Need another word that means the same as “contempt”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “contempt” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Contempt” are: disrespect, scorn, despite, disdain, deprecation, disparagement, denigration, opprobrium, odium, obloquy, disregard, slighting, neglect
Contempt as a Noun
Definitions of "Contempt" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “contempt” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous.
- Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike.
- Open disrespect for a person or thing.
- The feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.
- The offence of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers.
- A willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a court or legislative body.
- Disregard for something that should be considered.

Synonyms of "Contempt" as a noun (13 Words)
denigration | A belittling comment. I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line. |
deprecation | A prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster. |
despite | Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike. The despite in which outsiders were held is legendary. |
disdain | The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect. Her upper lip curled in disdain. |
disparagement | The act of speaking contemptuously of. |
disregard | Willful lack of care and attention. Blatant disregard for the law. |
disrespect | A disrespectful mental attitude. Growing disrespect for the rule of law. |
neglect | The trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern. He was reported for neglect of duty. |
obloquy | State of disgrace resulting from public abuse. He endured years of contempt and obloquy. |
odium | General or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a result of their actions. He incurred widespread odium for military failures and government corruption. |
opprobrium | An occasion or cause of reproach or disgrace. The critical opprobrium generated by his films. |
scorn | A feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something. A scandal and a scorn to all who look on thee. |
slighting | A deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval. |

Usage Examples of "Contempt" as a noun
- He was held in contempt.
- Pam stared at the girl with total contempt.
- It is no wonder journalists are held in such contempt.
- When he was found to have lied to the House this was a contempt.
- This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority.

Associations of "Contempt" (30 Words)
barrack | Lodge in barracks. The granary in which the platoons were barracked. |
contemn | Look down on with disdain. It lay in Deronda s nature usually to contemn the feeble. |
despise | Look down on with disdain. He despised himself for being selfish. |
despite | Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike. She wanted neither favor nor despite. |
disaffection | A state or feeling of being dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control. The widespread disaffection of the troops. |
discourtesy | A manner that is rude and insulting. The fact that MPs were not kept informed was an extraordinary discourtesy. |
discredit | Damage the reputation of. The paper discredited the politician with its nasty commentary. |
disdain | Look down on with disdain. He disdained to discuss the matter further. |
disgust | Cause (someone) to feel revulsion or strong disapproval. They were disgusted by the violence. |
disrepute | The state of being held in low esteem. Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute. |
disrespect | A manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous. A young brave who disrespects his elders. |
flout | Laugh at with contempt and derision. The women pointed and flouted at her. |
gibe | Laugh at with contempt and derision. She proved impervious to his sarcastic gibes. |
hatred | Intense dislike; hate. Racial hatred. |
hostility | Hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition. He could not conceal his hostility. |
indignity | An affront to one’s dignity or self-esteem. The indignity of needing financial help. |
insult | Treat, mention, or speak to rudely. Turning his back on me was a deliberate insult. |
jeer | Laugh at with contempt and derision. Some of the younger men jeered at him. |
jibe | Shift from one side of the ship to the other. A jibe at his old rivals. |
nauseate | Upset and make nauseated. They were nauseated by the jingoism. |
repugnance | The relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time. Our repugnance at the bleeding carcasses. |
repulsion | The act of repulsing or repelling an attack; a successful defensive stand. Bond lengths are increased due to increasing repulsion between the atoms. |
revulsion | A sense of disgust and loathing. News of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion. |
ridicule | Subject to laughter or ridicule. He is held up as an object of ridicule. |
rudeness | Lack of manners; discourteousness. What I will not tolerate is rudeness. |
scoff | Laugh at with contempt and derision. Patrick professed to scoff at soppy love scenes in films. |
scorn | Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike. The professor scorns the students who don t catch on immediately. |
sicken | Make sick or ill. She was sickened by the bomb attack. |
sneering | Contemptuous or mocking. It will take a concerted effort from many to lay off the sneering and try understanding. |
snide | An unpleasant or underhand person. Snide remarks about my mother. |