Need another word that means the same as “correlated”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “correlated” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Correlated” are: correlate, correlative
Correlated as an Adjective
Definitions of "Correlated" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “correlated” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Mutually related.

Synonyms of "Correlated" as an adjective (2 Words)
correlate | Mutually related. |
correlative | Mutually related. Correlative conjunctions. |

Associations of "Correlated" (30 Words)
according | As stated by or in. Salary will be fixed according to experience. |
affect | Make believe with the intent to deceive. He was visibly affected by the tragedy. |
affiliated | Being joined in close association. Affiliated union members. |
appertain | Be appropriate or applicable. The institutional arrangements which appertain under the system. |
attached | Married or having an established romantic or sexual partner; not single. Please complete the attached form. |
connected | Wired together to an alarm system. All the window alarms are connected. |
connection | An instrumentality that connects. The plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta. |
correlate | Bring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation. The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class. |
correlative | Either of two or more related or complementary variables. The child s right to education is a correlative of the parent s duty to send the child to school. |
corresponding | Conforming in every respect. All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. |
embedded | (of a microprocessor) designed and built as an integral part of a system or device. The embedded sentence has no overt introducer. |
entangle | Entrap. They were suspicious of becoming entangled in a civil war. |
guesswork | An estimate based on little or no information. Answering this question will involve you in a certain amount of guesswork. |
implicated | Culpably involved. An innocent person implicated by circumstances in a crime. |
included | Enclosed in the same envelope or package. The included check. |
indirectly | Not in a forthright manner. The losses indirectly affect us all. |
inextricable | Impossible to escape from. Inextricable unity. |
interconnect | Cause to be interconnected or interwoven. The bones are interconnected via the muscle. |
interlinear | Written or printed between the lines of a text. A Greek English interlinear New Testament. |
involve | Make complex or intricate or complicated. Angela told me she was involved with someone else. |
involved | Emotionally involved. The involved muscles. |
link | Link with or as with a yoke. It turns out he reads my blogs and was very pleased I d linked to his article. |
linked | Connected by a link, as railway cars or trailer trucks. |
pertain | Be in effect or existence in a specified place or at a specified time. Matters pertaining to the organization of government. |
positively | With certainty; so as to leave no room for doubt. It was positively monumental. |
referent | Something referred to; the object of a reference. The Morning Star and the Evening Star have the same referent the planet Venus. |
relate | Give an account of; narrate. I cannot relate these events at all. |
related | Being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics. Sleeping sickness and related diseases. |
relation | The way in which two or more people or groups feel about and behave towards each other. The meetings helped cement Anglo American relations. |
relatively | In relation, comparison, or proportion to something else. The situation is relatively calm now. |