Need another word that means the same as “involved”? Find 10 synonyms and 30 related words for “involved” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Involved” are: byzantine, convoluted, knotty, tangled, tortuous, mired, complicated, intricate, complex, elaborate
Involved as an Adjective
Definitions of "Involved" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “involved” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Enveloped.
- Entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire.
- Emotionally involved.
- Connected by participation or association or use.
- Difficult to understand; complicated.
- Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious.

Synonyms of "Involved" as an adjective (10 Words)
byzantine | Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious. |
complex | Consisting of many different and connected parts. A complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody. |
complicated | Involving many different and confusing aspects. A complicated stereo system. |
convoluted | Intricately folded, twisted, or coiled. The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens. |
elaborate | (of an action) lengthy and exaggerated. The carefully elaborated theme. |
intricate | Very complicated or detailed. Intricate lacework. |
knotty | Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious. A knotty legal problem. |
mired | Entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire. Brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion. |
tangled | Twisted together untidily; matted. The tangled ropes. |
tortuous | Marked by repeated turns and bends. A tortuous argument. |

Usage Examples of "Involved" as an adjective
- Everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified.
- The problems involved.
- I don't want to get involved.
- A long, involved conversation.
- A castle involved in mist.
- The plot was too involved.
- The difficulties in which the question is involved.
- The involved muscles.
- We accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved.

Associations of "Involved" (30 Words)
affect | Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon. Will the new rules affect me. |
allegedly | Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof. Allegedly obscene material. |
attached | Married or having an established romantic or sexual partner; not single. A ground floor bedroom with a toilet attached. |
bribe | A sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone. They had bribed an official to sell them a certificate. |
committed | Pledged or bound to a certain course or policy; dedicated. Committed church members. |
connection | A link between two phones. We had to wait for our connection to Frankfurt. |
conspire | Make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act. They conspired to overthrow the government. |
contain | Be capable of holding or containing. Since F contains the factor Q it disappears from both sides of the equation. |
correlate | To bear a reciprocal or mutual relation. The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class. |
correlated | Mutually related. |
embedded | Enclosed firmly in a surrounding mass. Confused by the embedded Latin quotations. |
enclosed | (of a religious order or other community) secluded from the outside world. A Mother Superior in an enclosed order. |
encompass | Include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory. This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds. |
entail | The act of entailing property the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple. I cannot get rid of the disgrace which you have entailed upon us. |
entangle | Involve (someone) in difficulties or complicated circumstances from which it is difficult to escape. The child entangled the cord. |
guesswork | An estimate based on little or no information. Answering this question will involve you in a certain amount of guesswork. |
implicate | Bear some of the responsibility for (an action or process, especially a criminal or harmful one. Viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers. |
implicated | Culpably involved. An innocent person implicated by circumstances in a crime. |
include | Have as a part, be made up out of. Other changes included the abolition of the death penalty. |
included | Enclosed in the same envelope or package. Service tax included. |
incorporate | Take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include. He has incorporated in his proposals a number of measures. |
indirectly | Without having had direct experience; at second hand. Both writers refer if only indirectly to a wealth of other art. |
involve | Contain as a part. Her husband had been very involved in his work. |
linked | Connected by a link, as railway cars or trailer trucks. |
pertain | Be a part or attribute of. My remark pertained to your earlier comments. |
positively | So as to be positive; in a positive manner. This is positively the last word on the matter. |
referent | Something referred to; the object of a reference. Judgments referent to the indictment. |
relate | Be causally connected. High unemployment is related to high crime rates. |
related | Connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage. School related activities. |
subjectivity | The quality of existing in someone’s mind rather than the external world. In the writing of history there is a degree of subjectivity. |