Need another word that means the same as “digest”? Find 70 synonyms and 30 related words for “digest” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Digest” are: abide, bear, brook, endure, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, tolerate, concentrate, condense, break down, dissolve, assimilate, absorb, take in, take up, understand, comprehend, grasp, master, learn, familiarize oneself with, classify, catalogue, tabulate, codify, arrange, order, dispose, systematize, methodize, compilation, list, chart, diagram, figure, graph, plan, journal, publication, magazine, newspaper, paper, review, gazette, newsletter, organ, serial, annual, quarterly, monthly, bimonthly, fortnightly, weekly, biweekly, summary, synopsis, abstract, precis, résumé, outline, sketch, rundown, quick rundown, abridgement, summation, compendium
Digest as a Noun
Definitions of "Digest" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “digest” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The compendium of Roman law compiled in the reign of Justinian.
- A periodical that summarizes the news.
- A substance or mixture obtained by digestion.
- A periodical consisting of condensed versions of pieces of writing or news published elsewhere.
- Something that is compiled (as into a single book or file.
- A methodical summary of a body of laws.
- A compilation or summary of material or information.

Synonyms of "Digest" as a noun (36 Words)
abridgement | The action of abridging a text. An abridgement of Shakespeare s Henry VI. |
abstract | An abstract work of art. He loved her only in the abstract not in person. |
annual | An annual plant. Sow annuals in spring. |
bimonthly | A periodical produced twice a month or every two months. |
biweekly | A periodical that is published twice a week or every two weeks (either 104 or 26 issues per year. An English language biweekly. |
chart | A circular map showing the positions of the planets in the twelve houses at the time of someone’s birth, from which astrologers are said to be able to deduce their character or potential. She topped the charts for eight weeks. |
compendium | A publication containing a variety of works. A compendium of tools. |
compilation | The act of compiling (as into a single book or file or list. Great care has been taken in the compilation of this guidebook. |
diagram | A drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing showing the relation between the parts. A diagram of the living room. |
figure | One of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration. She is an important figure in modern music. |
fortnightly | A magazine or other periodical issued every two weeks. The review was launched as a fortnightly in 1957. |
gazette | A journal or newspaper. An announcement in Tuesday's London Gazette will make clear that he is being stripped of the honour. |
graph | A written symbol that is used to represent speech. |
journal | (in bookkeeping) a daily record of business transactions with a statement of the accounts to which each is to be debited and credited. While abroad he had kept a journal. |
list | A formal structure analogous to a list by which items of data can be stored or processed in a definite order. The ship developed a list to starboard. |
magazine | A business firm that publishes magazines. He took the machine gun and a spare magazine. |
monthly | A periodical that is published every month (or 12 issues per year. An Anglo American monthly whose appeal was always international. |
newsletter | Report or open letter giving informal or confidential news of interest to a special group. |
newspaper | The organization responsible for producing a particular newspaper. All the newspapers carried the story. |
outline | A schematic or preliminary plan. An outline proposal. |
paper | The physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher. Murdoch owns many newspapers. |
plan | A drawing or diagram made by projection on a horizontal plane especially one showing the layout of a building or one floor of a building. A street plan. |
precis | A sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory. |
publication | The preparation and issuing of a book, journal, or piece of music for public sale. Scientific publications. |
quarterly | A magazine or journal that is published four times a year. |
quick rundown | Any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail. |
review | A formal or official examination. The Director General s end of year review. |
rundown | A concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court. A rundown in the business would be a devastating blow to the local economy. |
résumé | Short descriptive summary (of events. |
serial | A serialized set of programs. A new three part drama serial. |
sketch | Short descriptive summary (of events. A hilarious sketch for their latest BBC series. |
summary | A brief statement or account of the main points of something. He gave a summary of the conclusions. |
summation | The process of adding things together. These will need summation in a single document. |
synopsis | An outline of the plot of a play, film, or book. A synopsis of the insurance cover provided is set out below. |
weekly | A newspaper or periodical issued every week. |

Usage Examples of "Digest" as a noun
- A digest of cloned DNA.
- A digest of their findings.

Digest as a Verb
Definitions of "Digest" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “digest” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Arrange and integrate in the mind.
- Convert food into absorbable substances.
- Break down (food) in the alimentary canal into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body.
- Arrange in a systematic or convenient order, especially by reduction.
- Understand or assimilate (information) by a period of reflection.
- Treat (a substance) with heat, enzymes, or a solvent in order to decompose it or extract essential components.
- Put up with something or somebody unpleasant.
- Become assimilated into the body.
- Soften or disintegrate, as by undergoing exposure to heat or moisture.
- Soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture.
- Make more concise.
- Systematize, as by classifying and summarizing.

