Need another word that means the same as “edible”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “edible” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Edible as a Noun
- Definitions of "Edible" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Edible" as a noun (12 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Edible" as a noun
- Edible as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Edible" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Edible" as an adjective (11 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Edible" as an adjective
- Associations of "Edible" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Edible” are: comestible, eatable, safe to eat, fit to eat, fit to be eaten, fit for human consumption, wholesome, good to eat, consumable, digestible, palatable, pabulum, victual, victuals, nourishment, sustenance, nutriment, subsistence, fare, bread, daily bread
Edible as a Noun
Definitions of "Edible" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “edible” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Items of food.
- Any substance that can be used as food.

Synonyms of "Edible" as a noun (12 Words)
bread | The bread or wafer used in the Eucharist. A bread roll. |
comestible | Any substance that can be used as food. A fridge groaning with comestibles. |
daily bread | A newspaper that is published every day. |
eatable | Any substance that can be used as food. Parcels of eatables and gifts. |
fare | The sum charged for riding in a public conveyance. Those expecting conventional Hollywood fare will be disappointed. |
nourishment | A source of materials to nourish the body. Tubers from which plants obtain nourishment. |
nutriment | A source of materials to nourish the body. He took the Bible for spiritual nutriment. |
pabulum | Any substance that can be used as food. |
subsistence | The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself, especially at a minimal level. Rights of occupation normally only continue during the subsistence of the marriage. |
sustenance | The maintaining of someone or something in life or existence. They were in want of sustenance. |
victual | Any substance that can be used as food. Turkey and other savoury victuals were served. |
victuals | A stock or supply of foods. |

Usage Examples of "Edible" as a noun
- The farm grows a variety of tropical plants yielding an amazing assortment of fruits and other edibles.

Edible as an Adjective
Definitions of "Edible" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “edible” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Suitable for use as food.
- Fit or suitable to be eaten.

Synonyms of "Edible" as an adjective (11 Words)
comestible | Suitable for use as food. Sugar coffee and sundry other comestible requisites. |
consumable | May be used up. You will have to pay for consumable materials such as butane gas canisters. |
digestible | (of food) able to be digested. Her books convey philosophical issues in a lucid and digestible form. |
eatable | Suitable for use as food. Eatable fruits. |
fit for human consumption | Physically and mentally sound or healthy. |
fit to be eaten | On the point of or strongly disposed. |
fit to eat | Physically and mentally sound or healthy. |
good to eat | Capable of pleasing. |
palatable | Acceptable to the taste or mind. A very palatable local red wine. |
safe to eat | Having reached a base without being put out. |
wholesome | Sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind. Wholesome appearance. |

Usage Examples of "Edible" as an adjective
- The shrub has small edible berries.
- Nasturtium seeds are edible.
- The dinner was barely edible.

Associations of "Edible" (30 Words)
acidulous | (of a person’s remarks or tone) bitter; cutting. |
appetizing | Appealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in appearance or aroma. The appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon. |
bland | Lacking taste or flavor or tang. A bland diet. |
comestible | An item of food. A fridge groaning with comestibles. |
commissariat | A government department of the USSR before 1946. |
delectable | (of food or drink) delicious. The delectable Ms Davis. |
delicatessen | Ready-to-eat food products. |
delicious | Delightful. A delicious joke. |
eatable | Any substance that can be used as food. Parcels of eatables and gifts. |
epicure | A person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink. They see themselves as epicures delighting in food that is properly prepared. |
flavor | Lend flavor to. |
flavorful | Full of flavor. |
flavour | A substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink a flavouring. The yoghurt comes in eight fruit flavours. |
gastronome | A gourmet. Gastronomes will be fascinated by this guide to French cooking. |
gastronomy | The art and practice of choosing and preparing and eating good food. Traditional American gastronomy. |
gustatory | Of or relating to gustation. Gustatory delights. |
insipid | Lacking flavour; weak or tasteless. Mugs of insipid coffee. |
luscious | Very sexually attractive. A luscious and fragrant dessert wine. |
mouthful | The quantity that can be held in the mouth. He took a mouthful of beer. |
palatable | (of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory. A device that made increased taxation more palatable. |
provender | Animal fodder. There s no one to carry your provender in brown paper bags to the boot of your car. |
savor | Taste appreciatively. Savor the soup. |
savory | Pleasing to the sense of taste. A past that was scarcely savory. |
savour | The taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth. The subtle savour of wood smoke. |
sweet | A sweet dish forming a course of a meal a pudding or dessert. Talking sweet to each other. |
taste | A kind of sensing distinguishing substances by means of the taste buds. He found the aggressive competitiveness of the profession was not to his taste. |
tasty | (of food) having a pleasant, distinct flavour. Some tasty piano licks. |
vapid | Lacking taste or flavor or tang. Vapid tea. |
victual | Take in nourishment. Victual with me next Saturday. |
victuals | Any substance that can be used as food. |