of wines and waters; charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide. Effervescent young people. |
endeavor | Attempt by employing effort. We endeavor to make our customers happy. |
enterprising | Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness. An enterprising young man likely to go far. |
exertion | Physical or mental effort. She was panting with the exertion. |
frothy | Light and entertaining but of little substance. Lots of frothy interviews. |
hard | Unfortunate or hard to bear. Efforts to turn psychology into hard science. |
indefatigable | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. An indefatigable defender of human rights. |
industrious | Diligent and hard-working. An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous. |
inexhaustible | (of an amount or supply of something) unable to be used up because existing in abundance. His inexhaustible energy. |
lively | Full of spirit; full of life. Her lively mind. |
propulsive | Having the quality of driving or pushing forwards. The faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency. |
provocative | Intentionally arousing sexual desire. A provocative smile. |
scintillating | Sparkling or shining brightly. The audience loved his scintillating wit. |
sprightly | (especially of an old person) lively; full of energy. A sprightly young girl. |
strenuous | Requiring or using great effort or exertion. Strenuous exercise. |
striving | An effortful attempt to attain a goal. |
tireless | Having or showing great effort or energy. A tireless campaigner. |
unflagging | Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. His apparently unflagging enthusiasm impressed her. |
vibrant | Vigorous and animated. A huge room decorated in vibrant blues and greens. |
vigorous | Strong and active physically or mentally. A tall vigorous and muscular man. |