Need another word that means the same as “contraction”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “contraction” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Contraction” are: compression, condensation, muscle contraction, shrinking, reduction in size, shrinkage, tightening, tensing, flexing, labour pains, labour, abbreviation, short form, elision
Contraction as a Noun
Definitions of "Contraction" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “contraction” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A shortening of the uterine muscles occurring at intervals before and during childbirth.
- The process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter.
- A shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or muscle fiber.
- The process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together.
- The process of becoming smaller.
- A word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds.
- (physiology) a shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or muscle fiber.
- The act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope.
- A word or group of words resulting from shortening an original form.
- The process of shortening a word by combination or elision.

Synonyms of "Contraction" as a noun (14 Words)
abbreviation | Shortening something by omitting parts of it. SKU is the abbreviation for Stock Keeping Unit. |
compression | Encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required. |
condensation | The conversion of a vapour or gas to a liquid. The inside of the cab steamed up with condensation. |
elision | An omission of a passage in a book, speech, or film. Unease at the elision of so many vital questions. |
flexing | The act of flexing. |
labour | A group of moles. A woman in labour. |
labour pains | A social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages. |
muscle contraction | A bully employed as a thug or bodyguard. |
reduction in size | The act of decreasing or reducing something. |
short form | Accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference. |
shrinkage | The process, fact, or amount of shrinking. Shrinkage is the retail trade s euphemism for shoplifting. |
shrinking | The act of becoming less. |
tensing | A grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time. |
tightening | The act of making something tighter. The tightening of economic controls. |

Usage Examples of "Contraction" as a noun
- She was now in no doubt that she was having contractions.
- The contraction of a gas on cooling.
- Neurons control the contraction of muscles.
- ‘goodbye’ is a contraction of ‘God be with you.
- `o'clock' is a contraction of `of the clock.
- The general contraction of the industry did further damage to morale.
- The manufacturing sector suffered a severe contraction.
- `won't' is a contraction of `will not.

Associations of "Contraction" (30 Words)
abbreviate | Shorten. I decided to abbreviate my stay in Cambridge. |
abridge | Curtail (a right or privilege. The new law might abridge our freedom of expression. |
abridgment | A shortened version of a written work. |
aqueous | Produced by the action of water. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. |
compact | Have the property of being packable or of compacting easily. This powder compacts easily. |
compaction | An increase in the density of something. Tyres take up valuable landfill space and prevent waste compaction. |
compress | Reduce the dynamic range of (a sound signal). She compressed her lips. |
compression | Applying pressure. |
condensation | The process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state. The cloud is caused by condensation in the air. |
condense | Express (written or spoken material) in fewer words; make concise. Condense the milk. |
consonant | Denoting or relating to a consonant. Fricatives are by far the largest group of English consonants. |
curtail | Deprive someone of (something. Civil liberties were further curtailed. |
dew | A beaded or glistening liquid resembling dew. Her body had broken out in a fine dew of perspiration. |
diphthong | A digraph representing the sound of a diphthong or single vowel as in feat. |
elision | The process of joining together or merging things, especially abstract ideas. Unease at the elision of so many vital questions. |
encapsulate | Enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule. The company would encapsulate the asbestos waste in concrete pellets. |
extract | Extract by the process of distillation. An extract from a historical film. |
foggy | Indistinct or hazy in outline. A dark and foggy night. |
minimize | Make small or insignificant. They may minimize or even overlook the importance of such beliefs. |
pressed | Compacted by ironing. Freshly pressed orange juice. |
pronounce | Speak pronounce or utter in a certain way. She pronounces French words in a funny way. |
reduction | The act of decreasing or reducing something. Talks on arms reduction. |
refrigeration | Deliberately lowering the body’s temperature for therapeutic purposes. Commercial refrigeration units. |
shorten | Make shorter than originally intended; reduce or retrench in length or duration. In winter the days shorten. |
squeeze | Squeeze like a wedge into a tight space. She was his main squeeze. |
subsidence | An abatement in intensity or degree (as in the manifestations of a disease. Subsidence damage. |
syllable | Pronounce a word or phrase clearly syllable by syllable. The word pocket has two syllables. |
vapor | The process of becoming a vapor. |
vaporization | Annihilation by vaporizing something. |
vowel | A letter representing a vowel sound such as a e i o u. |