CRINKLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CRINKLE?

Need another word that means the same as “crinkle”? Find 27 synonyms for “crinkle” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Crinkle” are: crease, crumple, rumple, wrinkle, crisp, ruckle, scrunch, scrunch up, pucker, furrow, line, corrugate, crimp, ruck up, seam, fold, gather, ridge, corrugation, groove

Crinkle as a Noun

Definitions of "Crinkle" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “crinkle” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A slight depression or fold in the smoothness of a surface.
  • A wrinkle or crease on the surface of something.
  • A slight depression in the smoothness of a surface.

Synonyms of "Crinkle" as a noun (13 Words)

corrugationThe act of shaping into parallel ridges and grooves.
creaseAny of a number of lines marked on the pitch at specified places.
A crease in his trousers.
crumpleA crushed fold, crease, or wrinkle.
foldA piece of paper or cloth that has been folded.
A fold of paper slipped out of the diary.
furrowA slight depression or fold in the smoothness of a surface.
There were deep furrows in his brow.
gatherA part of a garment that is gathered.
grooveA long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process such as erosion or by a tool as e g a groove in a phonograph record.
His thoughts were slipping into a familiar groove.
lineSpace for one line of print one column wide and 1 14 inch deep used to measure advertising.
Each stanza has eight lines.
puckerA tightly gathered wrinkle or small fold.
A pucker between his eyebrows.
ridgeA raised strip of arable land, especially (in medieval fields) one of a set separated by furrows.
A high pressure ridge helping to steer cyclones further south.
rumpleAn untidy state.
She left her clothes in a rumple on the floor.
seamA trace or presence of something.
The buried forests became seams of coal.
wrinkleA slight depression or fold in the smoothness of a surface.
Ironing gets rid of most wrinkles.

Usage Examples of "Crinkle" as a noun

  • There was a crinkle of suspicion on her forehead.

Crinkle as a Verb

Definitions of "Crinkle" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “crinkle” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased.
  • Make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in.
  • Form into small surface creases or wrinkles.
  • Make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in; `crisp' is archaic.

Synonyms of "Crinkle" as a verb (14 Words)

corrugateFold into ridges.
Micky s brow corrugated in a simian frown.
creaseMake wrinkled or creased.
Jo could imitate anybody and always made him crease up.
crimpCurl tightly.
Crimp hair.
crispOf food develop a crisp surface in an oven or under a grill.
There is a cooling breeze which crisps the broad clear river.
crumpleBecome wrinkled or crumpled or creased.
The child s face crumpled and he began to howl.
furrowHollow out in the form of a furrow or groove.
Furrow one s brow.
lineMark with lines.
Line a chimney.
puckerDraw together into folds or puckers.
She puckered her lips.
ruck upRaise.
ruckleMake wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in; `crisp’ is archaic.
In the hall the rugs were ruckled up as if someone had been in a hurry to get out.
rumpleBecome wrinkled or crumpled or creased.
Careful you ll rumple my outfit.
scrunchMake a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants.
Their faces scrunch up with concentration.
scrunch upRaise.
wrinkleGather or contract into wrinkles or folds pucker.
He sniffed and wrinkled his nose.

Usage Examples of "Crinkle" as a verb

  • He smiled boyishly, crinkling his eyes.
  • Rose's face crinkled in bewilderment.

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