CONSUMERS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONSUMERS?

Need another word that means the same as “consumers”? Find 30 related words for “consumers” in this overview.

Associations of "Consumers" (30 Words)

advertiserSomeone whose business is advertising.
Kids hate it when advertisers try too hard to target them on their level.
automatA vending machine from which you can get food.
boycottWithdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
An advert urges consumers to boycott the firm s coffee.
costBe priced at.
He couldn t calculate the cost of the collection.
couponOf a consumer collect and use coupons or vouchers offering discounts on goods or services.
She couponed and budgeted to feed her family of six.
disbursementAmounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures.
The bill includes unpaid professional disbursements.
discountBar from attention or consideration.
A product may carry a price which cannot easily be discounted.
expenditureThe act of spending money for goods or services.
Work is the expenditure of energy.
expenseOffset an item of expenditure as an expense against taxable income.
He kept a careful record of his expenses at the meeting.
groceryItems of food sold in a grocery or supermarket.
The grocery store included a meat market.
marketableFit to be offered for sale.
Marketable produce.
marketerSomeone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money.
A leading manufacturer and marketer of medical products.
marketingThe exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money.
Most companies have a manager in charge of marketing.
marketplaceAn open space where a market is or was formerly held.
They were driven from the marketplace.
merchandisePromote or publicize (an idea or person.
A new breakfast food can easily be merchandised.
outlayAn amount of money spent on something.
Comparatively little financial outlay.
priceDetermine the price of.
The price of gasoline.
purchaserA person who buys something; a buyer.
One of the club s prospective purchasers.
receiptReport the receipt of.
I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter.
retailerA person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.
The big supermarkets have forced many independent retailers out of business.
saleA particular instance of selling.
The salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office.
salespersonA salesman or saleswoman (used as a neutral alternative).
sellerA person who sells something.
Street sellers of newspapers flowers etc.
sellingThe exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money.
shopperA commercial agent who shops at the competitor’s store in order to compare their prices and merchandise with those of the store that employs her.
A four wheeled tartan shopper.
spendingThe act of spending or disbursing money.
storeFind a place for and put away for storage.
DIY stores.
taxationGovernment income due to taxation.
The progressive nature of taxation.
vendSell (something.
There was a man vending sticky cakes and ices.
vendorA person or company offering something for sale, especially a trader in the street.
An Italian ice cream vendor.

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