Need another word that means the same as “disregard”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “disregard” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Disregard as a Noun
- Definitions of "Disregard" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Disregard" as a noun (2 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Disregard" as a noun
- Disregard as a Verb
- Definitions of "Disregard" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Disregard" as a verb (14 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Disregard" as a verb
- Associations of "Disregard" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Disregard” are: cut, ignore, snub, neglect, brush aside, brush off, discount, dismiss, push aside, take no notice of, take no account of, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, refuse to acknowledge, indifference
Disregard as a Noun
Definitions of "Disregard" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “disregard” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The action or state of paying no attention to something.
- Lack of attention and due care.
- Willful lack of care and attention.

Synonyms of "Disregard" as a noun (2 Words)
indifference | Unimportance. She shrugged feigning indifference. |
neglect | The trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern. The house was in a terrible state of neglect. |

Usage Examples of "Disregard" as a noun
- Blatant disregard for the law.

Disregard as a Verb
Definitions of "Disregard" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “disregard” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Bar from attention or consideration.
- Refuse to acknowledge.
- Give little or no attention to.
- Pay no attention to; ignore.
Synonyms of "Disregard" as a verb (14 Words)
brush aside | Touch lightly and briefly. |
brush off | Cover by brushing. |
cut | Form or shape by cutting or incising. This knife cuts well. |
discount | Deduct an amount from (the usual price of something. A product may carry a price which cannot easily be discounted. |
dismiss | Deliberately cease to think about. This case is dismissed. |
ignore | Give little or no attention to. He ignored her outraged question. |
neglect | Fail to care for properly. He neglected to write to her. |
pay no attention to | Dedicate. |
pay no heed to | Give money, usually in exchange for goods or services. |
push aside | Move with force. |
refuse to acknowledge | Elude, especially in a baffling way. |
snub | Check the movement of (a horse or boat), especially by a rope wound round a post. She snubbed his proposal. |
take no account of | Make use of or accept for some purpose. |
take no notice of | Engage for service under a term of contract. |
Usage Examples of "Disregard" as a verb
- The body of evidence is too substantial to disregard.
Associations of "Disregard" (30 Words)
blithe | Happy or carefree. Spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation. |
cheerful | Causing happiness by its nature or appearance. As cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be. |
condone | Excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with. She condoned her husband s occasional infidelities. |
connive | Secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur. She connived with a senior official to rig the results of last year s election. |
crass | So unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility. An act of crass stupidity. |
dismiss | (of a group assembled under someone’s authority) disperse. I was dismissed after I gave my report. |
disparagingly | In a disparaging manner. These mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging only to a story. |
downplay | Understate the importance or quality of. This report downplays the seriousness of global warming. |
education | The United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education including federal aid to educational institutions and students created 1979. He received no formal education. |
flatten | Defeat heavily in a contest. The landscape flattened. |
forget | Forget to do something. For years she had struggled to forget about him. |
ignore | Give little or no attention to. He ignored her outraged question. |
intelligence | Information in general; news. The gathering of intelligence. |
irrelevant | Having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue. An irrelevant comment. |
leave | Go and leave behind either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness. Leave the flowers that you see in the park behind. |
lighthearted | Carefree and happy and lighthearted. Her lighthearted nature. |
neglect | The trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern. The house was in a terrible state of neglect. |
obscurity | A thing that is unclear or difficult to understand. Poems of impenetrable obscurity. |
omit | Prevent from being included or considered or accepted. He was omitted from the second Test. |
optimistic | Hopeful and confident about the future. The government was optimistic that reform would take place. |
overlook | Watch over. I am overlooking her work. |
potter | A craftsman who shapes pottery on a potter s wheel and bakes them it a kiln. An afternoon s potter through the rooms and possessions of the rich. |
rebuff | A deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval. I asked her to be my wife and was rebuffed in no uncertain terms. |
repulse | Force or drive back. Rioters tried to storm the Ministry but were repulsed by police. |
repulsion | A feeling of intense distaste or disgust. People talk about the case with a mixture of fascination and repulsion. |
scoff | Showing your contempt by derision. You a scientist he scoffed. |
snub | (of a person’s nose) short and turned up at the end. The move was a snub to the government. |
unconcerned | Lacking in interest or care or feeling. The average American is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions beyond the normal citizen s comprehension and control. |
undeserved | Not deserved or earned. Has an undeserved reputation as a coward. |
unnoticed | Not noticed. A deliberate kick that went unnoticed by the referee. |