CONTRADICTING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONTRADICTING?

Need another word that means the same as “contradicting”? Find 30 related words for “contradicting” in this overview.

Associations of "Contradicting" (30 Words)

abnegationRenunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others.
Abnegation of the Holy Trinity.
belieRepresent falsely.
The quality of the music seems to belie the criticism.
conflictingIn disagreement- John Morley.
Conflicting opinions.
contraveneOffend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct.
The Privy Council held that the prosecution contravened the rights of the individual.
contraventionComing into conflict with.
There were repeated raids by one side upon the other in contravention of treaty terms.
controvertBe resistant to.
The views in the article have been controverted.
denyDeny formally an allegation of fact by the opposing party in a legal suit.
Both firms deny any responsibility for the tragedy.
disavowRefuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with.
Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children.
disavowalDenial of any connection with or knowledge of.
His disavowal of his previous writings.
disclaimMake a disclaimer about.
The school disclaimed any responsibility for his death.
disownRefuse to acknowledge or maintain any connection with.
Lovell s rich family had disowned him because of his marriage.
disputeTake exception to.
The estate disputes that it is responsible for the embankment.
impugnDispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question.
The father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother.
inadmissibleNot to be allowed or tolerated.
Inadmissible evidence.
misrepresentGive a false or misleading account of the nature of.
This statement misrepresents my intentions.
negateMake ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of.
This action will negate the effect of my efforts.
neutralizeMake (something) ineffective by applying an opposite force or effect.
The double agent was neutralized.
noQuantifier used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of.
Did it with no help.
nullifyShow to be invalid.
Insulin can block the release of the hormone and thereby nullify the effects of training.
objectionThe act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent.
They have raised no objections to the latest plans.
opposeActively resist (a person or system.
A workers movement opposed the regime.
rebutClaim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false.
He had to rebut charges of acting for the convenience of his political friends.
rebuttal(law) a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff’s surrejoinder.
refutationThe action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false.
His refutation of the charges was short and persuasive.
refuteDeny or contradict (a statement or accusation.
These claims have not been convincingly refuted.
rejectReject with contempt.
The journal rejected the student s paper.
renounceLeave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily.
They renounced the armed struggle.
repudiateCast off.
She has repudiated policies associated with previous party leaders.
rescindRevoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement.
The government eventually rescinded the directive.
resistResist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ.
The trees resisted her.

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