Synonyms of "Digest" as a verb (34 Words)
abide | Live; dwell. If there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline. |
absorb | Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action. Arms spending absorbs roughly two per cent of the national income. |
arrange | Make arrangements for. The quarrel partly by the interference of the Crown Prince was arranged. |
assimilate | Become similar. Philosophers had assimilated thought to perception. |
bear | Have or display as a visible mark or feature. It is doubtful whether either of these distinctions would bear scrutiny. |
break down | Break down literally or metaphorically. |
brook | Put up with something or somebody unpleasant. |
catalogue | Make a catalogue compile a catalogue. The report catalogues dangerous work practices in the company. |
classify | Assign to a particular class or category. How would you classify these pottery shards are they prehistoric. |
codify | Arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code. This would codify existing intergovernmental cooperation on drugs. |
comprehend | Include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory. A divine order comprehending all men. |
concentrate | Compress or concentrate. Luke wants to concentrate on his film career. |
condense | Undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops. Condense the contents of a book into a summary. |
dispose | Throw or cast away. She disposed of her parents possessions. |
dissolve | Close down or dismiss (an assembly or official body. Glucose dissolves easily in water. |
endure | Put up with something or somebody unpleasant. These cities have endured through time. |
familiarize oneself with | Make familiar or conversant with. |
grasp | Seize and hold firmly. Many companies grasped the opportunity to expand. |
learn | Find out learn or determine with certainty usually by making an inquiry or other effort. We learn from experience. |
master | Make a master copy of a film or recording. Her pain completely mastered her. |
methodize | Arrange in an orderly or systematic manner. Methodize the London collections and there will be no need for a special tier of administrators. |
order | Place in a certain order. All entries are ordered by date. |
put up | Formulate in a particular style or language. |
stand | Withstand the force of something. Standing water. |
stick out | Put, fix, force, or implant. |
stomach | Endure or accept (an obnoxious thing or person. If you cannot stomach orange juice try apple juice. |
suffer | Undergo or suffer. France will no longer suffer the existing government. |
support | Be the physical support of carry the weight of. The scholarship supported me when I was in college. |
systematize | Arrange according to an organized system; make systematic. Systematize our scientific knowledge. |
tabulate | Arrange or enter in tabular form. The system is designed to enable users to extract analyse and tabulate data. |
take in | Take into consideration for exemplifying purposes. |
take up | Be seized or affected in a specified way. |
tolerate | Allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting. He learned to tolerate the heat. |
understand | Be understanding of. You don t need to explain I understand. |

Usage Examples of "Digest" as a verb
- I cannot digest milk products.
- The government digested the entire law into a code.
- I cannot digest all this information.
- Leonora digested this piece of news with mixed feelings.
- The computer digested your labours into a form understandable by a program.
- Protein digests in a few hours.

Associations of "Digest" (30 Words)
absorb | Take up, as of debts or payments. She sat in an armchair absorbed in a book. |
alimentary | Of or providing nourishment. |
calorie | The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 C equal to one thousand small calories and often used to measure the energy value of foods. |
consumption | A wasting disease, especially pulmonary tuberculosis. His mother had died of consumption. |
dietary | Of or relating to the diet. Dietary restrictions. |
digestion | The process of decomposing organic matter (as in sewage) by bacteria or by chemical action or heat. He suffered with his digestion. |
eat | Eat a meal take a meal. What do whales eat. |
edible | Fit or suitable to be eaten. The shrub has small edible berries. |
excrete | (of a living organism or cell) separate and expel as waste (a substance, especially a product of metabolism. Excess bicarbonate is excreted by the kidney. |
fat | A kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy it also cushions and insulates vital organs. Fat tissue. |
feed | An actor who gives a feed to a fellow performer. The baby s morning feed. |
gastronome | A gourmet. Gastronomes will be fascinated by this guide to French cooking. |
imbibe | Take (gas, light or heat) into a solution. If one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed. |
ingest | Take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it. He spent his days ingesting the contents of the library. |
ingestion | The process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating. The quiet ingestion of information. |
inhalation | The act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing. With every inhalation air passes over the vocal cords. |
intake | An act of taking something into the body. A protective factor is the intake of cereal fibre. |
masticate | Chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth. Dentition affects how well food is masticated and absorbed. |
metabolic | Relating to or deriving from the metabolism of a living organism. A metabolic disorder. |
nourish | Give nourishment to. I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby. |
nutrient | Any substance (such as a chemical element or inorganic compound) that can be taken in by a green plant and used in organic synthesis. Fish is a source of many important nutrients including protein vitamins and minerals. |
nutrition | The branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition particularly in humans. A feeding tube gives her nutrition and water. |
nutritional | Of or relating to or providing nutrition. Genetic engineering can alter the nutritional value of food. |
nutritious | Of or providing nourishment. Home cooked burgers make a nutritious meal. |
nutritive | Relating to nutrition. Nutritive food. |
phagocytosis | The ingestion of bacteria or other material by phagocytes and amoeboid protozoans. |
provender | A stock or supply of foods. To raise the prices of provender for cattle importation has been severely curtailed. |
quench | An act of quenching a very hot substance. The cold water quenched his thirst. |
vitamin | A pill containing a specified amount of a particular vitamin or vitamins taken as a dietary supplement. Vitamin deficiency. |
wholesome | Conducive to or characterized by moral well-being. Good wholesome fun. |