Need another word that means the same as “encapsulate”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “encapsulate” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Encapsulate” are: capsule, capsulise, capsulize, summarize, sum up, give a summary of, precis, abridge, digest, abbreviate, condense, compress, compact, contract, telescope, enclose, encase, contain, confine, envelop, enfold, cocoon, surround
Encapsulate as a Verb
Definitions of "Encapsulate" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “encapsulate” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Enclose (an organ or structure of the body) in a tough sheath or membrane.
- Enclose (a message or signal) in a set of codes that allow transfer across networks.
- Enclose in a capsule or other small container.
- Provide an interface for (a piece of software or hardware) to allow or simplify access for the user.
- Enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule.
- Put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume.
- Express the essential features of (something) succinctly.

Synonyms of "Encapsulate" as a verb (23 Words)
abbreviate | Shorten the duration of; cut short. Network is often abbreviated to net. |
abridge | Lessen, diminish, or curtail. The new law might abridge our freedom of expression. |
capsule | Enclose in a capsule. |
capsulise | Enclose in a capsule. |
capsulize | Enclose in a capsule. Capsulize the news. |
cocoon | Retreat as if into a cocoon as from an unfriendly environment. We remain cocooned in our own little world of fantasies. |
compact | Have the property of being packable or of compacting easily. The foundation of the walls compacted of Granite and Lime. |
compress | Make more compact by or as if by pressing. The skirt can be folded and compressed into a relatively small bag. |
condense | Change or cause to change from a gas or vapour to a liquid. The morning play on Saturday was condensed into a half hour package. |
confine | Deprive of freedom take into confinement. The troops were confined to their barracks. |
contain | Be capable of holding or containing. Documents containing both text and simple graphics can be created. |
contract | Enter into a contractual arrangement. Exhale and slowly contract your abdominal muscles. |
digest | Systematize, as by classifying and summarizing. The government digested the entire law into a code. |
encase | Enclose in, or as if in, a case. Each was encased in a plastic shrink wrap. |
enclose | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. The open fields in the parish were enclosed in 1808. |
enfold | Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering. He shut off the engine and silence enfolded them. |
envelop | (of troops) surround (an enemy force. A figure enveloped in a black cloak. |
give a summary of | Give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. |
precis | Make a precis of a text or speech. |
sum up | Be a summary of. |
summarize | Give a summary (of. I will now summarize. |
surround | Surround so as to force to give up. The forest surrounds my property. |
telescope | Make smaller or shorter. The sliding carriage escapes were telescoped into a shorter length. |

Usage Examples of "Encapsulate" as a verb
- The conclusion is encapsulated in one sentence.
- Pancreatic tumours are encapsulated in a densely packed thicket of proteins and cells.
- Third-party vendors can encapsulate their tools to run with this software backplane.
- The company would encapsulate the asbestos waste in concrete pellets.
- Encapsulated organs such as the kidneys.
- Data requested is encapsulated and can be manipulated.

Associations of "Encapsulate" (30 Words)
abbreviate | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. Network is often abbreviated to net. |
abbreviated | (of clothing) very short. An abbreviated version of the earlier work. |
abbreviation | Shortening something by omitting parts of it. Nursing records must be written without abbreviation. |
abridge | Shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense. The new law might abridge our freedom of expression. |
abridgment | A shortened version of a written work. |
bowdlerize | Edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate. Every edition of his letters and diaries has been bowdlerized. |
brief | Instruct a barrister by brief. The president made a brief working visit to Moscow. |
briefly | For a short time; fleetingly. She replied briefly. |
concisely | In a concise manner; in a few words. The history is summed up concisely in this book. |
condensation | The conversion of a vapour or gas to a liquid. The inside of the cab steamed up with condensation. |
contraction | The process of becoming smaller. The manufacturing sector suffered a severe contraction. |
curtail | Deprive someone of (something. I that am curtailed of this fair proportion. |
diminish | Lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. The pain will gradually diminish. |
elision | Omission of a sound between two words (usually a vowel and the end of one word or the beginning of the next. The movie s elisions and distortions have been carefully thought out. |
expurgate | Edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate. Editors heavily expurgated the novel before its initial publication. |
haircut | The act of cutting the hair. Hair salons offering discounted haircuts. |
minimize | Cause to seem less serious; play down. The aim is to minimize costs. |
outline | Draw up an outline or sketch for something. An outline of parliamentary procedure. |
precis | Make a precis of a text or speech. |
profile | Represent in profile by drawing or painting. In soft rocks a profile drawn normally to the beach would show a concave form comparable with the long profile of a river. |
reduce | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. The church was reduced to rubble. |
resume | Take or put on again. The talks resumed in April. |
retrench | Reduce (something) in extent or quantity. The company had to retrench. |
short | Of a vowel categorized as short with regard to quality and length e g in standard British English the vowel in good is short as distinct from the long vowel u in food. All too often you pitch the ball short. |
shorten | Make short or shorter. In winter the days shorten. |
shrink | Move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust. I don t shrink from my responsibilities. |
shrinkage | An allowance made for reduction in the takings of a business due to wastage or theft. The material lost 2 inches per yard in shrinkage. |
summarize | Be a summary of. I will now summarize. |
summary | A brief statement or account of the main points of something. A summary of Chapter Three. |
synopsis | A sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory. A synopsis of the insurance cover provided is set out below. |